Baseball Catchers Enigma Machine SampleDecipher the Sample Code TXIVWLBTo decipher the name of the Sample Code of
TXIVWLB you must first correctly answer a series of trivia questions
[answers provided] which will provide
you with the correct settings on the ENIGMA machine below.
PART II - RING SETTINGS PART III - STECKER PAIRS (3 of them) PART IV - INDICATOR SETTINGS Now that you have obtained all of the correct numbers and letters (machine settings), it is time for you to enter them into the ENIGMA MACHINE setup (by clicking on the SETTINGS tab below the machine keyboard). After you have entered each group of settings, Click On the SET button. When you enter the Stecker Pairs and click on set the machine will automatically put them in alphabetical order. This is a simulation of a WWII German Enigma encryption machine. You will use your mouse to click on the machine's keys (lower keyboard) to enter the Code Name TXIVWLB one keystroke at a time (your entered CipherText [TXIVWLB] will be shown in the input box to the right). If you have correctly answered the above trivia questions (i.e. entered the correct machine settings), the Enigma Machine will generate the PlainText name of the Sample Code [CATCHER] in the output area.
Enigma Machine Applet code Copyright (c) 1997-2001, Andy Carlson. All rights reserved.