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The Great Northern War
Sunday, 31 July 2016
December 1700
Topic: Battles

Anders Lindehielm sent his next letter to Stockhpolm on 4 December. He reported that no more news had arrived from Narva, but travellers coming from Nyen claimed that Charles XII had pursued the Russians and on 23 November inflcted a heavy defeat on them near Jamo. According to rumours there had been 6,000 Saxons at Narva. They had fought very hard, but most of them were killed. 

According to another rumour the Czar had held a large council of war before invading Ingria. During this meeting his Russian advisors had suggested an attack on Nyen and Nöteborg, but his German officers had voted against. According to them Narva would not be able to hold out very long. Nyen and Nöteborg would then fall more or less automatically, while Narva could serve as protection against the Swedish army. The Czar had been persuaded to choose the latter option, thereby saving Nyen and perhaps even Finland as it gave the Swedish side time to mobilize more forces. According to Lindehielm this fortunate escape clearly demonstrated the need for strengthening Nyen and Viborg. Lindehielm also suggested that the victory at Narva should be followed up by an invasion of Russia and the creation of a buffer against future attacks. The peasants in Viborg county held the same opinion, saying that they would never feel safe within the present borders.

Lindehielm closed by reporting that more troops were passing Viborg on their way to Nyen.

On the 7th Lindehielm wrote a new letter, enclosing an account of the Narva battle which he had received two days before from a man who came from Narva. He could also report a Russian attack near Salmis, where a Swedish officers had been captured and five guard houses been burnt. The garrison commander at Keksholm had requested reinforcements and Lindehielm had forwarded the request to Govenor Vellingk. 27 men of the Life dragoons had arrived at Viborg after having been shipwrecked.

The account of the Narva battle contained the following: the Swedish army had broken camp early on the 20th. At about noon it had reached the field where the Russian camp was. The King had been in overall command, with Rehnskiöld on one flank and Vellingk on the other. The assault began at 2 pm and lasted until after 5. It had been very successful, forcing the Russians back. Some had tried to flee across a bridge, but many of them had drowned. The Czar's most prominent generals, such as the "Prince of Siberia, Knees Dolgoruka and Knees Golowin" had eventually surrendered. General Weide had asked Vellingk for terms and the King had replied that the Russians would be free to go after laying down their arms and promising not to burn or plunder anymore. The Swedes had captured 130 guns and 30 mortars, provisions, ammunition and 150 colours. 

It had been said that the Czar had left 300000 thalers in the Russian camp, but the generals had only handed over 64000. The King had because of this arrested them. Sheremetev had fled before the attack. The victory was enormous, almost impossible to describe. The Swedes had lost 2,000 men, among them Major General Ribbing and Colonel Hans Henrik Rehbinder.

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77. 

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 9:48 PM MEST
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Sunday, 24 July 2016
After Narva
Topic: Battles

Lindehielm sent his next report from Viborg on 27 November. No more details had arrived frpm Narva, but the previous report had been confirmed. The Russians were defeated and the road to Narva from the west open. They had also abandoned Koporie and the Czar had gone back to Russia. The road between Viborg and Narva was still unsafe. More soldiers were arriving from Finland and continuing to Nyen.

Lindehielm sent his next letter on the 30th. Finally more details were available. Colonel Aminoff had on the 25th gone from Reval to Porkala and sent a letter which arrived in Viborg on the 29th. Just as Lindehielm was writing more news arrived by way of Nyen. 

First the report from Reval: On the 24th one of General Vellingk's servants had arrived with a letter from Carl Gustaf Wrangel to Vellingk's wife. According to this report the King had on the 17th defeated 12,000 Russians at Pyhäjoggi and then continued towards Narva. When the Swedish army approached the Russian camp 10,000 Russians advanced against it, but these were immediately repulsed and the Swedes had followed up with an assault on the Russian camp. The battle continued until evening, when the Russians were forced to retreat towards their bridges. Some of them had drowned. Vellingk had Rehnskiöld had pursued, but had been forced to abandon this enterprise when night fell. Many houses in Narva had been destroyed by the Russian bombardment.

The second report came from the camp at Duderhof: Two officer's servants from Rehbinder's regiment had arrived from Narva. They said that the battle had continued until midnight. The King had attacked the Russian camp. The Russians had initially defended well, but had eventually been forced to yield. The King had let 1,800 prisoners go, but these had later been attacked by peasants and mostly been killed. Appoloff had recaptured churchbells at Koporie and he was going to give them back to the church at Duder. Armfeldt, his aide-de-camp, would be sent to the King in order to request permission for Appoloff to come to Narva. The Russian artillery at Narva had been captured - 150 guns and various mortars as well as a lot of ammunition. Judge Rosenmüller's corpse would be transported from Koporie to Nyen. 

Just as Appoloff was finishing his letter a few horsemen arrived from Narva. According to them 10,000 Russians had been killed in the battle and many more had drowned. 6,000 had surrendered. Major General Maydell and two colonels Rehbinder had been killed on the Swedish side, along with 3,000 soldiers.

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77. 


Posted by bengt_nilsson at 9:12 PM MEST
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Sunday, 17 July 2016
Topic: Battles

Lindehielm sent his next report on the 13th. A lieutenant by the name of Knorring had arrived from Nyen, stating that the enemy had retreated beyond Duderhof. Colonel Appoloff intended to march towards Koporie with a few hundred men in order to collect information and see if it would be possible to attack the Russians, who appeared to fear something as they had withdrawn. Appoloff had requested that Lindehielm move towards Nyen with a force in order to be at hand if needed. Lindehielm had as result ordered those units and soldiers who were arriving at Viborg to move on. 

Next report was sent on the 16th. No more news had arrived from Narva, but reports from Nyen did not suggest any cause for concern. The feeling was that the arrival of the King and his force had made the Russians more careful. Appoloff was advancing towards Koporie.

On 20 November Lindehielm sent his next letter to Stockholm. Appoloff had crossed the Neva on the 15th and 16th. No more firing had been heard for 12 days, but last Sunday (the 18th) heavy gunfire had again been heard from the direction of Narva. According to a rumour from Keksholm the Russians had killed a leaseholder and his entire entourage, but the information was unreliable. It was claimed that the peasants at Sordavala had offered to march into Russia on a revenge mission if they were given muskets, powder and a good leader.

Letters from Nyen arrived just as Lindehielm wrote. They  said that peasants had captured a Russian who was carrying a lot of letters back to Russia. According to him there had only been one assault (on Ivangorod), which had resulted in heavy losses. 200 Russians had attacked Loppis and plundered two estates. There was no way of stopping them due to the shortage of soldiers.

On the 22nd Lindehielm wrote again. 106 infantry had arrived the previous evening, but their clothes were very poor so it was hardly påossible to let them continue to Nyen. 333 cavalry, which had not been able to get to Reval, were continuing to Nyen. The clergy was supposed to produce 30 dragoons, but there had been much delay despite the fact that the clergy should set a good example. Letters from Nyen stated that Appoloff was advancing towards Koporie and had yet to encounter any regular forces. 

Next letter was sent on the 25th. In this Lindehielm reported that a courier from Appoloff had arrived with a very pleasing report. At Duderhoff the Colonel had captured a peasant and a Russian soldier. These had said that the Czar had marched towards the King's army and there had been a heavy battle some 20 km west of Narva.  The Swedish had attacked so fiercely that the Russians had been thoroughly defeated, Narva relieved and many thousand of the enemy drowned when fleeing across a bridge. The Czar was supposedly at Jama. Koporie had been abandoned, leaving plenty of supplies and ammunition. A strong Swedish cavalry force was according to rumour already east of Narva. The King was safe. 

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77. 

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 9:04 PM MEST
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Sunday, 10 July 2016
On the eve of Narva
Topic: Battles

Lindehielm sent his next report on 5 November 1700. In the morning following his previous letter on the 2th heavy firing had been from the direction of Narva. It had lasted several hours and been so intense that the earth trembled in Viborg. The feeling was that it must have come either from a battle or from an assault. No more firing had been heard thereafter apart from five shots in the evening and some more during the night. No news had arrived, so everyone was anxiously waiting for an explanation. Hopefully it meant that the Swedish army had arrived and forced the Russians to withdraw.

The "dubblering" from Nyland was ready to march and was expected at Viborg within two weeks. County Governor Cronhiort had received the King's orders to take charge of the forces in Ingria.  

Lindehielm's next report was sent on 9 November. No more heavy firing had been heard from the direction of Narva, only a few occasional shots now and then. Nothing had been heard from Nyen about the enemy's actions and no enemy activity had been reported from Nyslott or Keksholm. This hopefully meant that the enemy had not been able to achieve anything of consequence before the arrival of the King's army and had been forced to withdraw. 

The Swedish forces at Nyen were getting stronger and two companies from Nyland were expected at Viborg any day. Soldiers from Savolax and Viborg were also gathering, so if properly handled the Swedish forces would soon be able to go on the offensive. The Russians were however keeping a strong guard everywhere and were being assisted by the Russian peasants in Ingria. This made it very difficult get information about the enemy's real strength. 

Just as Lindehielm was about to send the letter some news arrived from Nyen. The most important piece of information was that one of Governor Vellingk's men had managed to escape from captivity. According to him there had been no assault on Narva, but there was supposedly more than 100 000 Russians outside the town. A recently arrived peasant had said that the enemy had already lost 10 000 men. Many were dead and others had deserted. The latter were complaining about the lack of supplies - nothing to eat but boiled rye. There was no hay for the horses, so they had to make do with chopped branches of willow.

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 8:49 PM MEST
Updated: Sunday, 17 July 2016 8:19 PM MEST
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Sunday, 26 June 2016
November 1700
Topic: Battles

Lindehielm sent his next letter on 30 October. In it he noted that his plan to keep "tripleringen till häst" in Viborg instead of sending it by sea to Reval. The situation was getting worse: storms and cold weather had made any attempt to send more troops by sea very perilous. Lindehielm had consequently decided to unload the ships and sent the cavalry to Nyen instead. County Governor Cronhjort in Nyland had assured Lindehielm that he would send more cavalry to Reval, thereby filling the quota set by the King. Lindehielm asked the councillors in Stockholm to inform Charles XII of his actions and explain the reasoning behind them.

The latest news from Nyen was that the Russian raiding party had withdrawn. It had only consisted of 300 men. The only news from Narva was that heavy firing had been heard from that direction.

On 2 November Lindehielm wrote again. The news from Nyen were that the Russians had withdrawn beyond Duderhoff and that the Swedish forces were planning to move in that direction in order to create a supply depot for the forces that were gathering. At this point more than 1 200 men had gone from Viborg to Nyen. No firing had been heard from Narva since the 28th. What did this mean? Had the Russians been repulsed? Had the relieving army arrived?

Just as Lindehielm was finishing his letter news dated 1 November arrived from Nyen. According to them the Russians had a couple of days earlier made an assault on Narva, but been repulsed with heavy losses. 

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77.

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 8:23 PM MEST
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Sunday, 19 June 2016
Russian ships
Topic: Battles

On 23 October 1700 Anders Lindehielm sent his next report to Stockholm. He began by acknowledging the arrival of instructions from Stockholm, dated 10 October, to seize Russian property and Russian citizens within the County of Viborg and Nyslott. No Russian ships had yet been seized within Lindehielm's jurisdiction, but two lodias had been forwarded from Nyen. 23 Russians had been arrested and put in chains, among them four merchants who had come to the market at Willmanstrand with gloves, hats, boots, honey and all sorts of other merchandize.

The two Russian ships were also carefully studied and inventories made. On one of them was found a broken table made of stone, five Russian books (the imprisoned Russians were given one for reading), two compasses, two Russian "afguda beläten" (icons), a Russian calender, two small crosses, some grain and flour and various other items and equipment.

Next report was sent on the 26th. The weather had become colder, with temperatures below zero. Colonel Lode had left by ship on the 20th, but it was unclear how far he had been able to travel as major Pistolkors (who had left the following day) was forced to turn back because of ice. Recently a violent storm had broken up the ice, but the ships had still not been able to leave due to adverse winds. Lindehielm doubted that further transports by sea would be possible as the days became shorter and the weather colder. A possible solution was to keep the remaining soldiers at Viborg for the time being and have County Governor Cronhjort send the same number of troops from Helsinki, a port likely still open. The units gathered at Viborg could then march to Ingria instead.

Lindehielm also enclosed a lengthy letter from Nyen, dated 22 October. It stated that a small force of Russians had appeared on the other side of the Neva two days earlier. A few cannon shots from the fortress had driven them off. Appoloff did not believe that the town was in any danger for the time being, but if the Neva froze the situation would change. The shortage of soldiers, particularly cavalry and dragoons, remained a problem and Appoloff was concerned for Ingria. There was also a lack of horseshoes at Nyen and no blacksmith - could Lindehielm help?

There had been heard heavy firing from the direction of Narva the previous day. If something bad happened there, the possibility of holding Nyen was small and there would be no other option than having the defenders falling back to Finland, Appoloff concluded.

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77.

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 6:04 PM MEST
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Sunday, 12 June 2016
There will be no entry today. Back next Sunday!

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 12:01 AM MEST
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Sunday, 5 June 2016
Arrival of Colonel Lode and a skirmish at Koporie
Topic: Battles

On 12 October 1700 Lindehielm wrote a new report to Stockholm (one written some days earlier may be missing). Colonel Lode (apparently Jürgen Johan Lode of Tavastehus, Viborgs och Savolax tremänningsregemente till fot) had finally arrived and Lindehielm had handed over 495 men, with an additional 100 (or slightly more) to be ready very soon. Ships and provisions were almost ready and the soldiers would then be sent to Reval unless new orders arrived. Since Lode had been delayed quite a long time Lindehielm had found it necessary to appoint a few officers himself, they being necessary for collecting the soldiers. Lode had at first approved of Lindehielm's choices, but then dismissed some of them, stating that he had selected some others in Reval and these were wealthier and could better afford to equip themselves. 

Lt. Colonel Ruthenhielm (Åbo, Nylands och Viborgs läns tremänningsregemente till häst) had been ordered by Colonel Carl Magnus Rehbinder to take command  of the cavalry, but he had not yet arrived at Viborg. As soon as Ruthenheilm arrived the cavalry would be ready to sail. As soon as the transports had left Lindehielm would go south and help in preventing any Russian incursions.

Lindehielm sent his next report on the 19th. He states that the old orders were still standing, i.e. one third of the cavalry and the infantry regiments were to be sent to Reval and the rest to Nyen. Colonel Lode had already embarked 600 men infantry and 218 cavalry would sail the same day under the command of Major Pistolekors. Another 125 cavalry were waiting for Lt. Col. Ruthenhielm. 

The news from Nyen were fairly comforting after the arrival of the soldiers from Viborg. Col. Appoloff had sent Cavalry Captain Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath with 250 horse on a scouting mission towards Koporie and a small skirmish had occured (on the 12th). Judge Rosenmüller, who during the entire campaign had been tirelessly working on mobilizing the peasants had been shot during an attempt to surprise the Russian garrison. Rosenmüller's fate was unclear, but he had apparently been captured by the Russians. Lindehielm had instructed Appoloff to free Rosenmüller, either by exchanging for Russian prisoners or by paying a ransom. Two ships from Lübeck had arrived (one to Nyen and one to Viborg). The crews brought news of the Swedish army's arrival to Pernau.

One of the enclosed reports from Ingria sheds further light on Carl Gustaf Armfeldt's career. Eirik Hornborg states that nothing conclusive is known about Armfeldt's actions during the autumn of 1700, but this document informs us that he took part in the attack on Koporie and killed one Russian with his pistol and the other with his sword. The latest news on Rosenmüller was that he had been badly wounded and brought into Koporie. This was, Appoloff wrote, totally unnecessary. Rosenmüller should have been saved and there had been every opportunity to do so. 

More on the skirmish at Koporie and Rosenmüller's fate can be found in an undated letter from Appoloff to de la Gardie in EAA.1.2.285, pp. 202-203.

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77.


Posted by bengt_nilsson at 6:47 PM MEST
Updated: Sunday, 5 June 2016 8:02 PM MEST
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Sunday, 29 May 2016
October 1700
Topic: Battles

On 2 October 1700 Governor Lindehielm sent a new report to Stockholm. The news from Narva was almost non-existent, but a soldier who claimed to have been in the Russian camp had said that two assaults on the town had failed. It's hard to know what to think about this, Lindeheilm added.

Lindehielm was meanwhile reinforcing the garrisons at Nyen and Nöteborg. He had previously sent 108 infantry and 175 horse and the same day another 308 men. The quality was good and they were well-equipped, but the shortage of officers was still a major problem. None of the colonels appointed by the King had yet arrived. 3 Russian ships returning from Stockholm had been apprehended at Nyen and in the Gulf of Finland. The merchandise had been sent to Reval, but all the money (a very considerable amount) would be kept in Nyen and used for purchasing food for the soldiers.

Lindehielm sent his next report three days later.  There were still no news from Narva as the Russians had sealed all the roads in that direction. A soldier had been sent from Nyen to try and find out what was happening and he claimed that the Russians had made three unsuccesful assaults (15, 17 and 19 September), losing 4,000 men. The Czar had then proclaimed to his soldiers that if they did not take Narva within three days he would kill them all. The soldier had also reported that Koporie had a garrison of 500 and many Ingrian peasants had gone over to the Russians. 7 Russian vessels returning from Stockholm had been stopped at Nyen. One of them, along with some Russians merchants and their servants, had been brought to Viborg. The Russians had on arrival been put in jail. Lindehielm had already sent 400 horse and 400 foot to Nyen and more soldiers were gathering. Appoloff at Nyen had asked for a reprisal attack across the border, which Lindehielm in principle was in favour of. However, he felt it important to first organize the defense.

Lindehielm also included the latest report from Nyen. Appoloff stated that judge Rosenmüller was out with the 150 horse sent from Viborg, attempting to bring back the peasants who were hiding in the forests and organize a defense. A captured Russian peasant had said that cavalry from Narva had surprised a large Russian supply train and brought it into the fortress. He had also said that some people returning from the Russian camp had assured him that no assault had yet been made on Narva. The Russians were just building batteries and waiting for heavier guns.

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77.

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 5:58 PM MEST
Updated: Monday, 30 May 2016 7:29 AM MEST
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Sunday, 22 May 2016
Further developments
Topic: Battles

On 25 September Lindehielm sent a very extensive report, accompanied by several attachments. The main points were that no more news had arrived from Narva, while the word from Nyen was that the Russian force outside Narva was growing by the day. Worrying reports had also arrived from Nöteborg, where it was rumoured that 4, 000 Russians were marching towards the fortress. The fear was that the enemy intended to advance further and cut communication between Nyen and Viborg. Both Appoloff at Nyen and Schlippenbach at Nöteborg urgently requested reinforcements and Lindehielm had felt it necessary to help them as much as he could - 100 infantry and 100 horse were already on their way and more would follow. Lindehielm was still lacking higher officers - the only one he had was Major Rohr (infantry). He had sent requests to both Governor General de la Gardie and General Vellingk and if they could assist in this regard Lindehielm believed he could keep the Russians at bay. Money was however urgently needed, both for officer's wages and for buying supplies. Lindehielm also wanted a few small warships, fearing that the Russians might get past Nöteborg and out into the Gulf of Finland. 

On the 28th Lindehielm sentb a new report to Stockholm. The news about the Russian army were few, i.e. only said that the preparations for a siege was under way. The Orthodox peasants were mostly helping the Russians, while the Lutherans had fled to the forests. Upon hearing about the arrival of reinforcements at Nyen some had reported in and expressed a willingness to fight the invaders. Lindehielm was sending more men to Nyen and said that if he just had more weapons, powder, ammunition and officers he believed it possible to create such a powerful diversion that the Russian siege of Narva would be affected. Lindehielm had sent orders to intercept Russian vessels returning from Stockholm, hoping that they were loaded with something useful. 8 Russian ships had already been taken at Nyen. 

In a hastily added PS Lindehielm added that he had just received letters from Nyen requesting more reinforcements as Appoloff had felt it necessary to send most of the previous ones to Nöteborg. According to the letters there had been two failed assaults on Narva. 

Source: Riksarkivet, ÄK 243, vol. 77.  

Posted by bengt_nilsson at 12:01 AM MEST
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