Delta Company

41st Infantry Regiment

Delta Company

1st Battalion (Mech.), 41st Infantry Regiment

2nd Armored Division (Forward)

Pre 1991 PICS - Garlstedt and Northern Germany

Photo Submited by:Brian Anderson
A view that is undoubtedly familiar to those of you who served on LDCK.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Bonetti, James, and Teddy Bear.
Three amigos of 2nd Platoon Delta Co, Patton Combined Club (another familiar sight) in background.
Hey, I know Teddy's last name, but even the CO and 1SG called him Teddy!
This bus stop was the kicking off-point for many nights in OHZ and surrounding communities.
Photo taken sometime during 1988 or 1989.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Second Platoon, Delta Company Bradley, photo taken at end of Free Lion Exercise.
Delta had swam a small river only to be 'killed' by opposing tanks on hills in background to left.
This went according to script. Note: Judge's vehicle along road side.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Delta Co truck drivers Hunt, Ridgway, and Hunt.
Hunt (right) DEROSed shortly after this photo was taken. Hunt (left) took his job.


Photo Submited by:Dave Nichter
Delta co Holidays Run-A-Thon team (1988?). I suspect this group is incomplete.
Brown(?), Harris, Smith, Cotton, Losey, Nichter, Taylor, Mauala,
Lt. Rearick, Unknown, Gaskins, Taylor, Unknown, Gaspard, Ward, Jansen, Lt. Ski(?)
This team took Second Place, Alpha 1/41 beat us by a single 5km lap.
If anyone can identified the unknown participants, please e-mail me.



Later Photos
PICS - Operation Desert Shield
PICS - Operation Desert Storm


Feel free to submit your pics. Suitable ones will be posted with Comments you provide.
Webmaster reserves rights to edit images and comments posted here.








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Created by David J. Nichter.
© Copyright 1999,2000,2001 - David J. Nichter.
Updated: 5 January 2001