The Wild Rose of the Chesapeake
Vol. 5, No. 2
February, 2002
This Month's Features:
Chi Epsilon Sigma Executive Committie
Revised CES Meeting Schedule
CES Executive Board Meeting
Sweetheart Appreciation Month, by Jane Ellen Fairfax
CES Fashion Show, January 26, 2002
Why I Wanted to Join the Baltimore Chapter of Tri-Ess
, by Rosemary Mac
A Second Set of Three "S's", by Rebecca Adams
The Face Lift
From the Editrix
This newsletter is a labor of love for each of our contributing editrixes. Please join the staff by submitting your own insights into the world of crossdressing. You can send your input to, or R. R. Boyd, P.O. Box 2252, Ashburn, VA 20146-9152.
Rachel Rene Boyd
Newsletter Editrix
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Chi Epsilon Sigma Executive Committee
* Non-Voting Members
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Revised CES Meeting Schedule
You may have noticed the meeting schedule in last month's The Wild Rose had several dates on Sunday. We misread our 2002 calendar. Most regular chapter meetings are held on the third or fourth Saturday of each month. Sometimes adjustments are made for holidays, so always consult The Wild Rose for the latest updates. The schedule for 2002 is:
January 26 |
Fashion Show hosted by Rebecca |
February 23 |
Comportment by Janet |
March 23 |
Dinner theater by Marsha |
April 27 |
Program TBA |
May 18 |
Program TBA |
June 22 |
Picnic |
July and August |
No meetings will be scheduled |
September 21 |
Dr. Kate Thomas, Gender Therapist |
October 26 |
Halloween Party |
November 16 |
Program TBA
Optional: Tri-ESS "Be-All" in New York |
December 14 |
En femme dinner party at a local restaurant |
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The Executive Board of Chi Epsilon Sigma met in compliance with the Chapter's By-Laws at 2:00 PM at Grace's residence. A quorum of officers was present. Officers attending included: Rebecca (Chair); Marsha (Vice Chair); Terri (Director); Grace (Secretary/Treasurer); and Linda (Spouse Representative). Non-voting committee chairs present included Rachel (Newsletter) and Mary Alice (Membership). Key personnel not present: Ashley (Web Mistress). Visitors attending included Doneene and Yvonne.
The meeting began with a report by the officers and committee chairs.
The Chair, Vice-Chair, Director, and Secretary had nothing to report.
The Treasurer's Report noted that the current checking balance (as of December 31, 2001) was $2,989.31 and the Certificate of Deposit was $1,071.35. The Treasurer also noted that a bill of $789.00 was due for the meeting room for January 26, February 23, and March 23.The Treasurer's Report was accepted as read.
The Editrix noted that there was always a need for articles for the Newsletter. Rachel also noted that there had been reports of "gremlins" within the system that caused momentary issues with both sending and receiving the Newsletter. She has been able to resolve almost all of them (and had no explanation for those that just seemed to resolve themselves…) upon inquiry and re-submission.
The Membership Chair led a spirited discussion on expedited approaches to screening and interviewing prospective members as well as on the approach to be taken in responding to inquiries. Mary Alice noted that she was literally being swamped by inquiries (there was a total of six prospective members who had been interviewed and encouraged to attend this month's meeting). The single most delay in the interview process was scheduling the face-to-face interview. After extensive discussion Mary Alice's suggested solution was adopted—that is, the area will be divided into geographic sectors. Mary Alice will be able to call on the following to do interviews in their respective sectors: Rebecca for southern Pennsylvania, Mary Alice for central Pennsylvania, Yvonne for the Susquehanna Valley; Rachel for Northern Virginia; Terri for Western and Northern Maryland, and Marsha for the Baltimore sector. Out-of-sector interviews (e.g., New Jersey, Delaware, West Virginia, et al) will be handled on an as-possible basis. When at all possible two members should form the interview team but when this is not practical, a one-person interview is possible with further interviews if necessary at the chapter meeting.
In addition, the initial letter responding to an inquiry would ask the writer to check our web site for an explanation of who and what CES is and if interested, to check back by e-mail for more details. If the inquirer does so, then the second letter would set out the telephone call and interview procedures and speed the individual along. The concept would be to be responsive, welcoming and open while using a minimal lapse of time and degree of interest as the screening agents. Anecdotal evidence indicates that the initial encouragement to review the web site before starting the actual telephone interview process may be screening out the casual observer while not deterring serious inquiries.
Under Old Business, specifically Programs, the Vice Chair brought forward a suggestion of a dinner theater en femme on March 23; after discussion Marsha was encouraged to obtain the information and pass it to Rebecca who would then put out a notice to the members. (This was done and a notice was e-mailed prior to the January 26 Chapter meeting as well as announced at the January meeting.) The January program was the semi-annual Fashion Show with seven models, February was scheduled to be a feminine comportment/deportment presentation (Rebecca noted that Janet was encountering difficulties for speakers but that there was a fall-back position), and March could be the dinner/theater. The second quarter—April, May, and June—were un-programmed at this point but volunteers would be asked for at the January meeting. July and August were tentatively programmed for picnics and "lawn parties" as occurred last year. Kate Thomas is scheduled for September, our Patron Saint's Day is in October, the Tri-Ess "Be All" (for those who could attend in New York and a Chapter session locally for those who couldn't) in November and an en femme dinner party at a local restaurant in December.
The Chair noted under New Business that there were a number of inquiries as to the possibility of setting up panels for discussion at local colleges and universities. The Board agreed that Rebecca should continue to follow up on these as a matter of "outreach" and to obtain panelists to fit the venues involved.
Rebecca also noted that the Executive Board needed to develop a slate of officers (Vice Chair and Spouse Representative) for presentation to the Chapter at the May meeting and to be voted on at the June session in order to take office in July.
No further Old or New Business being presented, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Rebecca Adams
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Sweetheart Appreciation Month
By Jane Ellen Fairfax
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:28:52 EST
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
As always, February is Sweetheart Appreciation Month throughout Tri-Ess. I hope every Tri-Ess chapter is planning to do something special to honor the spouses and partners who love us. Every year I am touched by the beautiful things that come from the hearts of our Tri-Ess sisters, little expressions of love and honor to our mates.
There are all sorts of programs you can do. The chapter can have a special evening out at a nice restaurant, have a special ball or party dedicated to our life partners, dedicate to them flowers accompanied by words of love and appreciation, and lots more. Let your creativity flow, and act from the heart. Also, it is very important that you e-mail me an account of what your chapter did, along with pictures, if appropriate. This is a time when our feminine soul-beauty soars to its height, and we want to share that loveliness throughout Tri-Ess.
Love to all of you,
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The January meeting for Chi Epsilon Sigma was called to order at 7:10 by Rebecca. While the meeting was called to order shortly after 7:00 PM, the doors to the meeting room and the adjoining changing room had been opened at 4:00. Since that time members had assembled, enjoying each other's company and the various epicurean delights that had been provided by the members. As she called the meeting to order, Rebecca noted that the array of food items resembled a field that had been devastated by a horde of locusts—literally stripped clean (except for the broccoli)!!
The first event was the introduction of all parties present—some 31 members and prospective members. Attending the session were: Barbara VH, Becky L, Charlotte, Danielle, Grace, Janet, Julie, Julio, Leslie, Marsha and Doneene, Mary Alice, Maureen and Liz, Missey and Rene, Rebecca and Anne, Rita, Rosemary and Theresa, Terri, Tiffany, and Yvonne and Linda. (No spousal issues or request for a separate meeting had been made known to the Chair so that portion of the meeting was not activated.) Prospective members included: Deb, Kara, Kelsey and Mary, Michelle, and Mikki.
Following the round robin of introductions—to include the prospective members—Rebecca noted that there were several plans afoot. First she noted the possibility of a dinner/theater on March 23. Questions were raised as to where one could change as the attendance would be en femme and Marsha agreed to locate a room in a nearby motel for such activities. Rebecca agreed to put out a message to chapter members to determine the serious degree of interest in terms of attending but the Chapter agreed to have Marsha make a deposit of $200 towards securing at least 24 spaces. (Ed. The cost of the dinner/theater would be $27, not $25 as Rebecca stated at the meeting.)
Rebecca noted the feminine comportment/deportment program for February would most likely be replaced by a makeup session if Heather could be scheduled for the 23rd and March's program would be the dinner/theater if there was sufficient interest. Volunteers and ideas were needed for the April, May, and June programs so members were encouraged to step forward.
Rebecca also noted that the Executive Board would be presenting a slate of officers (Vice Chair and Spouse representative) in May for election in June and assumption of offices in July. She noted that Marsha would become the Chair, and that she—Rebecca—would become the Director and through this evolution of officers continuity of effort and direction were maintained.
With no further new or old business the meeting moved on to its focal point--a fashion show put on by five members—Julie, Rosemary, Rita, Mary Alice, and Becky.
First down the runway was Julio in her cowgirl outfit of boots, black vest, jeans, lavender chemise blouse, and leather belt—all she was lacking to "round up those little doggies" was the traditional ten-gallon hat and a lariat!
Mary Alice followed with a two-piece navy blue jacket dress with matching pumps and handbag…the ideal outfit to wear to work at Enron knowing that the press will be watching!
Rosemary graced the runway with a flame-red skirt-suit and a black turtle neck sweater and matching shoes—once again the ideal colors to wear to a four-alarm fire—surely such an outfit would stop the traffic!
Rita sauntered out in a tweed jacket suit by Jones of New York and Company, sensible shoes (low heels!) and matching purse with gold-tone jewelry—really the type of outfit that indicates one means business!
Becky wore an ensemble consisting of a blue single-breasted suit and white blouse, one more outfit that indicated the business-minded intent of the wearer along with the feminine perspective and cut.
Julio, having made the quick switch from the "frontier" to the "cocktail bar" appeared in a black blouse, red trailing taffeta skirt, fishnet stockings (with straight seams, too!), and black patent leather heels…from "out west" to "back east" in such a short time!
Rosemary made a second appearance indicating that she was not all work and no play by displaying a blue velvet evening gown worthy of the song "Alice Blue Gown!"
And Mary Alice closed the show with her second appearance wearing a two-piece black mesh jacket dress, patent leather pumps with matching bag and topped (literally) off with a beautiful "waterfall" necklace.
All of the participating models were called back on stage and received a tremendous round of applause for their efforts and their wonderful sense of humor.
Declaring that nothing could top the performance of these individuals, Rebecca declared the formal part of the chapter meeting to be concluded. Whatever (once again except for the broccoli) was left on the table became the center of attention, along with the wine that was present, and members continued to chat and visit until well after 10:30 PM…as more than one member remarked "it seems like old times aga in!"
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by Rosemary Mac
I have had an affinity for Baltimore since I visited this city back in the 1930's when I was very young. In those days the streets of Baltimore were lighted with gas lights as were many cities in New Jersey and in other states. That was the first time that I visited Fort McHenry. In 1861 my great grandfather passed through Baltimore as a Private in the 38th Regiment of New York Infantry Volunteers. They were on their way to Washington D.C. to protect the Capital from the Army of Northern Virginia. He was in one of the camps described in the "Battle Hymn of The Republic".
While in the US Navy in the Korean War I sometimes took a bus from New York City to Norfolk and passed through Baltimore on the way. I remember looking out of the window and reading the sign that was on the Gordon's Restaurant and store that said "The Crabs That You Eat Here Today Slept Last Night In The Chesapeake Bay". I wished that I could have stopped and enjoyed some steamed crabs, but the war came first.
My parents would think nothing of driving to Baltimore for steamed crabs and visiting some of the attractions that Baltimore offered. I often drove them to Baltimore with my wife and later with our two daughters. When my youngest daughter was attending the University of Maryland, Baltimore
Campus, my wife and I visited her frequently. After she married, she had a son who was born in St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore.
When I first joined Tri-Ess, I looked at the list of chapters in "The Mirror" and saw the Baltimore Chapter listed. The first chapter that I joined was Sigma Nu Rho in New Jersey, then Epsilon Mu Gamma in Pennsylvania, then Chi Delta Mu in New Jersey and ,finally, Chi Epsilon Sigma in Baltimore.
I am now proud to be a member of CES and my wife and I have enjoyed every meeting and newsletter. We have met new friends and are looking forward to future events. I absolutely love the name of the newsletter, "The Wild Rose of the Chesapeake". This inspired me to call myself "A Rose From The Garden State". I have a beautiful rosebush in my backyard and I often cut a rose and give it to my wife. In return sometimes she will buy a rose for Rosemary.
When I was first diagnosed with having a high level case of prostate cancer the doctors weren't sure about how dangerous it was since the tumor was close to the envelope and could spread. I was shocked and at home with tears in my eyes I told my wife that if things get worse and I don't make it, then to place a rose in my casket for Rosemary. Three of my friends died from prostate cancer. I have had various treatments and with God's help I will survive. My PSA is now 0.1, down from 8.2. Thank God!
Finally, I once knew a professional baseball player who invited me into the dugout and clubhouse where he gave me an autographed baseball. His name was Al Clark and he was the last New York Yankee to wear Babe Ruth's number 3 on his uniform. Babe Ruth, of course , was born in Baltimore. I was present at the Yankee Stadium when Babe Ruth made his final appearance before he passed away .We also loved to dine at Haussner's Restaurant.
It was President Rebecca Adams of CES who sponsored me in this chapter and as my BIG SISTER, gave me hope and moral support during the darkest hours of my life. But more than anything else the Sisters and wives that makeup the membership are really a great bunch!
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By Rebecca Adams
Tri-Ess's "Serenity, Service, Support" might also bring to mind a second set of three "s's" for this Valentine's Day—be Sensitive, Share your time, and act Smart. And here I am talking to the crossdresser, whether or not his spouse knows, is supportive, unknowing, coldly tolerant, or whatever.
Remember the idea that to light another candle from your own takes nothing away from you. And that is the major issue related to genuine love—you, by your actions, are lighting another candle. By being sensitive to your partner's needs and desires you are essentially manifesting one of femininity's principal values—a woman's sense of inclusiveness is based on that need to ensure others are thought of and are responded to. To be self-centered—one of the major complaints made about us by those who love us the most—in your crossdressing is basically anathema to what you are hoping to be through your portrayal while in feminine attire. So be sensitive to her feelings and concerns—if there are compromises, stand by them. Don't cheat on the little things because that line beyond which you say you won't go now will keep getting farther and farther out there. If she isn't aware, seriously consider the impact on her if and when she should learn about your "actions." If she does know but doesn't support or is coldly tolerant, be all the more sensitive and supportive—she's hurting as much as you are but doesn't know how to express it.
Share your time—it is the most precious thing that you have. Once spent you cannot regain it. Make an effort every day to really listen to her, to confide in her your concerns about your work, your interests, and your future. Women share—men don't. It's regarded by many men as a sign of weakness, when in reality failing to share weakens us—we don't benefit from other's experiences and thoughts, we've got to go it alone. Can you imagine a woman going through childbirth for the first time alone? Sharing is essential for their survival as individuals. Sharing is also essential for your survival as a couple.
Act Smart. What that means is that you really consider the consequences of your actions and your words. How will they be interpreted? There's an old saying that goes something like "make my words sweet because I just might have to eat them sometime." Think of what the impact of your actions and words are on the one you love the most before acting or saying something. Once done or said, there is no going back to the way things were originally. So closing the circle, as Tri-Ess does with its logo, we're back at the "Be Sensitive" point, because acting Smart means you have to be sensitive of the needs, concerns, and worries of the one you love the most.
All of the flowers in the world, all of the candy in Hershey, all of the jewels in the Smithsonian mean absolutely nothing to her compared to your being sensitive to her, sharing yourself with her, and showing her you love her by your actions.
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If you are a crossdresser who is into body modification, this may apply to you.
A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God she asked "Is my time up?" God said, "No, you have another 43 years, 2 months and 8 days to live."
Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a facelift, liposuction, and a tummy tuck. She even had someone come in and change her hair color. Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well make the most of it.
After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed by an ambulance.
Arriving in front of God, she demanded, "I thought you said I had another 40 years! Why didn't you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?"
(You'll love this!!!)
God replied, "I didn't recognize you."
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Page Created: 3 May 2002