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Star Trek Trivia


Test your Star Trek brains!

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1)In "Where No Man has Gone Before", what member of the U.S.S. Enterprise crew is mentioned to have attended Starfleet Academy with Kirk?
(a)Gary Mitchell (b)Lee Kelso (c)Mark Piper (d)Elizabeth Dehner

2)A transporter mishap created an evil duplicate of Kirk in which episode?
(a)"Balance of Terror" (b)"The Devil in the Dark" (c)"The Enemy Within" (d)"Mirror,Mirror"

3)What disease did Kirk almost die from as a child and later passed on in "The Mark of Gideon"?
(a)xenopolycythemia (b)Vegan choriomeningitis (c)synthococcus novae (d)Rigellian Kassaba fever

4)True or False:Spock served aboard the Enterprise longer than Kirk,McCoy,and Scotty.

5)Who opposed Spock's choice to serve in Starfleet?
(a)T'Pau (b)T'Pring (c)Amanda (d)Sarek

6)What level computer expert classification does Spock hold?
(a)A7 (b)B9 (c)A12 (d)Delta Vega

7)In which episode did Spock first wear the IDIC symbol?
(a)"Journey to Babel" (b)"Amok Time" (c)"The Savage Curtain" (d)"Is There in Truth No Beauty?"

8)In which episode did McCoy require Kirk to eat a salad?
(a)"The Corbomite Maneuver" (b)"Arena" (c)"Balance of Terror" (d)Charlie X"

9)In which episode did McCoy "finally get the last word"?
(a)"A Private Little War" (b)"This Side of Paradise" (c)"Journey to Babel" (d)"The Enterprise Incident"

10)Name the gladiator McCoy fought in "Bread and Circuses."
(a)Septimus (b)Flavius (c)Claudius (d)Merikus

11)In what episode was Scott struck by what looks like a lightning bolt?
(a)"Charlie X" (b)"Wolf in the Fold" (c)"The Apple" (d)"Who Mourns for Adonais?"

12)What is Scott's weapon of choice against Tomar in "By Any Other Name"?

13)In "Whom Gods Destroy", what security code did Scott use,per Kirk's orders?
(a)Kings to King's level 3 (b)Queens to Queen's level 3 (c)Kings to Queen's Level 3 (d)Queens to King's Level 3

14)In which episode did Sulu almost die from exposeure to subzero cold?
(a)"The Enemy Within" (b)"The Naked Time" (c)"All Our Yesterdays" (d)"Space Seed"

15)By what machine was Sulu "absorbed"?
(a)M-5 (b)Norman (c)Nomad (d)Landru

16)In which of the following episodes is Sulu seen commanding the Enterprise?
(a)"Balance of Terror" (b)"Errand of Mercy" (c)"The Squire of Gothos" (d)"A Taste of Armageddon"

17)Besides english, what other language was Uhura known to speak?

18)Which crew member does Uhura tease with a song in "Charlie X"?

19)Who was Uhura's drill thrall in "The Gamesters of Triskelion"?
(a)Shahna (b)Galt (c)Lars (d)Tamoon

20)Chekov firmly believed that everything was a _______ invention.

21)On the bridge, whose station did Chekov often man when it was vacated?
(a)Kirk's (b)Spock's (c)Scotty's (d)Uhura's

22)What was the name of Chekov's phantom brother in "Day of the Dove"?
(a)Yuri (b)Misha (c)Piotr (d)Boris

23)With which crew member was Christine Chapel infatuated?

24)What was Harry Mudd's full name?

25)What was Mudd's wife's name?
(a)Alice (b)Trudy (c)Stella (d)T'Pring

26)Who was prejudced against Spock in "Balance of Terror"?
(a)Stiles (b)DeSalle (c)Tomlinson (d)Tormelen

27)Whom did Kirk fight in "Arena"?

28)In "Who Mourns for Adonais?", which greek god captured the Enterprise?
(a)Zeus (b)Artemis (c)Ares (d)Apollo

29)Which class of starship was the original Enterprise?
(a)Constellation (b)Constitution (c)Excelsior (d)Galaxy

30)Which of the following was mentioned to exist aboard the Enterprise?
(a)Raquetball (b)Dance Hall (c)Bowling Alley (d)Firing Range


Trivia Answers