Fly the Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis
Have you ever wished you could fly the Bell X-1 Glamorous Glennis through the sound barrier? Now you can. For owners of Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 and 2000 with Flight Shop convertor. You will find Flight Shop convertor on your FS CD-ROM. You need to download the aircraft you want and unzip the file and convert the .air file with Flight Shop Convertor. Place the aircraft folder you have converted into your Flight Simulator Aircraft folder and then you are ready to go. If you need Winzip, you can go directly to and download the trial version. For further information and downloads, please visit Dave Middleton's excellent site at Dave Middleton's FS Site. On this page you will see three thumbnail images below. Click on the respective thumbnail and you will be downloading that aircraft. Each aircraft takes around 10 seconds to download with a 56K modem. Thanks go out to Chris Evans for the Bell X-1 Flight Model and to Mike Hill for the Douglas X-3 Stilletto & North American X-15 flight Models.
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