Some Pics of the AUCTION in Denver.
Sorry they are blurry, but.... I didn't have the best seats for this.  :-( 

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James with his shirt off. HUBBA HUBBA
*Here are the guys as they start with the shirts that
Daire was bidding on, and ended up not getting.
And now Peter got in on the 'fun'
Peter had some trouble getting his shirt off.
And now.....
Come on Stan, you're next.
Red shirt in honor of the 'Clan Denial'. And now for Adrian...
Adrian point right at us, as Daire was bidding at this time.
Daire was still bidding on the shirts, so yes,
Adrian is pointing to us, errr her.
I was sitting beside her, you know, LOL
*This is when Daire was bidding....*

**and we couldn't believe she was. lol
Photo taken by Watersprout.

*Photo taken by Watersprout.
Everyone getting their 'own' clothes back on.  :-(
*Oh... and I didn't have any of the other "T-shirt" pictures,
so I don't have to worry about not posting them and
compromising myself or my principles.

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other things did happen besides me meeting James you know?  :-)
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