DansonHilltop.gif (81815 bytes)When Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen first laid eyes on their home-to-be on wild and windswept Martha's Vineyard, they knew they'd found at last their own private paradise.

But it was a fixer-upper Garden of Eden -- the grounds were populated only by a few scragly shrubs and weather-battered trees.

But they met the challenge of sandy soil and forbidding North Atlantic gales to create a cheery floral lovenest on the Massachusetts resort mecca.

Mary, 46, made her dreams of romance come true with a lush cutting garden overflowing with colorful lavender, echinacea, malva and fairy roses.

Becker star Ted, 51, planted his favorite flowers - violets, geraniums and more roses.  Black-eyed Susans, peonies, clematis and hydrageas complete the rich palette.

Mary and Ted, who exchanged their marriage vows on the front lawn of their new home in 1995, also added a picturesque stone wall, her wedding gift to him.

"This home is very much part of our love for each other," says Ted.  "It's our special quiet spot."

Want to see pictures of their paradise?  Flower Bed ] Ted and Mary's Paradise ] Slow Loading -- Ted's Picture Perfect Garden ] Teds Garden ] Mary on the Deck in Eden ]

This Article, and its accompanying Pictures, from CZ Guest's Gardens Magazine
has been reposted here for your convenience.


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