Topic: Archives
I am now working on the big LVVA, fond 7349, op. 1, vol. 292. It seems to contain about 200 letters and documents, mostly of Livonian origin. Exceptions are a couple of Russian letters (one translated into German), a letter from Admiral Ankarstierna dated 1 June 1705 and a couple of letters from County Governor Stromberg in Gävle. The volume also contains the minutes of various interrogations held with Russian prisoners and a short account by an officer who served in Narva during the siege of 1704.
Contrary to what I suggested in my previous entry it would appear that vol. 291, 292 and EAA.278.1.XX-18 do not cover the old Bienemann volume XX-18 and its 822 items. It would seem possible that they may contain as much as 500 items, but certainly not 822. So where is the rest? I have an idea, but I'll have to return to that particular subject in another entry.