Topic: Livonia
As my previous blog post resulted in a small discussion about the artillery at Dorpat it is perhaps logical to give some small details about the situation there.
First, in regard to old guns. There exists a list of guns which was made in January 1700. At that time there were 105 guns of various calibers. Some old ones:
Lithuanian 3-pounder dated 1563.
Two Polish 3-pounders dated 1554.
One 1 1/2-pounder with the name and arms of Johann von der Recke, dated 1549.
One falconet with the arms of Dorpat, dated 1530.
One falconet with the arms of Dorpat, dated 1533.
One falconet of "dhe herrmästerska" (Livonian Order), dated 1544.
Six falconets with the arms of Dorpat but no date.
This list is followed by another one (unfortunately undated), which gives details about how the artillery was positioned:
Bastion Gustafwus Adolphus: Four 24-pounders and six 18-pounders on the two upper flanks, seven 12-punders on the two lower flanks.
Bastion Carolus Gustafwus: Four 24-pounders and seven 18-pounders on the two upper flanks, three 12-pounders on one of the middle flanks and five 12-pounders on the two lower flanks.
Bastion Carolus Undecimus: Six 24-pounders and seven 18-pounders on the two upper flanks, five 12-pounders on the middle flank and five 12-pounders on the two lower flanks.
Bastion Carolus Nonus: Four 24-pounders and three 18-pounders on the two upper flanks, three 12-pounders on the middle flank and seven 12-pounders on the two lower flanks.
Gustafwus Primus: Four 24-pounders and five 18-pounders on the two upper flanks, four 12-pounders on the middle flank and seven 12-pounders on the two lower flanks.
On the five ravelins which are placed beyond and between the bastions: Six 12-pounders on each.
Bastion Hedvig Eleonora: Four 24-pounders and five 18-pounders on the two upper flanks, eight 12-pounders on the two lower flanks.
On the ravelin between Hedvig Eleonora and Christina Regina: Six 12-pounders.
Bastion Ulrika Eleonora: Four 24-pounders and five 18-pounders on the two upper flanks, nine 12-pounders on the two lower flanks.
On the ravelin between Ulrika Eleonora and Christina Regina: Twelve 12-pounders.
Bastion Christina Regina: Six 24-pounders and six 18-pounders on the cavalier, six 12-pounders on the lower flank and the faces.
On the towers of the city wall: Sixteen 3-pounders.
In total: 213 guns
Mortars: Two 150-pounders, four 100-pounders, four 80-pounders and six 60-pounders.
Source: Krigsarkivet, Krigskollegium, Artilleridepartementet, G III b, Dorpat & Dünamünde 1642-1703