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  What's New  

Sunday 7th November 1999

Well the first new feature is this page itself. All updates will be posted here to help you find what has changed since your last visit. The webmaster of the MIRC Workshop works to GMT (British Time) so don't be too surprised if you find what seems to be tomorrow's date occassionally.

The new section on IRC Warfare, strategies and defense, is now complete, however some further additional links are still being researched and will be added as soon as possible.

A new page containing linking information and some link graphics has been added for those of you with websites who would like to provide a link to the MIRC Workshop for the benefit of visitors. All links are truly appreciated.

  Keep Up with New Additions  

MIRC Workshop now maintains a mailing list to keep all interested aware of new articles and developments both on the site and in the wider world of mIRC. By joining the list you will receive all the latest news and tips. The mailing list is kept private to protect all subscribers from spam.

Join our mailing list!
Enter your email address below,
then click the 'Join List' button:
  Future Attractions  

The IRC Warfare guide will continue to be reviewed and revised until I am confident that all the information you could desire is included or referenced. Your feedback is an important part of this refinement process. If you have a view then please let me know.

A new set of 'How to...' pages are being considered. Each page will feature a single common question such as 'How To play sounds' for example. If you think this is a good idea, please let me know.

After several recent e-mails, I am considering the idea of forming a scripter's association. The idea being to provide resources for scripters of mIRC to share tips (and code) and to create stronger better scripts together than any of them would likely do singly.

The association would be open to anyone and everyone, providing a forum for scripters to find help and comradeship, plus resources such as modular scripts. Too many scripts rewrite the same features that have been written before - often better written before too.

The Association of mIRC scripters would build up a library of modules - each module being a script function such as a nick completer, a lag meter, and so on. Any member of the association would be free to use modules from the library in his own scripts to save time and effort for the original features he has planned.

If the association sound like a good idea to you, and if you are interested in being a part of it, let me know.

More Popups support. Currently I provide two excellent links for popups, and concentrate more on the scripting of original material rather than providing ready-made popups. If you agree or disagree with this approach then please let me know.

Choose a Subject from the list to continue. (Some subjects contain several tutorials.)

  1. What is mIRC?
  2. Setting mIRC options
  3. Basic IRC chat
  4. Basic mIRC use
  5. MIRC Text Controls
  6. MIRC Commands
  7. MIRC Identifiers
  8. MIRC Variables
  9. MIRC If-Then-Else
  10. MIRC Aliases
  11. MIRC Popups
  12. MIRC Remote Events
  13. MIRC Multi-Scripts
  14. Script Writing Applet
  15. Downloads Area
  16. IRC Warfare *New
  17. Useful MIRC Links
  18. About The Author

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