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Getting Even With Dad (1994)

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Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

Rated: PG
Starring: Ted Danson, Macaulay Culkin, et al.
Director: Howard Deutch

Edition Details:
• NTSC format (for use in US and Canada only)
• Color, Closed-captioned, Dolby, HiFi Sound, Surround Sound, Digital Sound, NTSC
• Number of tapes: 1
• ASIN: 6303421016

From Leonard Maltin's Movie & Video Guide    Order this Item
Ex-con cake decorator steals a rare coin collection with his two doofus pals, just as his 11-year-old son shows up for an extended visit. Touchy-feely comedy didn't touch many paying customers, despite Culkin's modified HOME ALONE-ing of comical villains Rubinek and Sartain; Danson's unlikely romance with policewoman Headly is as drab as the rest.
Copyright© Leonard Maltin, 1998, used by arrangement with Signet, a division of Penguin Putnam, Inc.

Synopsis   Order this Item
Ray is part of a trio that has successfully pulled off a big heist. Suddenly, unexpectedly, his long-lost son Timmy shows up and promptly takes, then hides, the loot. In exchange for the cash, Ray must spend "quality time" with his son, and get to know him.

Video Description    Order this Item
A career criminal is blackmailed by his precocious son into going straight and spending some quality time with him.

Review     Order this Item
Macaulay Culkin and Ted Danson star in the comedy "Getting Even With Dad," a contrived endeavor that feels like a movie deal without a movie. A son tries to blackmail his criminal dad into going straight, but as father and son Danson and Culkin have only one thing in common: Culkin is getting too old to play cute and Danson is getting too old to play dumb.

Video Annotation   Order this Item
Released in USA June 17, 1994. Dolby Recording. DeLuxe Color. Copyright 1994 Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.

Check out the Getting Even with Dad Movie Snapshot!

Availability as of January 1999 - Please check details before ordering.


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