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Star Trek Wavs


Listen to the "Sound of Mus.......STAR TREK!!"

I have scattered wavs all over all of my pages, but I kinda ran outa' room on those so I decided to create a page dedicated just for wavs. It's not alot but I'm workin on it.

TOS Theme

Purring Tribbles!

(Scotty)I know this ship like the back of my hand(PING!)

Are you out of your Vulcan Mind?!


The needs of the many.....

That green blooded son of a......

Kirk and LOGIC?!What the......?


Kirk:"Ok,you can beam me aboard now." Spock:"We can't Captain."

McCoy:"Spock you never cease to amaze me." Spock:"Nor myself."

Angels Defend

Your Ears are Green!

Live Long and Prosper

Spock and Sarek contemplate the reason Sarek married Amanda

Spock:"If I were Human, I believe my reaction would be, 'Go to H***'"

Kirk to Spock:"....I outa' knock you on your God D*** A**!" Spock:"If you think it would help..."

McCoy in his excited state of mind.....

McCoy:"You know what, you really piss me off Jim!"

McCoy is the one who uses the word "Fascinating"?!

Computer|:"Level Please" Scotty:"Trasporter Room" Computer:"Thank You" Scotty:"Up your shaft..."

McCoy:"Jim,..." Kirk:"I'm fine Bones." McCoy:"Are you alright?"(laughing)

Spock:"Unless you ver' off, I shall...........blow my brains out."

Spock and Kirk in "Mirror,Mirror"

Kirk:"The people die,but the culture lives on." ?:"You mean to tell me........I can't remember the thing you told me."(laughing)

Kirk:"Men hold your positions, we have your coordinates, we are prepared to beam you aboard"...........Scotty:"But sir you forgot about the evironment and all that stuff,are you sure you wanna do that?.......(laughing)

Most likely McCoy's best line ever

Mr.Stiles,Spock,and McCoy in "Balance of Terror"

Kirk:"I'm not quite sure,but I think we've been insulted." McCoy:"I'm sure."

Spock:"Dr.Laten was murdered while the"(vioce becomes horse,coughs,and laughing)

Kirk:"You have no right, and we have the right,but you have no right,I'm never right,I'm never right...."

Kirk:"Prepare to notify Star Fleet as to our course..." someone in the backgrownd:"go" Kirk"Prepare to notify,(laughing)"

Spock:"The plants act as a depository(laughing)"

Kirk:"Think positive..."Spock:"Spock to enterprise,Spock to enterprise,come in enterprise..."someone in backgrownd:"enterprise, Lt.Uhura..." Uhura:"(scream!)"

Spock:"Both Earth outposts gone, the asteroids they were constructed on.......pulverized."

Spock:"Earth believes the romulans to be war-like,cruel,tretorous....and only the romulans know what they think of Earth."

Kirk:"Have no fear....Sargon is here!"(laughing)

?somebody?:"If they refuse to move right on cue, screw them!"(laughing)

Spock:"Obviously, their weaponary is superior to ours, and they have a practical invisabilaty screen."

Mr.Stiles:"This time we'll handle things without your help,Vulcan."

Kirk:"You tretorous pig, I'll hang you up by your Vulcan ears. I'll have you all executed!!"

One of the many lost Star Trek Episodes!(FUNNY!)

Kirk:"Would you mind telling me what this is all about, Mr.?"

Spock:"Without facts, the decsion cannot be made logically, you must rely on your human intuition."


McCoy:"I'm a doctor, not an engineer." Scotty:"Now you're an engineer."

Spock:"No, I don't think so."

Spcok:"I'm not capable of that emotion."

Kirk:"You ready Bones?" McCoy:"No. I signed aboard this ship to practice medicine, not to have my atoms scattered backand forth' accross space by this gadget."

McCoy:"Very impressive."

McCoy:"Well, Scotty, now you've dunnit'." Scotty:"Aye, the (can't make out what he says here) in the fire for sure."

McCoy:"This is medically impossible!"

Spock:"Most illogical."

Spock:"I ashure you, I am quite sane."(He doesn't sound sane to me!)

Scotty:"If I push these impulse engines too hard, in the condition they're in, they'll blow apart."

McCoy:"Oh? I find that shocking."

Romulan Comander:"How could you do this to me? What are you that you could do this?" Spock:"First officer of the Enterprise."

Sulu:"No escape for you. You either leave this war bloodied, or with my blood on your swords."

Kirk:"That's the answer, Mr. Spock!"

McCoy:"We know what a Klingon is!"

Scotty:"Doctor, whatta' we do?!"

Spock:"Lieutenant, put B-deck on audio." Uhura:"If you say so Mr. Spock Sugar."(HeHeHe!)

How many "He's dead Jim"'s can you count?

Chekov:"Oh, not everyone Ceptain' it's a russian inwention'."

Chekov:"I think we're in alot of trouble."Kirk:"That's a great help, Mr.Chekov. Bones?" McCoy:"I think Mr.Chekov's right, we are in alot of trouble." Kirk:"Spock, and if you say we're in alot of trouble..." Spock:"We are."

Nothing like the sound of Star Trek in the morning......or afternoon......or night.....