How did you get that Scar?

It happened like this...

There was a Full Moon out...

The WRITE Place

Writers Block Busters

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Struggling with Writers Block?
Try any of these
Writers Block Busters
to get your Creative juices flowing again!

Writers Block Buster Excersize
Mulitple choice
Character - Setting - Incident - Situation 

Click to Pick a Number between 1 & 10

Describe your Car

This is just a brief exercise to get you writing.  Take as little or as much time as you want with it.  Make us want to learn more!!!

Describe your car -- make, model, color.  Tell us where/how you bought it.  Where has it been?  What conversations have taken place in it?  What's in the CD player?  Who drove it last?  Make something up if you have to.

Now, if you're up to it -- take it to the next step.  Pretend you sold it.  Who are the new owners?  Where did they take it?  What music is playing on the radio or in the CD?  Where is its final resting place?  How did it get there?                                 

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Word Chameleons

Ever come across a word that can have more than one meaning, which may or may not sound the same, although the spelling doesn't change.

Try to use them in a sentence 

Here's one can you think of another? Let's see how many we can come up with.

wind = a stiff breeze

wind = to twist and turn

The Wind caused the Flag to wind around the pole

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...And The Rockets Red Glare
Pretend you're with a blind friend -- Describe your local 4th of July fireworks display. 

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Imagine Yourself as a House

What would you look like? Not only Ranch style or Gothic - but what about in the corners and behind the doors? Does anything lurk there or is it all sunshiny?

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Let's play a game

See how many different ways you can think of (come up with - invent - conjure up) to describe a particular subject.

Start (begin-take off- runwith :) with one subject- 
When you run out of ideas (exhaust the possibili-tease) Go on to another( subject, object).

Subject - Sally's looks and temperment.

Sally was a pretty outgoing girl, but she tired easily and wanted others to take care of her.

Example -
Sally was a tall stunning vivacious creature, voluptuous in every way, but she was vampish and easily given to vapors.

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How do you Bust Writers Block?

It's The WRITE Place for YOU!