(and stuff)

Hey check it out! New additions of even more peculiar sites. Yes, there ARE sites that are more strange than ours! Ok, Ok, enough of this nonsense. Below I have included a few cool places to visit. As you soon may find, EVERYONE who is ANYONE has a web page. Now let us get on with the festivities.

- Big Brother Inside. Help Protect Your Privacy

IcqPlus© - A Utility that makes ICQ 'Skinable' like winamp.

LiteStep - A Shell Replacement Program That Requires Less Memory Than Explorer.exe And Is VERY Customizable

- Everyone Loves Cult of the Dead Cow

- A pimple on the ass of humanity!

- The Church of the Gerbil

The Lunatic is in your Head - MRML - Mind Reading Markup Language

Just In Time For the Holidays - Step Right Up and Get Your Authentic *DEAD* Furby Doll.

No, Not Vodka - See, Even Lenin has a Website!

SuperPants.Com - This Site Kicks Total Ass (WARNING: Content Not Suitable For Lamers)

- The most awesome web-based game we've ever seen.

- Watch On-Line Indie TV shows with RealPlayer G2.

MIRCX - Best Place to get scripts and Addons

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