By-laws of The Chi Epsilon Sigma Chapter of Tri-Ess International

Last Updated: December 19, 2001

Section 1. Name

1.1. This Chapter of the Society for the Second Self (Tri-Ess International) shall be known as the Chesapeake or the CES (Chi Epsilon Sigma) Chapter.

Section 2. Purpose

The purpose of Chi Sigma Epsilon is to:

2.1. Act as a non-sexual support group for heterosexual crossdressers, spouses and significant others of crossdressers and their families and to assist its members in developing understanding and acceptance of the qualities essential to their personalities.

2.2. Further our purpose by providing opportunities for crossdressing, programs, services and social activities for the support of our members. We seek to support the education and enlightenment of our members and society as to the nature of crossdressing through local, national and international Tri-Ess Outreach programs.

2.3. Assist members with issues related to crossdressing whenever requested.

2.4. Promote the intent of Tri-Ess as stated in the Tri-Ess By-laws and policies.

2.5. Be an affiliated chapter of Tri-Ess. Therefore, any Chapter By-law, policy or provision thereof which conflicts with any Tri-Ess By-law, policy or provision is hereby declared null and void.

Section 3: Membership
3.1. Eligibility

3.1.1. Membership in Chi Epsilon Sigma is restricted to fulls in member good standing in Tri-Ess International; however, membership in Tri-Ess does not automatically qualify one for membership in Chi Epsilon Sigma.

3.1.2. All applications for prospective members shall be accepted by invitation.

3.1.3. All prospective members must be interviewed by two or more authorized representatives of Chi Epsilon Sigma.

3.1.4. Prospective members may attend one Chapter meeting or function before they must declare their intentions to join the Chapter.

3.1.5. If a prospective member's spouse or significant other wishes to attend Chapter meetings and participate in chapter activities, both must agree to observe the chapter's rules and standards.

3.1.6. Spouses or significant others of heterosexual crossdressers may enjoy all of the rights of full voting members of the Chi Epsilon Sigma Chapter provided they meet all of the criteria for membership.

3.1.7. Spouses, partners, or significant others who have lost a partner may apply to the Executive Committee for a continuation of their full voting membership status. The Executive Committee, by a majority vote, may grant such full voting membership on a case-by-case basis.

3.1.8. All participants in the Chi Epsilon Sigma Spouses' and Partners' Support Group must be qualified for membership under the general provisions of Section 3 of these By-Laws, including membership in Tri-Ess.

3.2. Non discrimination

3.2.1. The preceding section establishes the sole criteria for membership in Chi Epsilon Sigma.

3.2.2. Membership shall not be denied on the basis of age (except as to minors), race, color, creed, national origin, religion, physical handicap, sex, gender or gender role.

3.3 Classes of Membership

3.3.1. Full members who are entitled to all rights and privileges including the right to vote on Chapter matters that are subjected to a vote.

3.3.2. Affiliate members who are those members in good standing of Tri-Ess International and another chapter of Tri-Ess who may reside part time in the immediate area or who may be visiting the locality on such a regular basis so as to make them available for Chi Epsilon Sigma activities and meetings. Affiliate members will pay affiliate dues as prescribed by the Executive Committee. Affiliate members are entitled to a copy of the chapter newsletter and may attend Chapter meetings and events; however, they may not vote on Chapter business.

3.4. Establishment of Membership

3.4.1. The membership year shall run from July 1 to June 30.

3.4.2 An eligible person shall become a member for the year in which he/she applies by tendering the corresponding membership application to the Secretary and the necessary membership fee to the Treasurer.

3.5 Duties of Members

3.5.1. The members of Chi Epsilon Sigma shall hold the personal privacy of all other members in the highest regard. Information about the chapter and chapter members, individually and/or collectively, (e.g., real names, work locations, addresses, telephone numbers) is confidential and may not be disclosed outside of the chapter meeting in any way without the express permission from the member involved.

3.5.2. All members of Chi Epsilon Sigma shall support and abide by the By-laws of Chi Epsilon Sigma and Tri-Ess.

3.5.3. Members shall conduct themselves in a ladylike or gentlemanly manner.

3.5.4. Members shall strive to make visitors and prospective members feel welcome.

3.5.5. Members may vote, if eligible, in Chi Epsilon Sigma elections and referenda.

3.5.6. Members may promote Chi Epsilon Sigma and Tri-Ess.

3.5.7. Media Relations All contacts with the legitimate news media must be coordinated through the Chapter Chair. Individual Chapter members are asked not to represent themselves as spokespersons for either Tri-Ess or Chi Epsilon Sigma unless authorized to do so in writing by the Chapter Chair. There are no restrictions on correspondence between or among individual Chapter members and their pen pals. However, members are asked to observe the same rules of conduct in their correspondence with others, specifically, personal information concerning other Chapter members must not be discussed with those outside the Chapter.

3.6. Voluntary Relinquishment of Membership

3.6.1. Any member may voluntarily relinquish membership in Chi Epsilon Sigma at any time by communicating the desire to do so in writing to a Executive Committee member.

3.6.2. If a membership is relinquished, all information concerning the member shall be deleted from the records and any ad hoc fees paid by the member for activities subsequent to the ad hoc relinquishment shall be refunded; however, no portion of the membership fee shall be refunded.

3.7. Involuntary Termination of Membership

3.7.1. Membership may be involuntarily terminated if any member of Chi Epsilon Sigma engages in conduct detrimental to the Chapter as defined by the Board, such as, but not limited to: Unauthorized disclosure(s) of confidential information affecting another member, or the member's peace of mind or that of the member's family. Misappropriation of any funds of the Chapter or moneys appropriated for Tri-Ess. Willful disobedience of the Tri-Ess or Chi Epsilon Sigma Chapter By-laws. Verbal, written, or published statements detrimental to the security or peace of mind of individual members or Tri-Ess as a whole. Any illegal use of a controlled substance and/or abuse of alcoholic beverages. Obtaining admission to Tri-Ess and/or Chi Epsilon Sigma Chapter by false statements, concealment, deception, and/or evasion of facts. Overt sexual behavior or behavior not conducive to the peace of mind of all. Appropriation of the personal property of any member or removal of such property. Refusal to assist in a duly authorized internal investigation of a charged member or willfully suppressing evidence or facts with regard thereto and/or bearing false witness to same. Failure to comply with chapter rules, codes of conduct, or any provision lawfully made by the officers with chapter majority vote, or failure to adhere to any Chapter lawful regulations. Any member holding an office may be charged and removed from office if found guilty by majority vote of the Chapter of any of the following: Failure to comply with state or federal laws related to proper functioning of the Chapter. Misconduct or malfeasance. Any cause rendering continuance in office injurious to the Chapter.

3.7.2. Any member of Chi Epsilon Sigma may request the termination of the membership of another member.

3.7.3. Such a request must be in writing and must set forth in reasonable specificity the basis for requesting the termination.

3.7.4. The Chair shall forward a copy of the written request to the Executive Committee for a vote to involuntarily terminate Chi Epsilon Sigma membership.

3.7.5. Prior the Committee's vote to terminate, the complaining member shall present evidence of the misconduct and the accused member may present a defense.

3.7.6. Deliberation by the Executive Committee will be in closed session.

3.7.7. At the request of the accused member, a secret ballot and vote tally shall be held and witnessed by any member chosen by the accused member and the vote certified by the Secretary of the Chapter.

3.7.8. A vote of sixty percent of the Executive Committee members present shall result in the termination of the accused membership.

3.7.9. Upon such termination, all information concerning the member shall be deleted from the records and there shall be refunded any ad hoc fees paid by the member for activities subsequent to the relinquishment. No portion of the membership fee, however, shall be refundable.

3.7.10. An involuntary termination of membership in Tri-Ess automatically terminates membership in Chi Epsilon Sigma.

Section 4. Executive Committee

4.1 General Requirements

4.1.1. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be a member of Chi Epsilon Sigma in good standing and shall remain as such throughout tenure in office.

4.1.2. A member may hold only one office at a time.

4.2 Powers of Executive Committee

4.2.1. The executive and administrative powers of Chi Epsilon Sigma shall be vested in an Executive Committee consisting of the following officers:


Vice Chair



4.2.2. The Executive Committee reserves the right to restructure offices and officers during a term of office so long as every committee member has been elected by the membership.

4.2.3. The Executive Committee has ultimate authority over any Chapter matters not specifically addressed by these by-laws.

4.3. Duties of the Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall:

4.3.1. Be responsible for the effective administration of the Chi Epsilon Sigma Chapter.

4.3.2. Hold monthly meetings scheduled at the discretion of the Chair to discuss and act on administrative matters.

4.3.3. Appoint committees and delegate authority as necessary to perform tasks required for the fulfillment of Executive Committee responsibilities.

4.3.4. Make recommendations for action to be voted upon by full members of the Chapter.

4.4. Executive Committee Meetings and Quorum.

4.4.1. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly.

4.4.2. Three members of the Executive Committee being present constitutes a Quorum.

Section 5. Chapter Officers

5.1 Duties and responsibilities

5.1.1. The Chair shall preside over all meetings and is responsible for the daily administration of affairs of Chi Epsilon Sigrna. The Chair shall become the Director upon completion of the elected term of office as Chair.

5.1.2. The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in matters related to Chapter adminis-tration and act on behalf of the Chair during the Chair's absences form any meeting. The Vice-Chair shall become Chair upon completion of the elected term of office as Vice-Chair.

5.1.3. The Secretary/Treasurer shall keep a written record of the proceedings of each meeting of the Chapter and shall responsible for forwarding meeting minutes to the newsletter editor in a timely manner for publication. She shall also keep an accurate account of Chapter funds, receive al revenues, pay all Chapter expenses, maintain the membership roster, and determine the existence of a quotum prior to the opening of any business meeting.

5.1.4 Spouse Representative shall ensure spousal concerns and suggestions are brought to the attention of the Executive Committee, and shall work with the membership to enact recommended changes and approaches.

5.1.5. The Director (Past Chair) shall serve as a counselor to the Executive Committee and perform other duties as assigned by the Chair.

5.1.6. The mailing and membership lists are confidential. Only the Executive Committee shall be permitted access to either list, except in response to duly constituted judicial process. These lists are not to be stored in any electrical format other than on removable media. No member shall reveal any information of another member, except with the other member's express permission.

5.2 Terms of Office

5.2.1. The Chair serves a one year term and then serves as Director the following year.

5.2.2. The Vice Chair serves a one year term and then serves

as Chair the following year. 5.2.3. The Director serves a one year term.

5.2.4. The Secretary/Treasures serves a one year term.

5.2.5. The Spousal Representative serves a one year term.

5.3. Elections The Executive Committee shall present a slate to the Chapter at the May meeting. Nominations can be made from the floor; however, if no nominations are made and seconded, the slate will stand as presented. if nominations for any or all positions are made and seconded, each nominated individual may present points favorable to his/her selection. A vote will then be taken on those positions for which nominations have been made. A simple majority of members present will determine the victor.

Section 6. Amendments of By-laws Purpose

6.1. Process.

6.1.1. The By-laws of Chi Epsilon Sigma may be amended as set forth herein, with the exception of Section 2.5.

6.1.2. All voting members must be advised in writing of any proposed amendment a minimum of twenty days prior to the meeting at which the matter is to be voted on.

6.1.3. Each amendment to be made must be voted on independently.

6.1.4. Members may vote in person or by mail, but voting shall be conducted during the business portion of a Chapter meeting by secret ballot and tabulated by the Treasurer and another person as determined by the members present.

6.1.5. A two-thirds majority vote of votes received shall be required for any amendment to pass.

6.1.6. Typographical or grammatical correctness shall not be considered amendments.

6.2. Amendments to Section 2.5.

6.2.1. Shall require a two-thirds majority of all of the members eligible to vote.

6.2.2. Shall constitute a withdrawal from membership in Tri-Ess and will require immediate notification be given to that organization in writing by the Chair or other duly appointed Chapter member.

Legislative history

May 17,1998. Drafted by Grace, Paula, Yvonne, Linda, Emily, and Becky

May 30, 1998. Presented to the full membership for review and comment: Comments received and corrections made. Approved by the membership present.

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