Connecticut: The Constitution State Atlas

by: Zachary Fisk

Where is Connecticut
A general overview of the state's towns and counties, and location with respect to the world.

Historical Connecticut
Who founded the state and when. Includes historical maps of the state.

The composition of the state's population.

Climate and weather, and the health of the state.

The state's network for moving people and commodities.

Selected works cited.

The Constitution State Atlas provides a colorful, graphically rich web page presentation of Connecticut. Within these web pages, the reader will find; full color maps of the state that easily distinguish features represented, textual elements explaining spatial features of the state, as well as charts and graphs with the raw data tables provided.

The hypertext medium was selected to provide an experience not easily accomplished in print. The printed media such as books, brochures, and catalogs limits color use due to cost. Additionally the amount and kind of information presented is limited as a result of cost. The last limiting factor considered was that the web can be very up-to-date with materials published as they are completed or revised.

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