The X-Files
Australian Conne-X-ion
Episode Guide

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Episode 6ABX13

Title: Arcadia

First Screened in Australia: 26 May, 1999
First Screened in the USA: 7 March, 1999

domestic bliss

Credits: Director: Michael Watkins
Writer: Daniel Arkin
Starring: Guest Stars: Plot:
Mulder and Scully pose as a married couple to investigate a series of bizarre happenings in an exclusive, gated community
Fox press release
My Rating: 7/10

Overall this was a bit disappointing ... a garbage monster? It was a bit too reminiscent of the golem from "Kaddish" if you ask me and as far of "Monsters of the Week" go it ranks way down the scale. The idea of a Tibetan thought monster was reasonable enough if they hadn't shown it in all it's "glory" at the end. Something that remained largely unseen would have been better. I don't get why people would want to live in a place like that. I can understand that they couldn't get rid of the monster once it had been unleashed but they were living in hell -- running out to change a broken light bulb and generally living in conformity. One question: Why wasn't Big Mike killed (on the night of the light bulb change)? It was a bit odd him turning up to save Scully.

Apart from those gripes, the show had some of the best lines for a long time and the thought of Mulder and Scully in "wedded bliss" was hilarious ... baby cats, honeybunch, poopyhead, toilet seat, toothpaste, pink flamingo, new-ager ... and the list goes on, ahh yes!

Notable Quotable:
Mulder: You want to make that honeymoon video now?
Scully: Rob and Laura Petrie?
Scully: Mulder, if we ever go undercover again I get to choose the names, okay?
Mulder: Fine.

Scully: This tells me that you're not taking this seriously.
Mulder: I'm taking it seriously. I just don't understand why we're on it. It's our first catch back on the X-Files. This isn't an X-File.
Scully: Sure it is. It's unexplained. What do you want, aliens? Tractor beams?
Mulder: Wow. Admit it, you just want to play house.

Mulder: Woman, get back in here and make me a sandwich!
Did I not make myself clear?

Mulder: Oh, it was wonderful. We just spooned up and fell asleep like little baby cats. Isn't that right, Honeybunch?
Scully:That's right, Poopyhead.

Mulder: (Talking about how 'Rob and 'Laura' met at a UFO conference) Well, it's not me so much as Laura. She's quite the New-Ager. I mean, she's into those magnetic bracelets and crystals and mood rings, what have you. I mean, God bless her she's a sucker for all that stuff.

Scully: Mulder, speaking of cleaning up,whoever taught you how to squeeze a tube of yoothpaste?

Scully: Third warning. Toilet seat.

Mulder:Come on, Laura, you know... we're married now.

Where Have I Seen That Face Before?
Abraham Rubin Hercules Benrubi (6' 7" Big Mike) is a star of "ER" while other roles include "Twister", "The Rugrats Movie" and "U Turn". Other TV starring roles have been in the short-lived "Sleepwalkers" and "Parker Lewis Can't Lose". For more information check his Official Site.

Tom Virtue (Dave Klein) has starred in "Tex", "We Met On The Vineyard" (with "Rain King " star Clayton Rohner) and is the father of "Ally McBeal" on that show.

Tom Gallop (Win Shroeder) has appeared in "Mercury Rising" and "Jerry Maguire" and on the "Andrea Doria" episode of "Seinfeld".

Peter White (Gene Gogolak) has appeared in "Armageddon", "Dave" and "Flubber" and on TV had a recurring role in "Dallas" and "The Colbys".

Where Have I Heard That Name Before?
Director Michael Watkins was cinematographer on "Heart and Souls" and "The Glitter Dome" and directed numerous episodes of "Brooklyn South" as well as "Millennium" and "The Client".

The Pain Factor
Mulder and Scully barely excape from the garbage monster but aren't harmed.

The dictionary definition of the title "Arcadia" is: any region of simple, quiet contentment. It derives from a region of ancient Greece famous in tradition for the simple, contented life of its pastoral people.

The undercover names used by Mulder and Scully, Rob and Laura Petrie, is an homage to "The Dick Van Dyke Show". Dick's character was Rob Petrie and Mary Tyler Moore played his wife, Laura.

The name Autumn Terrace is a reference to Autumn Tysko famous for her online X-Files episode reviews.
