R Terms
RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Disks (also known as Redundant
Array of Inexpensive Disks): An array of disk drives that allows information
to be written across many disks. This permits full data redundancy and full
recovery from individual disk failure. The cost of a RAID is determined both
by its capacity and its data transfer speed.
RBOC: Regional Bell Operating Company: The seven Regional Holding
Companies established at divestiture from the Bell Telephone Company.
RDBMS: Relational Database Management Systems.
Reference Picture: Reference pictures are the nearest adjacent
I- or P- pictures to the current picture in display order.
Reflections: A radio frequency echo effect, expressed as either
voltage standing wave ratio SWR) or as return loss.
Recorder Buffer: A buffer in the system target decoder for
storage of a reconstructed I-picture or a reconstructed P-picture.
Return Path: Interactive services require a path to return
signals from the consumer. Return path can be a phone line, upstream RF spectrum
in a cable system, or wireless.
RF: Radio Frequency: A frequency at which coherent electromagnetic
radiation of energy is useful for communication purposes. The frequency spectrum
above 30 kHz and below infrared.
RFI: (1) Radio frequency interference. (2)Request for information.
RFP: Request for proposal.
RFQ: Request for quote.
RHC: Regional Holding Company.
RS-232 Interface: A standard for serial data communications
as defined by the Electronics Industries Association Standard RS-232.