Connecticut: The Constitution State Atlas

State Demographics
Maps, Charts, and tables

Overview - A general overview of Connecticut population statistics, includes number of resident, demographic makeup, and resident status.

Black Population - Characteristics and age composition of the state's Black population. Distribution by town of Connecticut's black population.

Hispanic Population - Characteristics and age composition of Connecticut's Hispanic Origin population. Distribution by town of Connecticut Hispanics.
Puerto Rican Population - Characteristics.

Population Pyramids - pyramids for total state population, and each county. Data was obtained from the 1990 US census.
Data Table - provided for state population age and sex groups from the 1990 US Census.

Total Population By Town - 1995 Thematic Data Map (data provided by CT Office of Policy Management Projection)
Data Table - listed by town for 1990 (US Census); 1995 (CT Office of Policy Management Projection); divisions are included for race.

Town Population Change - Connecticut towns gaining or losing population.
Data Table - listed by town for 1980 - 1992 (US Census)

Projected Population Pyramids - pyramids for total state population for the years; 2000, 2010, and 2020. Data was obtained from the State Data Center.


Connecticut: The Constitution State Atlas