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ABCs of Poetry
What's that scrambling around the dark, secret corners of your soul? Oh right, it's the heart of a poet, desperate for like-minded passion and play. Express yourself with whatever rhyme, meter or freeform verse you prefer, and get feedback from your fans and peers. And check back for regular contests, moderated by our resident writing divas.

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ABC's Glossary of Poetic Definitions





~Take our Just For FUN Informative Poll~
Poetry form WAKA is best defined as:
  1. I-ching double trigram poetry on the subject of stir fry
  2. Japanese poetry having 31 syllables
  3. Wookie prose in praise of Chewybakka
  4. Poetic cross-walk signs in Little Italy
  5. Requim for Davidian Citizens
  6. Ancient Egyptian 13 vowel Incantantation
  7. 40-verse Invocation of spirit Ka to merge with cosmic Wa
  8. 7-Letter Words found on bathroom stalls in Mentally Deranged Poets Ward
  9. Pentagram Initiation in Canto Pentameter of 5 Star Covens
  10. 7-Line Locker Room Lyrics scribbled on Pin-up-Posters

Can You Guess? Click here to Answer

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