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Hopefully, we can all learn from these.  Or at least, have a good laugh.

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frypan_fire_md_wht.gif (5863 bytes)Always double check before the plates leave the kitchen

The calm planning of the menu often turns to chaos when the meal is being served.   One of my nightmares is serving all the food out and sending the plates to the table to discover that I'm one short.  Haven't actually done it yet, but have been distracted by it and forgotten a vital ingredient to the meal.  Most notable was the mint gravy I had spent ages on only to leave it unused in the kitchen.  Garnishes are notorious non-attenders on my plates.  [DC]

frypan_fire_md_wht.gif (5863 bytes)I didn't do that, did I?

Friends of ours who live in the Eastern suburbs of Sydney are good hosts.  Time pressure and the antics of two young sons meant that prepared parcels from the local butcher were on the menu.  The lamb and apricot ones are great, let's get them, they thought.   However, at the butcher they thought they'd try the pork and apple parcels for a change.

On the night, entree went by uneventfully.  However, as soon as the guests, who were Jewish, sunk their knives into the pork, the hosts realised before the guests that they'd made a terrible mistake.  There was a reason they had decided to do the lamb, wasn't there!

They managed to get through the evening without losing their long term friends.   But when sitting down after the guests had left and wondering how they could have been so stupid, they realised that there had been some bacon in the entree.....[DC]

frypan_fire_md_wht.gif (5863 bytes)It was very hot, that's my excuse

The first hit of summer caught us last week, and it was very hot.  With two little boys in  our house, our trusty fan had to be placed somewhere safe.  It was up out of the way on the kitchen bench, and I turned it around to point into the kitchen to keep me cool while throwing together No Ordinary Emergency Pasta I.  All was going well,  I hadn't melted, and the meals were on the bench.  I grabbed the jar of grated parmesan cheese and commenced sprinkling - artistically, and from a great height, of course.  Only the heaviest particles reached the pasta.  The lighter ones either hit my T shirt, or, if they were in the majority, they landed in a thin haze over the kitchen floor I had mopped that morning.

frypan_fire_md_wht.gif (5863 bytes)Cookings Creations as Household Gadgets

Some time ago, my fiance Tamara decided to surprise me with her culinary abilities.   She'd studied up on the art of making Yorkshire Puddings, however, during the process, something went terribly wrong.

Upon biting into said puddings, I felt a rubbery texture not unlike that of sink plugs.   It was all I could do but to chew my way through it.  A broad smile, cheeks stuffed, raising the flying saucer shaped morsel into the air and saying, 'mmm... not bad Honey'.  After a notable silence and an exchange of horrified looks, the remaining puddings were relegated to the bin and the
chef began to wimper.

Needless to say, they've not been welcomed back in our household, nor has there been any attempt to replicate the feat.  I do, however, keep a couple handy in the laundry if we happen to lose a bath plug.

Submitted by [MD]

frypan_fire_md_wht.gif (5863 bytes)More Coming Soon

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