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Cast Biographies

On this page I'll include biographical information about the cast of my favorite TV show.


James Doohan (Scotty)

James Doohan has created an unforgettable impression as one of TV's favorite characters on a scifi show. The way he shaped and performed "scotty" and his kwel accent are an inspiration.

Born:March 3, 1920 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Other Movie Appearances: "Night Rider 2000(1991)," "Double Trouble(1992)," "The Duke(1999)" (They've all been in more than these, but I didn't want to list them all.)


Walter Koenig has, just like the others, created an unforgettable impression as one of TV's favorite russian dudes on a scifi show. His character, "Chekov", on Star Trek made us laugh and think, cry and smile......beautiful Walter, beautiful.....

Born: September 14, 1936 in Chicago, Illinois

Other TV Appearances: "Babylon 5," "Growing Pains" "The Questor Files"


Nichelle Nichols has also created an(gee, can you guess what i'm gonna say next??)unforgettable impression as one of TV's first favorite black actress. I think she acts beautifully. She's a perfect example of woman!!

Born: December 29, 1936 in Robbins, Illinois(near Chicago)

Other Movie Appearances: "Doctor,You've got to be Kidding(1967)," "The Supernaturals(1986)" "The Adventures of Captain Zoom(TV film-1995)"



Leonard Nimoy (Spock)

Leonard Nimoy has also created an unforgettable impression as one of TV's favorite Vulcans on Star Trek. I would have to say that "Spock" is THE most famous character of Star Trek's begining and continuing legacy.

Born: March 26, 1931 in Boston, Mass.

Other Movie Appearances: "Invasion of the Body Snatchers(1978)," "The Pagemaster(1994)" "Sinbad:Beyond the veil of Mist(1999)"


George Takei has created an unforgettable impression as one of TV's favorite star ship piolets. His character, "Sulu", I think, was perfect for him. He just fit right into it, I can't really explain......don't think that n e one else could either.....

Born: April 20, 1939 in Los Angeles, California

Other Movie Appearances: "Return from the River Kwai(1988)," "Prisoners of the Sun(1990)" "Live by the Fist(1993)"


William Shatner has created an unforgettable impression as one of TV's favorite Star Fleet captains. Acctually, he is the first favorite captian in the Star Trek legacy. His acting to me is kinda wierd but his character, "Kirk", has made him a Star Trek legend.

Born: March 22, 1931 in Montreal, Canada

Other TV Appearances: "Twilight Zone," "(Host of)Rescue 911" "T.J. Hooker"

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