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Dad (1989)
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Availability: Usually ships within 24 hours.

Rated: PG
Starring: Jack Lemmon, Ted Danson, et al.
Director: Gary David Goldberg

Edition Details:
• NTSC format (for use in US and Canada only)
• Color, Closed-captioned, HiFi Sound, Dolby, Surround Sound, Digital Sound, NTSC
• Number of tapes: 1
• ASIN: 6301650794

From Leonard Maltin's Movie & Video Guide  Order this Item
Busy, distracted executive learns his father may be dying and rushes home; he winds up becoming his dad's caretaker and companion, and they grow closer than they've ever been. Genuinely affecting tearjerker turns sappy and ``cute'' at the midway point, almost negating Lemmon's fine performance. Why couldn't they have quit while they were ahead? Feature directing debut for TV sitcom producer Goldberg.
Copyright© Leonard Maltin, 1998, used by arrangement with Signet, a division of Penguin Putnam, Inc.

Synopsis    Order this Item
A son moves in with his aging parents in the hopes of making their final days easier. The care he gives them, and his rekindling of that relationship, helps intensify the one he has with his own son. The film follows the elderly man through sickness and recovery, commenting on the transition of care-giving responsibilities from parent to child.

Video Description    Order this Item
Not having seen his father Jake for over two years, John is shocked to discover how Jake has deteriorated under the overprotective eye of his mother. With careful nurturing, John is able to revitalize his father and their relationship. Academy Award Nominations: Best Makeup.

Video Annotation      Order this Item
Feature film directorial debut for Gary David Goldberg, who is better known as a producer and creator for TV programs such as "Family Ties" and "Brooklyn Bridge."

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Availability of Items as of January 1999 - please check details before ordering.


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