F Terms
F/Stop, F/Number: A calibrated measure of aperture lens opening.
F/Stop is a numerical relationship between the diameter of the lens opening
and the focal length of the lens. Common f/stops include f/1.4, f/2, f/2.8,
f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22. The h n effect. The position of the level
typically controls the amount of the A-Bus signal and the B-Bus signal that
contributes to the mix, wipe, or key. On the DVS-2000C, the Fader Arm also
controls the DME timeline.
FRB: Field Replaceable Block. An assembly, or circuit board
that is repaired by Fremont repair center and sold as an "exchange" to repair
a customer unit. Call parts in San Jose (800) 538-7550 to order.
FCC: Federal Communications Commission
FDDI: Fiber distributed data interface: High speed (l00+Mbps)
LAN protocol.
FDMA: Frequency division multiple access: Uses FDM to allow
multiple signal originators to contend for access to use the transmission
FEC: Forward Error Correction: Communications protocol that
uses algorithms to detect errors and either request a resend or take corrective
action to mask or compensate for the error.
Feed: Term generally used to indicate signals applied to satellite
uplink terminals, or signals received from a satellite.
Feedback: 1.) The noise produced when the amplified sound from
a loudspeaker is picked up by the microphone feeding that speaker. Also caused
by feeding the output of a source directly back to its input.
2.) An interactive training term. The action of providing information
to a user based on their input in order to reinforce concepts or facts that
will improve performance or provide self-evaluation.
FFT: Fast Fourier Transformation: A fast algorithm for performing
a discrete Fourier transform (an orthogonal transform).
Fiber Optics: A method of signal transmission sometimes used
for CCTV video transmission. Fiber optics transmit light rather than electricity.
Signals must be converted from an electronic to an optical signal prior to
transmission and reconverted to an electronic signal at the receiving end.
Fiber Optic transmission is capable of transmitting a great deal more information
at very high resolution than traditional electronic methods without any of
the associated problems of electromagnetic interference.
Field: 1.) A video term signifying one half of one television
frame. In NTSC television broadcast, each frame (image) is made up of 525
lines. Two 262.5 horizontal line fields equal one frame. Each field represents
either the even or the odd lines of a complete frame. A scanning system that
uses even/odd field pairs is defined as interlace scanning. A field equals
one-half of a complete television scanning cycle (1/60 of a second NTSC;
1/50 of a second PAL/SECAM). When interlaced, two fields combine to make
one video frame with a scanning cycle of 1/30 of a second at a scanning rate
of 1/30 of a second in NTSC.
2.) Computer term: The basic categories of information stored in the records
in a file. For example, a file of bibliographic information might have Author,
Title, and Date fields. Field is also used to describe portions of a sector
that contain particular information, such as a sync field.
Field Dominance: In videodisc mastering, the order of the video
fields established on the videotape during edits or transfers. A tape of
field-one dominance has a new picture beginning on field one; with field-two
dominance, the new picture begins on field two. The field dominance of the
master tape determines on which field the videodisc frames will begin.
Field Frequency: The number of fields per second. NTSC field
frequency is 60 per second; PAL frequency is 50 per second.
Field Rate: The number of fields per second.
Firmware: Software programs contained in Read Only Memory (ROM)
in a hardware device, such as computer cards or boards; or cards containing
FITL: Fiber in the loop: Telco term for fiber deployment in
the local subscriber loop
Flicker: 1.) A visible fluctuation in the brightness of an
image, often a problem in CRT displays if the vertical scan rate is lower
than about 50 Hz.
2.) In videodisc applications, an undesirable result of freezing on a
single frame that has mixed field dominance (see field Dominance). This results
in a rapid oscillation between two images.
Flash Memory: Non-volatile, digital storage. Flash memory has
slower access than SRAM or DRAM
FPS: Fast packet switch: Usually refers to ATM packet switching
Flip Flop: A feature where a switcher will always select the
previous source as the next preview or preset source. The program/background
bus flip flops with the preset bus. This feature is useful in live production
situations to help you get back to the previous source quickly in case you
make a mistake.
FM (Frequency Modulation): A method of modulation in which
the frequency of the carrier voltage is varied with the frequency of the
modulating voltage.
Focal Length: The distance between the optical center of a
lens and the image plane (which in the case of a video camera is the CCD
target area). The focal length is measured in millimeters (25mm = about 1
inch) and determines both the magnification and the angle of view of a lens.
On a variable focal length lens or zoom lens this measure can be adjusted
between two preset focal length extremes.
Foldback Circuit: Audio routing option designed to give studio
performers the ability to monitor pre-selected sources.
Footcandle: A measure of light equal to 1 lumen per square
foot. One foot-candle = 10.76 lux. The foot-candle is the unit most commonly
employed by light meters used in the United States. However, most camera
literature specifies the amount of light required for a camera to operate
in lux. It is easy to convert camera specifications in lux to the equivalent
specification in foot-candles: divide the specified lux by 10 for equivalent
Footprint: The illumination pattern on the earth's surface
from the satellite's signal energy transmitted by the spacecraft.
Forward Compatible: A new coding standard is forward compatible
with an existing coding standard if new decoders (designed to operate with
the new coding standard) continue to be able to decode bitstreams of the
existing coding standard.
Forward Motion: A motion vector that is used for motion
compensation from a reference picture at Vector an earlier time in display
Frame: One complete TV picture consisting of two interlaced
scanned fields. The American and Japanese standard for TV, NTSC, scans a
new TV frame consisting of 525 raster lines 30 times per second. One TV frame
is a 1/30 second synchronized to the U.S. AC power frequency of 60 Hz. A
frame contains lines of spatial information of a video signal. For progressive
video, these lines contain samples starting from one time instant and continuing
through successive lines to the bottom of the frame. For interlaced video,
a frame consists of two fields, a top field and a bottom field. One of these
fields will commence one field period later than the other.
Frame Address: On optical videodiscs, each frame (or complete
picture) has an a that can capture a frame in 1/30th of a second. A real-time
frame grabber can digitize and display full-motion video.
Frame Interline Transfer Device: A CCD which employs both vertical
registers (found in IT devices) and a separate vertical storage register
(as with FT devices) to facilitate charge transfer. While these devices are
the most costly to produce, they have advantages over both FT and IT devices
including reduced Smear and an electronic shutter. FIT sensors are found
on high-quality broadcast cameras. FIT is a combination of IT (Interline
Transfer) and FT (Frame Transfer).
Frame Relay: A type of fast packet switching technology with
simplified error detection capability. It requires more intelligence to reside
in the receiving terminal.
Frame Transfer Device: A CCD which employs a separate storage
array mounted vertically next to the sensing array to facilitate image charge
transfer. FT devices were the first CCD imagers commercially available and
are not widely used today.
Freeze Frame: (1)The action taken or the device used to pull
out a single field or a full frame from a sequence in full motion. (2) To
hold a single frame or picture for a period of time.
Frequency: The number of cycles a wave completes in a given
time interval. In audio, the rate of repetition in cycles per second (hertz)
of musical pitch or electrical signals. Low frequencies are bass; high
frequencies are treble.
Frequency Division Multiplexing:: A technique in which
communications signals are contained in separate carrier frequencies and
are transmitted as one combined signal.
Frequency Response: The range of frequencies from the lowest
to the highest that a particular electronic circuit is capable of handling
without distortion. Most circuits have limits to the range of frequencies
that they can handle. Frequency response is measured in cycles per second
or Hz. The human ear has a frequency response of about 20 to 20,0000 Hz because
it can hear and distinguish sounds within this range. In audio systems, a
frequency response matching this performance of the ear would be considered
high-fidelity. For security systems, audio frequency responses of 50 to 12,000
Hz should be considered sufficient. Video monitors should be capable of at
least 4 MHz (million Hertz) to retain the performance of cameras and recorders.
Front-Screen Projection: An image projected on the audience
side of a light-reflecting screen.
FSN: Full Service Network: A switched digital network system
that combines voice, data and video delivery over a single 'pipe'.
F/Stop, F/Number: A calibrated measure of aperture lens opening.
F/Stop is a numerical relationship between the diameter of the lens opening
and the focal length of the lens. Common f/stops include f/1.4, f/2, f/2.8,
f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22. The higher the number, the smaller the
lens opening and the less light falling on the imager. In low-light situations
a large aperture (e.g. f/1.4) would be needed.
FTTC: Fiber to the curb: Installation of optical fiber stopping
just short of the home.
FTTH: Fiber to the home: Installation of optical fiber to each
individual home.
FTTP: Fiber to the pedestal: Installation of optical fiber
from the CO to the phone company pedestal which serves a number of houses.
Full Duplex: Two-way communication as opposed to simplex or
half duplex, or one-way communication. In a two-site duplex videoconference,
both parties can send and receive video, audio, and data simultaneously.
Full-Motion Video: Video sequences that emulate those normally
seen on television because they have enough images (30 frames per second)
to impart smooth motion. |