Happy New Year to all the visitors to The Keith Shrine. Thanks for your support of the Shrine & Stones Planet Fanzine in 2006. I will be opening a new 2007 Keith News Page on New Year's Day and stay tuned for a tempting new photo page to be posted that day as well. I look forward to seeing all of you on the road somewhere in 2007!
I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. Happy Boxing Day!
We Had It All
(T Seals/D Fritts)
I can hear the wind a blowin' in my mind
Just the way it used to sound, through the Georgia pines
You were there to answer when I called, yeah
You and me we had it all
Remember how I used to touch your hand
While reachin' for the feeling that was always there
You were the best thing in my life I can recall, oh
You and me we had it all
I know that we can never live these times again
So I'll let these dreams take me back to where we've been
Then I stay there with you for as long as I can
Oh, it was so good, yeah, it was so good
Oh, it was so good, when I was your man
And I'll never stop believin'in your smile
Even though it didn't stay, it was all worthwhile
Yes, you were the best thing in my life I can recall, oh
You and me we had it all
You and me we had it all
And now for the new song I added to the page to replace "Run Rudolph Run"...this one's called "We Had It All" and next to Keith singing "The Nearness of You" it is one of my all time favorite unreleased tracks. It was recorded in 1979 and features Keith on Lead Vocals and Piano, Ron Wood On Pedal Steel Guitar and Harp by Sugar Blue (he played harp on Miss You). Click on the front page to hear the track. Lyrics below.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all the visitors at The Keith Shrine. Thanks for checking out my site in 2006 and I look forward to posting more great Keith photos, news & reviews in 2007! And now for a glimpse into Keith's future role as a pirate with Johnny Depp...
Happy Birthday Keith-We Love You!
Keef turns 63 today! Send the man your love!
Below is a tribute by Jason Sheftell that I posted on the Keith Shrine back in 2003 when it was Keith's 60th Birthday because I was flattered that it mentioned my web page...I think it's still fitting at 63...
He's a living legend, a tribute to the excesses of the rock 'n' roll life, a pop genius and a good guy. How do we love Keith? Let us count the ways.
Old People We Love: Keith Richards By Jason Sheftell
How do you write a new and different lead for a story about Keith Richards? You don't. You just do like Keith and tell it like it is. So those of you who think Tommy Lee, that untalented, wife-beating, cock-heavy drummer boy, is rock's bad boy, read and weep. Here's why we love rock's most bacchanalian, good-hearted, sum' bitch:
Because Keith wrote the guitar riff for "Satisfaction" after waking up in the middle of the night in a Clearwater, Florida, motel room. When he got up the next morning, he forgot he'd written the song until he played the tape and heard himself picking the tune and muttering. Because Keith met Mick Jagger in a sandbox when they were both five years old. Mick remembers Keith saying he wanted to be "a cowboy like Roy Rodgers and play a guitar." Because Keith got expelled in 1959 at the age of 16 from Dartford Tech for many incidents, including fighting. Because he's been married for the past 17 years to former model and ageless beauty Patti Hansen (and because she's from Staten Island). Because he let me step in front of him in a Soho Korean market. I had beer; he was waiting for Patti, who was looking for ice cream. He just smiled and said, "Forget the women and children. Liquor first."
Because when he picked up the guitar, all he wanted to do was play like Chuck Berry. Hail, Hail, Rock n' Roll. Because this past April, after spotting a sign on a Manhattan sidewalk that read, "Hard Rock Cafe: Proud to feature fried items — chicken, onion ... Keith Richards," Keith wrote a personal letter to the chain asking them to remove the signs because he had spent "years building his reputation." Because he said, "I never had a problem with drugs, only with cops." Because yesterday, when I went to do a search for Keith on Yahoo! I was led to the Yahoo! bulletin boards. The one and only post listed: "Keith Richards is God!"
Because Keith admits that he cries often. Because the most intriguing, detailed information about Keith is on this incredible fan Web site started by this person named Blue Lena. She calls it a Shrine, and it is. Because Keith named his personal touring band the X-pensive Winos. Because there is someone out there who drinks and smokes like a 20-year-old and is still very much alive and kicking. Because Keith has dimples as deep as marbles. Because he speaks his mind and kisses nary an arse. Because Mick isn't Keith's favorite Rolling Stone. Charlie Watts is.
Because he had a house in Weston, Connecticut, near where I grew up. His "brother", the caretaker up at Keith's house, was the spitting image of Keith, only about a full foot shorter. Anyway, the guy would get piss drunk and tell Keith tour stories. Then he would jump on the bar and do air guitar imitations of Keith with one leg up. I shit you not.
Because at the memorial service of a former Rolling Stones security guard, Joe Seabrook, Keith teamed with fellow Stones guitarist Ronnie Wood to sing an acoustic version of the Hendrix anthem, "Hey Joe." Because Keith is the fans' favorite Rolling Stone, according to an unofficial fan site that shows Keith with a 9 percent edge over Mick (40 to 31 percent, for those of you keeping score). Because he's sexy as hell, according to Cosmopolitan, which voted him number 78 in the 100 Sexiest Men Poll in November 1999.
Because, in 1967, after he and Mick were convicted in the U.K. of possession of cannibis, the public and national press made such a fuss the Court rushed an appeal case and overturned the verdict, which would have left Richards in a jail cell for up to six months. Because after he let me in front of him at the grocery, I asked him if he wanted a beer, and he took one and drank it with me at the counter. The storeowner didn't object. Patti did, though. She glared at me and said to Keith, "Not now, love, it's three in the morning."
Because at the Altamont Speedway on December 6, 1969, Keith told a band of Hell's Angels to "Cool it" or the band would stop playing. When the biker clan surrounded the band and grew angry, Keith pointed his ax at the biggest of the bunch and said, "Fuck off." Probably more out of respect than fear, the bikers backed off. Because it is Keith who sings "Little T&A."
Because, in August 1983, Keith and Mick reportedly signed a $28-million four-record deal with CBS records at 3:00 a.m. in Paris' Ritz Hotel. Because on my way home, Keith and Patti were walking a few feet behind me. When I got to the door of the Greene Street building where my friend was house-sitting, I realized they were coming inside as well. For a second, I thought he was going to mug me for the last few beers.
Because, in 1986, Keith became the first presenter at the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. On national television, he jerked off his tux, gave his idol Chuck Berry the award and then told the audience he "ripped off" every riff he knew from Berry. Because when Keith got arrested for possession of heroin in Toronto in February 1977, he did his community service in the form of a benefit concert. Because at the elevator door, Keith asked me for another beer. Patti said, "He'll drink them all." I said, "It's OK. We have some bourbon." Keith snickered.
Because, according to super-fan Blue Lena's site, Keith plays two early 1950s Fender Telecaster guitars that he calls Micawber and Malcolm. Because Keith gets along well with all four of his children: the two he had with Hansen and the two he had with his common-law ex-spouse, Anita Pallenberg. Because he told a writer for Reuters in 1997, "It's the hanging together that makes the band — that delicate, fragile thing, the personality, the chemistry of everybody being actually able to tolerate each other. Because you wear yourself pretty ragged on the road. 'I hate you forever,' we'll say it one day, but forever lasts 24 hours."
Because Keith thanked me for the beer and told me to stop by anytime and bring the bourbon. I took him up on the offer a few days later, but he and Patti were gone to London, or so the housekeeper said. I didn't leave the bourbon. Then I went back to school. The closest I've been to him since was a mosh pit during a Stones concert at Parc du Prince in Paris ... 10 feet and a thousand swaying fans. I was treading air. I thought I was gonna fucking die.
Because Keith thinks more about life than death. "I've lived my life in my own way," he said. "And I am here because I've taken the trouble to find out who I am."
Lessons for us all. I'll bring that bourbon by real soon, Keith. Oh, and you're not really old, man. We just wanted to pay some homage.
Happy Birthday Keith!
With Love, Blue Lena
Jason Sheftell is Ironminds' living editor, story taken from www.ironminds.com copyright August 2000
RIP Ahmet Ertegun
Ahmet Ertegun, who helped define American music as the founder of Atlantic Records, a label that popularised the gritty R&B of Ray Charles, the classic soul of Aretha Franklin and the British rock of the Rolling Stones, has died.
Ahmet, 83, remained connected to the music scene until his last days -- he fell at a concert by the Stones at the Beacon Theatre in New York City, suffering a head injury, then slipped into a coma and spent weeks in hospital. He passed away Dec. 15.
Last night, Jagger said: "He was a marvellous man, very witty, a great raconteur who lived a full social and business life spanning 50 years of popular music.
"I will miss our warm and long friendship."
Stones Go Out With The Biggest Bang in Vancouver Last Night-Keith Plays Three Song Set!
1. Jumping Jack Flash
2. It's Only Rock n' Roll
3. Oh No Not You Again
4. She Was Hot
5. Shine a Light (with Bonnie Raitt)
6. Streets Of Love
7. Midnight Rambler
8. Tumbling Dice
9. You Got The Silver (KR)
10. Slipping Away (KR)
11. Connection (KR)
12. Miss You
13. Get Off Of My Cloud
14. Start Me Up
15. Honky Tonk Women
16. Sympathy For The Devil
17. Paint It Black
18. Brown Sugar
19. You Can't Always Get What You Want (encore)
20. Satisfaction (encore)
This may have been the final North American show of the A Bigger Bang Tour, but don't count it out as the Stones last show ever. In Atlantic City the Stones crew were definitely discussing the plans for make-up shows in Europe this Spring/Summer beginning in May and lasting into July. All the personnel I spoke with definitely told me "See ya next year!".
But for now, the Stones need a well deserved break. It's been a rougher than normal 15 month tour, with Charlie's throat cancer before the start, Keith's head injury and surgery & subsequent cancellations, the death of Tim Ries's Mother, Mick's voice problems & more cancellations & postponements, the death of Ronnie's brother, the death of Mick's Father & Ronnie injuring his leg.
I'd like to personally thank the Rolling Stones for coming through as true professionals despite the above mentioned misfortunes. Yes, they cancelled some shows & changed some dates and we were all disappointed a few times. But, then there were the shows where the Stones played in pouring rain in Halifax & Louisville, or bitter cold in Regina and Chicago, or Mick played on giving us one of the best shows of the tour in Las Vegas despite having learned that his Father passed away that very day, or Ronnie played on despite being in pain from a leg injury in Atlantic City.
These men are trained professionals-do not try this at home! LOL
I want to thank the crew and security team for their superior effort at each show. I'd especially like to thank Bill from the bottom of my heart for his kindness, for promoting the Keith Shrine website among the band & crew and for making my Stones dreams come true-you're the best Bill! I'd also like to thank Preston for all the souvenirs this tour, you've been more than kind. I'd like to thank Shelley, Elizabeth, Cindy & Michael at SLO for the great tickets and their help in making Stones memories. I'd like to thank Blondie, Tim, Bernard & Chuck & Rose Lane for their friendship and kindness throughout the tour. Always a pleasure seeing you guys solo or with the Stones!
Finally I'd like to thank Keith personally for taking time out of his busy backstage schedule to see me and take a few photos in Vegas. Love ya Keith!
See you all on the road again in 2007!
Saturday night Nov. 11 in Las Vegas I was invited backstage to the Rattlesnake Inn and later into Wardrobe in order to get my photo taken with Keith. My heartfelt thanks to Bill and to Keith for making my lifelong Stones dream come true! I love you both & I'll never forget that night! I just got back from a 10 day Stones road trip to Oakland, Phoenix and Vegas and return to Atlantic City on Thursday evening. I'll post more details as soon as I get the time! Until then, enjoy the photos! Here is the review, finally!
The second Beacon show was a success and now Mick is resting his voice for 4 days before resuming the tour Monday night in Oakland. I am off to Oakland myself tomorrow, and will be seeing the Oakland show before heading the Phoenix and then to Vegas and then of course back to Atlantic City for the rescheduled show there on the 17th. This is the last news update until Nov. 14 and reviews will be posted upon my return. It's Only Rock N' Roll, but I like it!
10.31.06 A Bigger Bang Tour Dates Rescheduled
The Rolling Stones have been advised to take four days off from their "A Bigger Bang" world tour in order for singer Mick Jagger to properly recover from recent throat problems.
The Oakland show will move from November 5 to November 6. The Los Angeles show will move from November 18 to November 22. The Vancouver show will move from November 3 to November 25. The Honolulu show has been cancelled.
The remaining dates of the group's North American tour schedule will be played as follows:
Happy Halloween from the Keith Shrine!
The Stones played the Beacon Theater in NYC on Sunday night, and whipped out a few treasures such as "Shine A Light", "Loving Cup" and "I'm Free". Unfortunately the Beacon show that was to be played tonight is postponed until Wed. Nov. 1. Most likely the LA & Hawaii shows will have date changes. So stay tuned here once the official word is released. Otherwise...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Atlantic City Postponed, Stones Play Beacon Tonight
I was really looking forward to the Atlantic City show on Friday night. It was the night after my birthday and my husband & I flew in from Pittsburgh on Thursday morning to celebrate, as did my friend Elizabeth from California. Who knew they would cancel the show?! I never would have expected it in a million years. This show was sold out, and was so hyped up locally in the media, etc. They hadn't played AC since 1989. I got the call about the cancellation at 2pm Friday. How depressing. Not to mention all the money we lost. To top it off we don't have tickets for the Beacon tonight. Oh well. Better luck in Oakland next Sat. Atlantic City is rescheduled for Nov. 17, so look out for the LA show to be pushed back. Can't blame this one on Keith can they?
Keith Plays "Learning The Game" in Austin!
I could hardly believe it! Keith played Buddy Holly's "Learning the Game", another tune previosly only heard on bootleg. Kinda like when Keith stunned us with "The Nearness of You" during the Licks Tour. Way to go Keith! Play it in Atlantic City on Friday-PLEASE. Or how about "We Had It All"?
1. You Got Me Rocking
2. Lets Spend the Night Together
3. She's So Cold
4. Oh No Not You Again
5. Sway
6. Bob Wills Is Still the King (Waylon Jennings cover)
7. Streets of Love
8. Ain't Too Proud to Beg
9. pregnant dog
10. Tumbling Dice
11. Learning the Game (Buddy Holly cover)-Oh My God, Keith, awesome!!!!
12. Little T&A
13. Under my Thumb
14. Get Off of My Cloud
15. Start Me Up
16. Honky Tonk Women
17. Sympathy for the Devil :evil :evil :evil
18. Jumping Jack Flash
19. Satisfaction
20. You Can't Always Get What You Want
21. Brown Sugar
On A Cold Chicago Night…
A Review of Soldier Field 10.11.06
By Blue Lena
What was Michael Cohl thinking when he scheduled a Stones show at Soldier Field in the middle of October?! I mean, I know there is such a thing as “Indian Summer”, but banking on that was a long shot. We froze our asses off in the Windy City on Wednesday night. But, it was worth it. The Stones proved once again that they are consummate professionals when it comes to dealing with the weather.
We were actually quite frozen before the Stones ever came on stage, arriving at Soldier Field at 6pm before the sun had set. The winds howled off Lake Michigan, making the temperature well below freezing with the wind chill. We caught the very start of Elvis Costello’s set, but then headed inside to the Cadillac Club where the VIP area was to thaw out, sip a beer and watch Mr. Costello pumping out hits like “Alison” and “Watching the Detectives” on the TV.
At 8:45pm we headed to the field, feeling more like we were about to see a Bears game than a Stones concert. The lights went down shortly after we arrived at our seats and surprisingly the band pounced onto the stage with “You Got Me Rocking”, a brilliant way to get the crowd jumping with fists pumping in the air on the “Hey, Hey” chorus. All the boys looked chilled, and they got a taste of the wind right off the bat when a huge gust howled across the stage nearly sending Keith’s skull hat right off his head. He reached up and caught it just in time and pulled it crookedly back down over his eyes as he played on. Mick came by shortly afterwards, the breeze making his silver coat billow brilliantly in the lights, and patted Keith’s hat back onto his head lovingly. Ronnie was wrapped up tight in a teal blue scarf knotted around his neck and red fingerless gloves, and Charlie looked to be layered in several shirts. Large white hoses were supposedly blowing hot air onto the stage, as well as several heat lamps and fans, but after speaking with some of the backing band after the show they assured me they didn’t feel any heat up there! In fact Tim Ries said it was so cold that the horns went sharp and the guitars went flat and it was a constant battle for the band to stay in tune.
Interestingly, as was the case in Boston in September, the Stones had already played Chicago 4 times this tour and were perhaps pushing their luck at ticket sales. The upper tiers of the entire stadium were not sold, and large tongue banner laid across all the upper level seating. Mick commented that they would change it up a bit, and stayed true to his word, launching into “Live With Me”. Next up was a welcome “Monkey Man”, well done, though never quite as good in my opinion as the Voodoo Lounge version where Lisa Fischer played a large role vocally and visually. Mick also remarked about not being able to feel his feet, a sentiment which we knew all too well. Song number four was “Sway”, Ronnie doing a fabulous job on the solo.
The real treat of the night, and the song that made the cold all worthwhile, came in at number five, when Mick said they were going to play something they had never done before. Some were thinking they might be trying out the new one “She Saw Me Coming”, but most people never guessed we’d get to hear “She Was Hot”! Brilliant choice, with the line “…on a cold Chicago night”. They carried this song off with finesse for a first time effort, and it’s a song I know all the words to, so I can attest to the fact that although, yes Mick does have a monitor to help him with the words, he didn’t seem to be looking at it too much and did an excellent job with the lyrics and timing. I can’t wait to hear that one again-WOW.
Time to slow things down with “Streets of Love”, which I am starting to enjoy live, not having been a real fan of the studio version. Tonight’s attempt was well done and seemed particularly long and drawn out, with the “I, I, I, I….” chorus.
An extra Chicago bluesy “Midnight Rambler” followed, with touches of Muddy Waters and then we were onto band intros. After “Tumbling Dice”, we got a bit quicker band intro than usual before it was time for Keith to launch into his set. Keith strolled to the mic and muttered “I won’t keep ya long, You Got The Silver” and once again sang this tune with a passion and grace that warms your heart, even in the coldest of weather. “Little T&A”, has been a bit ragged each time I’ve heard it, but I still love it. Tonight Keith seemed to remember even less of the lyrics than usual, but hey, that’s ok. He was sweet.
We contemplated the B stage, but being so cold, and seeing how far away it was, and knowing how many people were already crowding our row that didn’t belong there, we chose to stay in our seats. Thankfully we heard “Under My Thumb” again instead of the overplayed “Miss You” the stage moved its way to the center of the field. I think this is when the band truly got chilly, since there was nothing to warm their bones or keep them from the wind out there. The typical “Rough Justice”, “Start Me Up”set was played out there as we waited for the stage to move back during “Honky Tonk Women”.
We were hoping for some of those fire cannons to heat us up on “Sympathy for the Devil”, but we didn’t get that blast of heat until “Jumping Jack Flash”. We could have used the heat on both songs really! The band really put some extra effort into this show, knowing the crowd was cold, and thanking us for coming out on such a cold night. Thank us? Thank YOU, you guys have my deepest admiration for being able to so professionally carry out a show in such extreme conditions. Mick really did a spectacular job tonight, not to downplay Keith, Ronnie or Charlie, but the guitar Gods spend a lot of time huddled back by Charlie’s drumkit heat lamps, while Mick worked the stage like the master he is.
The night ended with Satisfaction and a Brown Sugar encore at number 18…the sets seem to be getting shorter don’t they? Although I can’t blame them tonight. This was my 70th Stones show and certainly it rivaled my other coldest show, which was during Bridges to Babylon 10.23.97 at Jack Kent Cooke Stadium in Washington, DC. Wouldn’t it have been funny if they had played “She’s So Cold” back to back with “She Was Hot”?
Onto Atlantic City on Oct. 27…at least that show will be indoors!
It's the Battle of the Backing Band in Chicago this Tuesday Night!
Many of the Stones backing musicians will be playing solo gigs in the city the night before the Stones show at Soldier Field. Come on out and support these talented musicians and see what you're missing!
Blue Lena will be covering these shows for Stones Planet Fanzine.
It's your chance to catch Blondie Chaplin "live" playing with Nicholas Tremulis at Fitzgerald's in Chicago, IL this Tuesday night October 10 at 10pm.
Also, earlier in the evening catch Tim Ries, Bernard Fowler, Darryl Jones & Michael Davis playing with Tim's Rolling Stones Project (jazz show) at Martyr's in Chicago. Shows at 7:30 & 10.
Come join me for a great night of live music by the Stones backing musicians!
The Stones played to a wet crowd at the historical horse racing track Churchill Downs in Louisville, KY last night. See photos, my own review and details HERE In fact I am still in Louisville & it is still raining! The Stones just departed their hotel this afternoon between 2-3:30pm.
Blue Lena Gets Quoted in Toronto Star newspaper 9.23.06
Old cars, old Stones roll along together
Mick, Keith, Charlie like vintage autos
Success allows them to indulge passion
Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Charlie Watts have been playing rock 'n' roll since 1963 as members of the Rolling Stones.
But it's more than just the love of music and touring that keeps Jagger, Richards and Watts together.
These three old Stones also love old cars.
Although Wheels hasn't been around quite as long as the Rolling Stones, there are some similarities:
Both Wheels and the Rolling Stones get more popular as they get older.
Both Wheels and the Rolling Stones have changed with the times. For example, they both started back in the days before the Internet, and now both have websites.
Both Wheels and the Rolling Stones show no signs of slowing down.
Although the Rolling Stones aren't visiting Toronto this year, Halifax today is the first of three Canadian stops on the Bigger Bang Tour. The Stones will also perform in Regina on Oct. 6 and 8, and in Vancouver on Nov. 3.
Mick Jagger's love of cars began when he was a kid. When he was growing up in post-war England, there was a strong American influence, with U.S.-produced television, movies and consumer products. As a boy, Jagger once said his ambition was to own a red Cadillac.
When the Rolling Stones toured the U.S. in June 1964, Jagger made sure that the Stones were chauffeured by a Cadillac limousine for their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show.
Back home, Jagger favoured British auto makers. One of his first cars was a Ford Escort. But he was better at singing than driving.
In April 1966, Jagger bought a new navy blue Aston Martin DB6. He even had a record player installed.
He soon crashed the Aston. He was uninjured; the car was a write-off.
Jagger bought a Morgan sports car in 1969, an expensive, hand-made, limited-production, British-made two-seater that looks like something out of the 1930s, which is when it was designed.
Car and Driver magazine reported in January 1977 that Jagger's purchase gave a boost to the struggling firm:
"Mick Jagger bought himself a Morgan ... Jagger took to being seen about town in a buttercup-yellow 4/4 and was frequently photographed en route to his Old Bailey dope trial, with Marianne Faithful sitting beside him ... the Morgan became trendy.
"The price of old Morgans soared."
Today, Mick has his own Cadillac. It's part of his collection of automobiles stored near his estate in France.
He also has a Delahaye, which was a luxury car made in France during the World War II era, and a Ferrari.
Keith Richards, the Stones' lead guitarist, also has a fleet of cars.
On the website http://www.keithrichards.com, Richards was asked what kind of car he drives.
He answered: "What day? You're talking about the Bentley or the Ferrari or the Volkswagen? My favourite cars are still the old Bentleys. I do enjoy driving. I still have a Jag XJS, one of the originals — '76, I think."
In 1966, Richards bought a new Bentley S3 Continental four-door, which he named "Blue Lena" in honour of the great American singer Lena Horne.
In March 1967, Richards travelled in his Bentley to Morocco, along with another Stone, the late Brian Jones, and Jones's girlfriend, Anita Pallenberg.
Jones fell ill and had to stay in hospital in France. Pallenberg and Richards continued on the trip, and soon Pallenberg was Keith's girlfriend.
"Richards once said, `Amazing things can happen in the back of a Bentley and they did!'" explains Tamara Guo, who runs a Keith Richards fan site at http://www.thekeithshrine.com.
"Richards still owns the Blue Lena, which he keeps at his Redlands estate in the U.K."
Guo, who also edits the Stones Planet Fanzine http://www.stonesplanet.com, refers to herself as Blue Lena on the websites.
"Being a lifelong Keith Richards fan, I wanted an obscure screen name that only diehard Keith fans would know the meaning behind, so I adopted the moniker Blue Lena."
The Bentley has seen some tough times. Richards once drove it into a garden shed at Redlands.
The other early member of the Stones still touring, drummer Charlie Watts, doesn't have a driver's licence, but that doesn't mean he can't enjoy cars.
Watts said in an interview in the 1960s, before the band hit it big: "I don't particularly want to drive, but if I were a millionaire, I'd buy vintage cars just to look at them because they're beautiful."
And after he became a millionaire, that's what he did. In 1983, he bought a 1937 Lagonda Rapide, just to "sit in and look at."
The Lagonda of that era was a large, fast, luxurious British-made car, rivalling the Bentley. Only 25 of the 1937 Lagonda Rapide models were produced — and Charlie treasures his.
So there's more to the Rolling Stones than sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.
There's also cars.
Special thanks to Dale Johnson in Regina, SK.
A New Bang in Boston-Hey We Got The Silver!
Blue Lena attended her 68th Stones show last night in Boston at Gillette Stadium. It was the Stones 96th show of the Bigger Bang Tour. All the media attention was focused on the stadium not being totally sold out the day before the show & the ticket prices being reduced. The fan attention was focused on Mick not attending rehearsals, and not even singing at soundcheck before the show.
Well, they can all shut up now and so can the setlist whiners. This stadium show rocked! The stadium was basically sold out by showtime, Mick's voice was in fine form and despite a few rough edges here and there (which I kinda like), the Stones were in fine form for their 5th trip to Boston in less than 15 months. Welcome back to the States boys!
When have the Stones ever opened with Paint It Black? Never, I'd venture to guess! The first 8 songs just took my breath away: PIB, Live with Me, Monkey Man, Sway, Sweet Virginia, Streets of Love, Ain't Too Proud to Beg, Midnight Rambler...WOW, WOW, WOW.
After the standard Tumbling Dice & band intros came the moment I'd been waiting for. I kind of wished I hadn't gotten the setlist before the show, but even though it wasn't a surprise....it still was a surprise. I had commented not too long ago to someone that even though I love Keith's set as it stands, I wish he'd do little T&A since he hadn't played it since '82 and that I'd love to hear You Got The Silver again. He DID them BOTH. I died and went to heaven. Keith stood in front of the mic without a guitar (when has THAT ever happened?) and sang with such passion and emotion, while Ronnie played the acoustic slide...it was to die for. Then he rocked it up with Little T&A, and who cares if he messed up the words a bit, it was a solid A for effort and the attempt at a whole new set. Thank YOU Keith!
Then it was onto the B stage without Miss You (thanks for that), and a dusted off Under My Thumb! Onto Rough Justice, and JJ Flash on the B stage-cool. I didn't actually go out to the B stage this time, which is rare. Then we got the usual Honky Tonk Women, Sympathy (the fire works were HOT in our faces), Start Me Up and the encores of Satisfaction with a grungy new Keef riff start and the ending with Brown Sugar. Keith wore 2 scarves for the final now, one was from me...it was silk with blue, white & black skulls. I didn't see a single unhappy fan after that show ended.
Stay tuned for a more indepth review from Blue Lena in Stones Planet #21 & more site updates here soon! Special thanks to BB, SL and a hello to Adam & the rest of Patti's family for checking out my page.
Keith is currently in a studio in LA/Hollywood filming his cameo role for Pirates 3...Captain Jack Sparrow's Father eh? This movie is set for release Memorial Day 2007. Can't wait! Then it's off to Boston for Keith, the Stones open at Gillette Stadium in Boston next Wednesday September 20. I'll be there.
The Stones have one more show to play on their European Tour tomorrow night in Horsens, Denmark. In a mere 18 days they resume their North American Tour in Boston. Rehearsals should begin the week before that in Boston and we can only hope that the US leg of the tour will see some setlist changes. Keith, can you throw in something different? Perhaps "Little T&A"? Maybe, "Sleep Tonight"...hell, in the ballad department I wouldn't mind hearing "Nearness of You" or "You Got the Silver" again. How about "We Had It All"...since "Nearness of You" was only previously available on bootleg. In any case, the Stones will be back and we are SO looking forward to it!
GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) -- Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards may have violated Scotland's new smoking ban by lighting up during a concert.
The Glasgow City Council said Sunday it had heard from journalists that Richards was smoking during a Friday night performance.
"It's been brought to our attention that he was smoking, and we'll be looking into it," a council spokesman said on condition of anonymity in keeping with city policy. "We do take our responsibilities for enforcement very seriously."
Scotland's ban on smoking in enclosed public places, including theaters and sports venues, came into force in March.
Violators can be fined up to 50 pounds ($95). The spokesman did not know whether the journalists who spoke to the council had been at the concert, part of the band's "A Bigger Bang" tour.
No one answered the phone Sunday at the offices of Richards' publicists, LD Communications in London.
In the Scottish capital, Edinburgh, officials warned during the Edinburgh Fringe Festival earlier this month that they would close down a theater if actor Mel Smith lit a cigar during his portrayal of Winston Churchill in the play "Allegiance" as he had promised to do. Smith eventually agreed to keep the cigar unlit.
THE Rolling Stones last night proved that even the weather behaves for rock royalty.
Despite the fact it had rained most of the afternoon in Glasgow, the downpour stopped before the Gimme Shelter stars took to the stage at Hampden Park.
Guitarist Keith Richards noticed and told the crowd: "So, we stopped the rain."
Check out that hat Keith is wearing, given to him at Twick #1 by my friend and fellow Keith fan GG.!
Stones fans get set for UK shows
Rolling Stones fans have gathered in London for the first of the rock band's UK stadium shows following Sir Mick Jagger's recovery from laryngitis. The band are playing the first of two shows at Twickenham rugby stadium, before moving on to play gigs in Glasgow, Sheffield and Cardiff.
Rolling Stones cancel tour date
The Rolling Stones have cancelled a concert in Spain after singer Mick Jagger was struck down by laryngitis.
The band were due to play a concert in Valladolid on Monday evening as part of their A Bigger Bang world tour.
But doctors ordered Jagger to rest his voice after developing laryngitis over the weekend.
Jagger said: "I always love playing in Spain, but unfortunately I have no other choice and I apologise to everyone who bought tickets."
He added: "I am very sorry to be cancelling this show."
The Rolling Stones' A Bigger Bang tour will continue as scheduled at London's Twickenham Stadium on Sunday, followed by shows in Glasgow, Sheffield and Cardiff.
The veteran rockers kicked off their world tour in Boston in August 2005 and have since played to more than 4.5 million fans.
Last month the band announced further dates in the US and Canada, which will take them from Boston on 20 September to Los Angeles on 18 November.
Story from BBC NEWS
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Mick Jagger will strut at the home of the Kentucky Derby.
"It's an opportunity we have to bring a legendary rock group to a legendary venue," Churchill Downs president Steve Sexton said Monday in announcing that the Rolling Stones will perform at the famed track.
Seating for the Sept. 29 concert in the grandstand, clubhouse and on the track with accommodate 50,000 spectators. A special covering will be placed over the dirt and turf to protect the racing surfaces.
The stage will be placed on the infield, facing the grandstand, giving the band an ideal view of the twin spires, sandwiched between luxury boxes.
The Rolling Stones, who also have stops at other sports venues such as Giants Stadium, Soldier Field, and Dodger Stadium during their North American tour, haven't performed in Louisville since 1989.
The track is accustomed to much larger crowds for the Kentucky Derby, the first leg of the Triple Crown, and the Kentucky Oaks for 3-year-old fillies run the day before the Derby. The concert will take place a month before the start of Churchill's fall meet. Still, the track will have to make brief adjustments that will affect horsemen and simulcast wagerers.
Sexton said the Churchill track will be closed for horse training for a day or two, and simulcast operations will move to another facility.
"They understand this is an opportunity to put Churchill Downs in the national spotlight again," he said. "It does bring people to the racetrack who may typically not come."
New York - July 25, 2006 - The Rolling Stones will be back on tour this fall for the North American encore of their multi-continent 'A Bigger Bang' tour. It will launch on Sept. 20 at Boston's Gillette Stadium, recreating the magic of their historic Fenway Park kick-off one year earlier. The Rolling Stones hold the record for the most successful U.S. and world tour in 2005 and have already been named the number #1 touring band in the world for the first half of 2006 by Billboard. The U.S. tour dates will be sponsored by RadioShack.
The Rolling Stones who have already played to over four and a half million fans on 'A Bigger Bang' tour will once again perform for fans in cities including New York, Boston, Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles, Phoenix and Las Vegas. This time around, playing primarily stadiums with a select number of arenas, they will also travel to many new markets to give fans an opportunity to experience the band at their best. The stadium shows will bring back the awe-inspiring production and grand scale excitement with the intimacy of the famed b-stage that brings the band up close to the fans.
"We're very excited about coming back to the U.S. and Canada. Most of the shows are going to be on the big stadium stage with fans in the balconies behind us. We're going to play many cities we didn't get to before and also return to some of our favorite places," said Mick Jagger. "There is plenty of time for rehearsals and to be able to make some set changes - we'll have a variety of material ready so we can keep it fresh." Jagger adds, "Keith's fine, his heads better, he's playing well and enjoying himself so we're all looking forward to this leg of the tour."
"I thought we left too soon you know, so that's the reason we're coming back. I'm really happy that we got some more gigs in America and Canada," said Keith Richards. "I'm feeling great and can't wait to get there. We're going to have the b-stage to get that very close thing happening with the band and the fans."
The Rolling Stones will bring young, contemporary opening acts to the stage for this leg of the tour. Artists to be announced shortly.
"The return to North America is a celebration of the fact that the most enduring rock n' roll band of all time is feeling and sounding better than ever before and are ready to rock," said Michael Cohl, tour promoter. "The response from fans and reviewers to the recent shows in Europe has been amazing. To give more fans an opportunity to see the band we're lowering the ticket prices on average 10-15% and taking an additional off tickets for students."
"The Rolling Stones are icons of the music world, and we at RadioShack are excited to join with them as they return to the U.S. for their fall tour," said Tori Binau, senior vice president, marketing for RadioShack Corporation. "Many loyal RadioShack customers are also fans of The Rolling Stones, so what better way to thank them than by offering special opportunities tied to the tour in the U.S. And with more than 6,000 stores in virtually every neighborhood in America, everyone gets an opportunity to participate. There's no better way to start off the fall season than a "bigger bang" with The Stones & RadioShack."
There will be an American Express pre-sale beginning July 26 through July 30 in Boston, New York and Chicago.
Tickets for the public in New York, Chicago, Boston, Halifax and Regina will go on sale beginning Monday, July 31 and will be available at all usual outlets.
There will be a limited number of Gold Circle seats available while the remaining 90% of the house will average for stadiums and for arena shows. In most cities, students will receive an additional off tickets. (Current ID required). Buys will be limited to 12 tickets per person. Additionally, 200 fans will have the opportunity to be onstage with the Rolling Stones as part of the stadium set and share in the excitement. These seats will also be available at the time of the general ticket on-sale. For additional on-sale information check local listings.
Rolling Stones fan club pre-sale, hot seat and VIP packages for New York, Chicago, Boston, Halifax and Regina begins July 26 at 10am ending July 30 at 5pm. For Official Tour, Fan Club Presales, Exclusive Merchandise and more, visit www.rollingstones.com.
Every ticket sold for the tour will include a Virtual Ticket membership to RollingStones.com. 'A Bigger Bang' ticket purchasers are invited to enjoy unprecedented, behind-the-scenes content with the return of Virtual Ticket, the on-line tour companion the band introduced in 2002. Virtual Ticket allows fans to intimately experience the band on the road via streaming video and audio, exclusive photographs and concert set lists.
The U.S.dates for 'A Bigger Bang' tour will be sponsored by RadioShack . The North American leg of the tour will be presented by Concert Productions International and The Next Adventure and produced by WPC Piecemeal Inc.
About RadioShack Corporation
Fort Worth, Texas-based RadioShack Corporation (NYSE: RSH) operates more than 6,000 stores nationwide and is one of the nation's most trusted consumer electronics specialty retailers and a growing provider of retail support services
Governor prepares pardon for guitarist's reckless-driving ticket
LITTLE ROCK (AP) — As the bass guitarist for an obscure rock band, Mike Huckabee is unlikely ever to have the pleasure of giving the downbeat to world-famous Keith Richards, lead guitarist for the legendary Rolling Stones.
But, as governor of Arkansas, Huckabee can at least give Richards the satisfaction of knowing that the state of Arkansas no longer considers him a reckless driver.
A pardon from Huckabee will apparently soon be on its way to Richards.
Richards was arrested at Fordyce on July 5, 1975, as he and fellow Stones member Ron Wood traveled from Memphis, to Dallas. The group, which included a security guard and a fan of the band, stopped in the south Arkansas town for lunch, and then got back on the road with Richards at the wheel.
A Fordyce officer saw the car swerve — Richards said later he bent to adjust the radio — and stopped the vehicle. Police said they smelled the odor of marijuana, and took the foursome to City Hall.
Richards was charged with reckless driving and possession of a concealed knife, while the fan was charged with possession of a controlled substance. The knife charge was dropped, and Richards pleaded guilty to the reckless driving charge — a misdemeanor — and paid a $162.50 fine.
On July 3, the state Parole Board approved an application for clemency submitted on Richards' behalf. The application form said the request was prepared by "Governor Mike Huckabee — Chief Counsel Milton Fine."
The board's recommendation will now go to the office of the man who had it prepared, and he will have 30 days in which he may act on it. For an offender who has already discharged his obligations to a court, clemency takes the form of a pardon.
A New York publicist for the Stones, Fran Curtis, said she knew nothing about the application, the board's action, or what Huckabee might plan to do. Messages left at a telephone number listed on the application for Richards' manager, Jane Rose of New York City, weren't returned.
Huckabee plays in a band called Capitol Offense, which he formed soon after taking office as governor in 1996. During the Republican National Convention at New York City in September 2004, the band put on a two-hour show for the party faithful at an outdoor venue near the Brooklyn Bridge.
The governor is clear about his respect for Richards' skills.
"Every musician in the world recognizes his talent," Huckabee said through a spokesman.
Huckabee, who has said he is considering a run for president in 2008, said he got the idea for a pardon when he realized that Richards' impression of Arkansas "was marred by a misdemeanor traffic stop."
During a March 9 concert at Little Rock by the Stones, Richards made reference to the matter, asking if anyone in the audience was from Fordyce. "I used to know the chief of police there," he told the crowd.
Huckabee said pardoning Richards might leave a more favorable impression than the arrest.
"I wanted to clear his 'record' in Arkansas as a goodwill gesture," the governor said.
Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
Stones Rock Milan!
SETLIST: Jumping Jack Flash - Its Only Rock'n'Roll - Oh No Not You Again - Let's Spend the Night Together - Tumbling Dice - Streets of Love - Con Lie Me Lacrime - Midnight Rambler
Nighttime is the Right Time - Intros - Before They Make Me Run - Slipping Away -
Miss You - Rough Justice - Under My Thumb - Honky Tonk Women - Sympathy For The Devil - Start Me Up - Brown Sugar - You Can't Always Get What You Want - Satisfaction
The boys came out with a Bigger Bang tonight in Milan as they opened their long awaited European Tour with a few surprises. Fans at the sold out San Siro Stadium were treated to the debut of "Streets of Love", "Con Lie Me Lacrime" (Italian version of As Tears Go By), "Under My Thumb" and Keith's "Before They Make Me Run". The guys looked great and sounded equally fantastic! Next up Vienna, Austria July 14.
Press Conference Held on July 10, Opening Night in Milan July 11!
I got the word this morning by email from Keith's main man in Milan that "things are going well,press conference today,so busy busy, can't wait for first show.KR is well and looking great."
Stones Planet also had 2 staff members in attendance at the press conference, Christian Diemoz & Massimo Bonanno, who will be giving us reports as soon as they get some sleep.
Here is the news account.
MILAN, Italy (AP) — On the eve of relaunching the Rolling Stones European tour, guitarist Keith Richards said Monday that he has recovered completely from a head injury suffered in a fall and shrugged off a question about whether he had worried about dying.
"I feel great. I can't wait to get back on the stage again. Basically everything is cool," Richards, 62, said in his first comments since he fell from a tree April 27 while vacationing in Fiji, forcing the Rolling Stones to postpone their European tour.
He later had surgery in New Zealand to relieve pressure on his brain.
"Of course they put me out like a light. I was surprised myself. ... I had total comfort. When you got to do it, you got to do it," Richards said, adding: "I was pissed off when they woke me up because I was in such a good sleep."
With Richards returned to health, the Rolling Stones resume their "A Bigger Bang" tour on Tuesday at Milan's San Siro stadium. The 21-date tour wraps up Sept. 3 in Denmark.
Asked what he's been doing since the fall, Richards responded, "I recovered. ... Six weeks, I mean not bad for a brain job." Did he ever worry about dying? "Good one, girl," he said, good-naturedly.
The band was in a jovial mood and when the inevitable question came — What was Richards doing up in a coconut tree, as reported, and did he find what he wanted? — everyone was ready to set the record straight.
"That's a good one. If you saw the tree, you'd realize the joke. Fiji is not just made of coconut trees. It was a little tree," Richards said, without naming it.
Bandmates Mick Jagger and Ronnie Wood were eager to illustrate the point, however, indicating a height less than half of Richards.
Richards also confirmed his role in the third installment of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, saying he'd be filming for a week or so in September. Richards is to have a cameo role as the father of the flamboyant Captain Jack Sparrow, played by Johnny Depp.
"Now I know why (Depp) paid for all those lunches," Richards deadpanned.
Asked what success meant to the Rolling Stones after 44 years, Richards responded: "The opportunity to continue." His bandmates nodded in agreement.
Rehearsals in Milan Started Today at Alcatraz Club!
See photos on Stones Planet courtesy of Rolling Stones Italia. They have rehearsed such songs as "Ain't Too Proud to Beg", "Love Is Strong", "Heartbreaker", "It's Only Rock N' Roll", "Best of Burden" and "Oh No Not You Again".
Keith is Ready to Rock in Milan!
He said: "Everything's cool, my guitar is tuned, I'm ready to go. It was a nasty knock but we got over it and I'm ready to rock." To see Keith's video message go to his official site www.keithrichards.com
LONDON (Reuters) - The Rolling Stones tour due to start in Italy next month will go ahead on schedule, the band's spokeswoman told Reuters, despite reports that guitarist Ronnie Wood has been admitted to an alcohol rehab clinic.
"The Stones are absolutely going ahead on tour beginning July 11 in Milan," spokeswoman Fran Curtis said by telephone from the United States.
"I can confirm that for you because I got a note saying see you all there," she added.
She did not comment on reports that Wood had been admitted to an alcohol rehab clinic in London, and referred enquiries to the band's London-based representative who was not immediately available for comment.
Check out TOTA '75, a fantastic new Stones book from Genesis Publications featuring the photos, memorabilia and journal entries of Christopher Simon Sykes. Click on the banner below to order from the Genesis Publications website
Or click on my own TOTA '75 Page for more info and some featured photos. This book is a MUST for all die-hard Stones collectors and will soon be SOLD OUT, so hurry and order your copy today!
With the news that Keith Richards has made a complete recovery from his accident and is ready to return to the concert stage, The Rolling Stones have unveiled today their re-vamped European Tour Schedule.
Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie Wood & Charlie Watts will now kick off their 'A Bigger Bang' European Tour at the world famous San Siro Stadium in Milan, Italy on Tuesday 11 July 2006.
There will be 21 stadium dates in 11 countries across Europe and these shows will be all the Stones will be doing in the summer of 2006. Concert promoters CPI/TNA have made every effort to accommodate fans in as many countries and cities as possible.
The new tour itinerary is as follows:
Tues, 11 July Milan Italy San Siro
All tickets purchased for previous itinerary are valid.
The Rolling Stones concerts that were originally announced to take place in Barcelona, Madrid (Spain), Brussels (Belgium), Gothenburg (Sweden), St Petersburg (Russia), Brno (Czech Republic), Warsaw (Poland), Athens (Greece), Zagreb (Croatia), and Frankfurt (Germany) are POSTPONED. Concert promoters are in the process of re-scheduling these cities and there will be news of these shortly.
They ask ticket holders to hold on to their tickets and await further announcements.
The 2006 Rolling Stones Concerts in NURNBERG & LEIPZIG are CANCELLED
Michael Cohl, World Tour Promoter, commented "We are delighted to announce the Stones tour is back on track and thank all the fans and ticket holders for their patience. We have put in as many shows in as many countries as was feasible. This is still going to be the most incredible rock show ever."
Keith Richards Statement
May 22nd 4pm.
Keith Richards has arrived back home in the U.S. from New Zealand. He is feeling great, happy to be home and looking forward to getting back on the road with the Rolling Stones next month.
According to Tour Promoter, Michael Cohl, a revised tour itinerary will be announced shortly.
**Blue Lena will be offline May 24-June 1. All site updates will be done upon her return. Check www.stonesplanet.com for latest news.
Keith Given OK to Leave New Zealand?
Keith has been given permission today to fly to England according to the New Zealand Daily Herald. This information has not been confirmed, as other sources report Keith is flying to the US. I am waiting on an official statement from Fran Curtis's office and will post an update if/when I receive one.
9:37pm Fran Curtis, the Stones Publicist in NYC, reported that there are no official updates on Keith that she is able to report at this time, so the above information regarding Keith flying to England or the US may indeed be false.
Marlon Richards Says Keith is "In the clear"
Keith's son Marlon confirmed his famous dad is in the clear.
Keith Richards was discharged today from the Ascot Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand. He will be an outpatient returning to the hospital for check-ups. This is an official statement sent to me from Fran Curtis, the Stones Publicist, tonight! Good news for Keith!
By mid-day today reports were surfacing even on legit sites such as Reuters that Keith may have suffered brain damage and that he has had 2 surgeries not one, and that his daughters have rushed to be by his side. The Stones Publicist, Fran Curtis denied the rumor regarding brain damage and a second surgery about 20 minutes ago stating this "Keith Richards did not undergo a second operation. The first and only operation was done on Monday, May 8, and was 100 percent successful." "There was no brain damage. He continues to improve as expected."
Click HERE to see the official statement emailed to me by the Stones publicist Monday morning.
Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards is in good spirits as he remains under observation in New Zealand after a mild concussion, according to the band's spokesperson.
"He's feeling good and in good spirits," spokesperson Fran Curtis told Reuters. She did not know when he would leave New Zealand, but said the European leg of the band's world tour would begin as scheduled on May 27 in Barcelona.
Richards was flown to Auckland week after sustaining a mild concussion while on vacation with his wife, Patti, on the island of Fiji.
Various news reports have said the death-defying rocker fell from either a palm tree or a personal water craft. The Stones camp has not disclosed what actually happened.
WELLINGTON, New Zealand Apr 29, 2006 (AP)� Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards suffered a mild concussion while vacationing in Fiji and was flown to a New Zealand hospital for treatment, a band spokeswoman said Saturday.
Media reports said Richards fell out of a palm tree and remained hospitalized in Auckland.
Richards, 62, suffered a mild concussion while on holiday in Fiji earlier this week and was flown to New Zealand, band spokeswoman Fran Curtis said in a statement.
"Following treatment locally and as a precautionary measure, he flew to a hospital accompanied by his wife, Patti, for observation," Curtis said.
The statement did not elaborate on Richards' condition.
But media reports in Australian and New Zealand said Richards hurt his head after falling out of a palm tree at an exclusive Fiji resort and remained hospitalized in Auckland.
Newspapers in the Fairfax media group reported in their Sunday editions that Richards was flown to Auckland's Ascot Hospital on Thursday after the accident.
Steve Kirby, duty manager at the Ascot Hospital, would not comment on whether Richards was a patient there, citing the hospital's privacy policy.
The Fijilive.com news Web site reported that the accident was believed to have happened at Fiji's exclusive Wakaya Club resort.
Salesi Finau of the resort told The Associated Press that Richards and his wife recently stayed at the resort for about a week but would not say when they left.
Finau also refused to comment on the reports Richards had an accident.
"I am sorry, I do not have any comment on that," he said.
The Rolling Stones played a concert in Wellington on April 18 as part of their "A Bigger Bang" world tour.
According to the band's Web site, the Stones' next scheduled concert is at the Olympic Stadium in Barcelona, Spain, followed by 34 more dates across Europe.
Band Intros
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, Feb 18 (Reuters) - Fans poured into Rio de Janeiro from around the globe and a huge police operation swung into action for what will be one of the biggest rock concerts ever -- a free show by the Rolling Stones on the city's famed Copacabana Beach on Saturday night.
A Carnival atmosphere took over the beach area, as fans gathered in front of the stage built on the sand or milled around outside the luxury Copacabana Palace Hotel where the band is staying.
Lazaro Rosas, a 26-year-old artist, was sitting in his tent on the beach on Saturday morning. He had staked out the spot three days ago after spending a month making his way to Rio from Porto Alegre in southern Brazil.
"I wanted to see a legend, a myth," he said. Asked if he thought the Stones should still be rocking in their 60s, he said: "Time is relative. They are very strong."
Other fans had come from Japan, Britain, Norway and North America. Fleets of buses bringing people from elsewhere in Brazil and Latin America blocked city streets.
Tom Nolan, a 62-year-old businessman from upstate New York, said he has paid $750 for two tickets to see them in Albanyin September and had decided he could not miss the Rio gig.
"They are an inspiration to our generation," he said, drinking beer in a beach bar. "They have given the world so much and they are still cranking it out."
More than 1 million fans are expected to watch the show, part of the "Bigger Bang" tour which opened in the United States last August and was the top-grossing rock tour of 2005.
Squads of paramilitary police deployed across the crime-ridden city to control crowds and prevent clashes and theft.
More than 2,000 officers were moving into the Copacabana area, which was sealed off to traffic. Another 4,000 took up positions elsewhere in the city, including in several "favela" slums, which are are ruled by heavily-armed drugs gangs.
Six people were killed on Wednesday night when a gang from Copacabana invaded the Rocinha favela. On Saturday morning, the tortured corpses of five youths were found in the Niteroi suburb.
Rio's security chief Marcelo Itagiba earlier this week questioned the wisdom of having a free show on Copacabana Beach, and letters in newspapers asked why the police were unable to prevent the Rocinha clash yet mobilize for the Rolling Stones.
The veteran British rockers were ensconced in suites in the Copacabana Palace. Singer Mick Jagger, 62, spent most of Friday with his 7-year-old Brazilian son Lucas, the result of his fling with model and TV presenter Luciana Gimemez, who lives in Sao Paulo.
Gimenez is staying at the hotel as his guest, one of around 4,000 VIPs of the band, promoters and sponsors who will watch the show from a special enclosure around the stage.
The masses will be 100 yards (metres) back, separated from the VIPs by a cordon of police. Two police launches will also patrol the bay to keep fans in boats from getting too close.
The show will be filmed for broadcast in the United States later this month and possibly will be released on DVD.
It is being billed as the largest rock concert ever, but the Guinness Book of Records gives that honor to a show by Rod Stewart on New Years Eve's 1994, also on Copacabana Beach, which reportedly drew 3.5 million people.
My Deepest Sympathy to Stones sax player Tim Ries on the Loss of His Mother
Tim Ries, saxophonist/keyboardist for the Rolling Stones, sent the following message and thanks those fans who have expressed their condolences on the passing of his mother.
�My father played the trumpet and when he died 16 years ago, we set up a scholarship to help music students attend a summer music camp. Most attended Interlochen where I went as a child. My parents both loved it there. My mom passed away on Sunday night late at 1:15AM. She was an amazing lady. Her funeral was quite beautiful with great music and singing and memories shared.
My mother always worried that the scholarship fund was getting low so in lieu of flowers donations will gladly be accepted to the scholarship fund. I play a concert every year and all proceeds go to the fund. Here is the info where people can send checks for my mother and father.
The Jack Ries Memorial Scholarship Fund
C/O Marcia Vanderpool
9586 Tonneberger Drive
Tecumseh, MI 49286
Thanks for your thoughts,
Tim Ries
STONES & STEELERS KICK ASS IS SUPERBOWL XL! I credit the Stones with bringing the Steelers the luck to bring home "one for the thumb"!
See story link HERE
The Stones' 12 minutes of Super fame
Detroit Free Press
Seven hundred and twenty seconds.
That's what it comes down to. Twelve minutes. The Super Bowl halftime show, the world's most-watched annual music event, involves millions of dollars, thousands of people and 15 months of preparation. And it lasts 12 minutes.
That figure doesn't come with any give-or-take this-or-that. Talk to the professionals behind today's halftime show featuring the Rolling Stones, and you discover new definitions for words like "precision" and "rigor."
"There won't be a frame of video that we haven't pored over and discussed thoroughly beforehand," says Bob Toms, senior producer of ABC Sports, which is broadcasting this weekend's Ford Field festivities. "It's the culmination of a whole lot of work."
"People look at what we do and call us stress junkies," says Don Mischer, executive producer for Super Bowl XL entertainment. "You just say to yourself, 'If I'm going to fall on my butt, what better place to do it than in front of a billion people?' "
Mischer, whose r�sum� includes three Super Bowls and a Summer Olympics opening ceremony, says his task is even tougher this year: As of Monday, Stevie Wonder still hadn't settled on the songs for his pregame set, where he'll be joined by soul crooners John Legend, Joss Stone and India.Arie for a Motown retrospective. As for the Stones, well ... they're the Stones. Unlike every other performer today, and virtually every Super Bowl performer of the past decade, the band won't be playing along with the safety net of a taped track. The Stones will be "live, live, live," as one NFL executive stressed � and stressed is what it leaves Mischer.
"With Paul McCartney last year in Jacksonville, the decisions had all been made early, he'd rehearsed it many, many times, and as a result it was a very clean kind of coverage," Mischer says. "Here it's a very different kind of group. You don't necessarily know what they're going to do. There's more moving around, more raw energy, more unpredictability. There's no question that's going to make my job more difficult."
To the delight of Super Bowl organizers, the Stones have proved to be masters of keeping secrets. The band is tightly guarding its set list, and was still mulling over song possibilities this week, Mischer says.
"The options are wide open," he says. "Decisions could be made up to the very last minute in terms of what the Stones do."
Charles Coplin, the NFL's vice president of programming, says the league likes to view the relationship with its performers as a partnership, an alliance in which each party reaps big benefits from the other. Which means that even if Mick Jagger and company would take directions from anybody, the NFL hasn't been giving them.
"To come in telling them what or how to play isn't something we would do," says Coplin. "We make suggestions of what could resonate best with our fans."
The NFL and ABC do maintain veto power on the content of the performances, an area of particular sensitivity since Janet Jackson's 2004 halftime bust.
As the Super Bowl moved into its XXXs, the entertainment grew up. Mariah Carey on a national anthem here, Kiss on a pregame there, U2 on a halftime over here.
"It had been kind of ignored before that," recalls Mischer, who produced Michael Jackson's 1993 appearance. "Disney would do halftime with characters dancing on the field, that kind of stuff. It's become much more intense over the years."
By Patrick McManamon, Beacon Journal sportswriter
DETROIT - The Rolling Stones brought their irreverent selves to the Super Bowl on Thursday and told a packed news conference not to fret about what they might play or do during their halftime show Sunday.
``It'll all be worked out in the night,'' Rock and Roll legend Mick Jagger said. ``They needn't worry about it. Just calm down and take life as it comes.''
Of course, Jagger punctuated his remarks with a word that's a no-no on television, a word that had to have NFL Network folks running for the pause button as they showed the news conference live.
The way he did it, though, made everyone laugh, including the NFL representative running the show.
The Stones filled the largest ballroom at the Super Bowl Media Headquarters for their news conference, and they handled it with a nifty combination of wisecracks and aplomb.
They would not reveal what songs they will play but said they'd be limited to three in the 12-minute show.
Asked if it was tough to boil their decades-old playlist down to that number, lead guitarist Keith Richards cracked: ``It's hard boiling.''
Jagger did not disagree when it was proposed to him that 20 years ago the band wouldn't have thought of doing a Super Bowl, but he said the cultural difference between America and the Stones has decreased.
``America has obviously changed since we came here,'' Jagger said. ``It's almost unrecognizable, to be perfectly honest. It's very hard to imagine what the U.S. was like 40 years ago. It wasn't like this.
``And the Super Bowl wasn't like this either. It wasn't such a worldwide event. I think we've grown with the American culture changes, and America has changed a great deal. Though both of us still have our core values intact.''
The ``core values'' remark came with just the right hint of skepticism, which brought audience laughter. As did other questions:
When a bald, middle-aged, portly Detroit radio guy stood up and said he thought that Jagger might be his father, Jagger deadpanned: ``There's a great similarity in resemblance.''
When another man opined that Jagger still looked young, he said: ``That man is my father.''
When the mini-controversy over whether Motown singers should be represented at halftime was brought up, Jagger asked, ``You mean, are we gonna do a Marvin Gaye tune?''
When someone mentioned that with one billion people watching, it could be the largest audience to watch the Stones, Jagger said, ``I don't know who actually counts these numbers.''
And when Richards cracked his way through several answers to serious questions, Jagger just shrugged and went to the next question.
Finally, Jagger discussed being on The Ed Sullivan Show almost 40 years ago (Feb. 12, 1966), and said the band had been warned that Sullivan might or might not want to shake their hands after they sang.
When another man opined that Jagger still looked young, he said: ``That man is my father.''
When the mini-controversy over whether Motown singers should be represented at halftime was brought up, Jagger asked, ``You mean, are we gonna do a Marvin Gaye tune?''
When someone mentioned that with one billion people watching, it could be the largest audience to watch the Stones, Jagger said, ``I don't know who actually counts these numbers.''
And when Richards cracked his way through several answers to serious questions, Jagger just shrugged and went to the next question.
Finally, Jagger discussed being on The Ed Sullivan Show almost 40 years ago (Feb. 12, 1966), and said the band had been warned that Sullivan might or might not want to shake their hands after they sang.
Jagger said the band performed, stood, waited and watched Sullivan, who gave them a small wave.
``Very odd show, really,'' Jagger said.
The exclamation point came late, when a questioner mentioned to Richards that the joke always had been that the only two things left after a nuclear war would be him and the cockroaches.
``What will you do to make sure you outlast the cockroaches?'' the question went.
``I'm going to eat them,'' Richards said.
At which point, Jagger called an end to the questions, saying things had gotten ``a bit silly.''
Imagine -- the Rolling Stones ending a news conference because things had gotten silly.
I just returned this afternoon from a trip to South Beach in Miami, which was back to back with my trip to Chicago to see the Stones last week. Stones Planet has my quickie review linked HERE Special thanks once again to BB!
Omaha, Neb. � The Rolling Stones rolled into town Sunday for its first concert here in 40 years � and its nearest stop to Iowa since an October 1994 stadium spectacle in front of 40,000 fans in Ames.
It might as well have been considered a warm-up for this Sunday's Super Bowl, which the Stones will anchor for halftime.
�A lot of things have happened since 1966,� Jagger, 62, told the sold-out crowd of 16,000 fans at the Qwest Center, the city's downtown arena that opened in September 2003. �A lot of you were born.�
Not really. The crowd skewed to the baby boomer demo that was likelier to afford the $450 leather jackets at the merchandise booths (not to mention the tickets that ranged from $62 to $352, not including fees).
Jagger also noted that the band had lived through eight U.S. presidents, "some of them bad, some of them better.� That would have to suffice for even a whiff of topical commentary on Sunday. Sixties anthems "Gimme Shelter" and "Sympathy for the Devil" were trotted out, but the band's fresh anti-George W. Bush rant "Sweet Neo Con" was kept out of the arena.
Not to mention that the band kicked into �Sympathy . . .� with a light and jazzy groove that completely de-fanged the song until Richards� guitar solo and Jagger's wails sort of rescued it.
The Stones, especially Jagger, focused mainly on their carefully cultivated roles as lecherous rock royalty. (Jagger has been knighted, remember.)
Whenever he wanted to lead the audience in handclaps, Jagger simply stuffed his microphone down his pants. Take that as a metaphor for how Jagger remains in falsetto voice and fighting trim, most of his Bantam rooster moves intact. Without him as the prototypical dynamo frontman of rock �n� roll, some of Richards and Woods' more casual moments of guitar interplay Sunday might have seemed more sloppy than intimate.
Richards, tilting and smiling as always, ashed his cigarette on the stage floor as he took his turn to lead the band through "This Place Is Empty" (a new ballad) and "Happy" (the "Exile on Main Street" staple you knew he'd sing).
Richards and Woods traded guitar licks throughout the night and proved themselves essential foils to Jagger's aerobics instructor/flyweight boxer routine. Watts' crisp drumbeats remained the backbone with support from bassist Daryl Jones. Keyboardist Chuck Leavell still runs a tight ship as musical director.
Extra musicians slipped on and off stage as needed Sunday, including a four-piece horn section � �Bitch� blared! � featuring longtime Stones saxophonist Bobby Keys.
But the standout hired hand Sunday was backup singer Linda Fischer, who initially impressed during �Gimme Shelter,� the highlight of the night. Of course she had to endure Jagger slobbering on her and sidling up to her as part of the duet, but then Grandpa still gets to call the shots.
The Stones completely (and justifiably) ignored their �90s output Sunday, but the four songs sampled off "A Bigger Bang" did hold up when sprinkled among the hits.
And if the Stones must rehash their "Hot Rocks" playlist yet again, at least they relied on minimal gimmicks � just old-fashioned streamers at the end of the night. No pyrotechnics. No 1970s-vintage naughty inflatables.
The Stones did ride a moving stage across the arena floor to give fans in back a closer, wrinkly view during four songs.
I�d bet $1 million � less than one night's paycheck for the Stones � that the Omaha encore of �You Can�t Always Get What You Want� (lovable sing-along with another standout turn by Fischer) and �(I Can�t Get No) Satisfaction� (the sadly predictable nightcap) will figure prominently into Super Bowl halftime.
It's the Stones fan dying to hear rarer songs that can't always get what he wants on this tour.
But there was no shortage of country twang and cowbell in Omaha � even long before "Honky Tonk Women.�
Opening act Brooks & Dunn might not rate the Mick and Keith of country music, but the Nashville duo convinced more than a few Stones fans on Sunday to sing along. At first Ronnie Dunn, the better singer of the two, and Kix Brooks (harmonica) focused on uptempo songs. But actually it was the gentle, fiddle-framed ballad "Neon Moon" that seemed to win over the arena in earnest.
�Pretty good for a Rolling Stones crowd,� Dunn said. �Maybe we�re crossin� over, huh?�
Maybe. I know I was content to hear Brooks & Dunn's �Boot Scootin� Boogie� instead of the Stones� �Harlem Shuffle.�
When it comes to the Stones, there could have been worse things than the hits doled out with sinewy precision.
I started off the new Stones year with two great shows at Chicago's United Center. The second night I was in the front row on Keith's side, what could be better? Now it's time to start the Keith News 2006 page, and I promise to get the page updated as soon as I return from my trip to Miami's South Beach!
1) Jumping Jack Flash
2) It's Only Rock N' Roll
3) Oh No Not You Again
4) She's So Cold
5) Sway
6) Ruby Tuesday
7) Rain Fall Down
8 ) Live With Me
9) Tumbling Dice
10) Slipping Away
11) Before They Make Me Run
12) Miss You
13) Rough Justice
14) Start Me Up
15) Honky Tonk Woman
16) Sympathy for the Devil
17) Brown Sugar
18 ) You Can't Always Get What You Want
19) Satisfaction
Keith in Milan Tonight!
Fri, 14 July Vienna Austria Ernst Happel Stadion
Sun, 16 July Munich Germany Olympiastadion
Wed, 19 July Hannover Germany AWD - Arena
Fri, 21 July Berlin Germany Olympiastadion
Sun, 23 July Koln Germany Rhein - Energie Stadion
Fri, 28 July Paris France Stade de France
Mon, 31 July Amsterdam Holland Amsterdam Arena
Thurs, 3 Aug Stuttgart Germany Gottlieb-Daimler Stadion
Sat, 5 Aug Zurich Switzerland Dubendorf Airfield
Tues, 8 Aug Nice France Le Palais Nikala
Sat, 12 Aug Porto Portugal Estadio do Dragao
Mon, 14 Aug Valladolid Spain Estadio Jose Zorrilla
Wed, 16 Aug El Ejido Spain Estadio Santo Domingo
Sun, 20 Aug London UK Twickenham Stadium
Tues, 22 Aug London UK Twickenham Stadium
Fri, 25 Aug Glasgow UK Hampden Park
Sun, 27 Aug Sheffield UK Don Valley Stadium
Tues, 29 Aug Cardiff UK Millennium Stadium
Fri, 1 Sept Bergen Norway Koengen
Sun, 3 Sept Horsens Denmark Forum Horsens
He told Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper: "Yes, it seems that way but I can't say any more."
Jo Wood, the wife of Richards' bandmate Ronnie Wood, added: "He's as strong as an ox. He'll bounce back, Keith always does."
The 62-year-old guitarist is staying at a country retreat while he recuperates, according to Britain's News of the World newspaper.
I received this statement from Rogers & Cowan by email this morning and finally got to post it tonight.
Keith Richards underwent surgery this morning at The Ascot Hospital in Auckland, New Zealand.
The operation was a complete success and Keith is already up and talking with his family today. He will need a few weeks recuperation.
Last week Keith was under observation in Auckland following a fall in Fiji and was feeling well after being examined by doctors last week, however after complaining of headaches yesterday doctors thought it prudent to move ahead with a small operation to remove the pressure.
The Rolling Stones' 'A Bigger Bang' European tour goes ahead and will now start in June 2006.Full details of the re-scheduling of the tour will be announced shortly."
Keith Richards undergoes surgery after fall
Monday, May 8, 2006; 8:53 AM
LONDON/WELLINGTON (Reuters) - Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards had surgery in New Zealand on Monday to relieve headaches after a fall while holidaying in Fiji, his London publicists said.
"The operation was a complete success and Keith is already up and talking with his family today," the publicists said in a statement about the surgery at the Ascot Hospital in Auckland.
The publicists would not comment on a report in the New Zealand Herald that the surgery was to relieve a subdural haematoma or blood clot on the brain. The operation normally involves drilling a hole through the skull to drain the clot.
"He will need a few weeks' recuperation," the statement added, forcing the cancellation of early concert dates on the European leg of the Rolling Stones' "A Bigger Bang" tour.
The 62-year-old rocker had been under medical observation in Auckland following the fall in late April.
He had been feeling well after being examined by doctors last week, the statement added.
"However after complaining of headaches yesterday, doctors thought it prudent to move ahead with a small operation to remove the pressure," the statement said.
Last week a spokeswoman for the band said Richards had only suffered mild concussion and would not require surgery.
The Ascot Hospital told Reuters on Monday that Richards had been discharged but would give no further details.
Richards was flown to Auckland after the accident while holidaying in Fiji following the end of the Japan, China, Australia and New Zealand leg of a world tour.
The European leg of the tour will go ahead but its start will be delayed to June, the publicists said. The band had been due to open the tour on May 27 in Barcelona and May 29 in Madrid.
Full details of the rescheduled dates will be announced shortly.
Along with lead singer Mick Jagger, Richards has been the backbone of the Rolling Stones since the 1960s.
His history of arrests and drug abuse in younger years has given him the reputation as rock 'n' roll's ultimate survivor. He pokes fun at his checkered past by greeting concert audiences with the catchphrase, "Good to be here, good to be anywhere."
He has suffered his fair share of freak accidents.
In 1998, he broke three ribs and punctured a lung falling from a ladder while reaching for a book in his library. In 1990, one of his fingers got infected after he punctured it on a guitar string. In both cases, the Stones were forced to postpone concerts.
She denied that the 62-year-old rocker would require a drill through his skull to drain blood from his brain, as some news reports have suggested.
Tumbling Dice
Oh No Not You Again
Wild Horses
Rain Fall Down
Midnight Rambler
Night Time Is the Right Time
This Place Is Empty (KR)
Happy (KR)
Miss You
Rough Justice
Get Off My Cloud
Honky Tonk Women
Sympathy for the Devil
Start Me Up
Brown Sugar
You Can't Always Get What You Want