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Yeager related modelsThis new section of the website will show any Chuck Yeager related airplane models that are available. Catering for the die-cast collector, plastic kit builder and flying aeromodeler's amongst you. The Aerographics XS-1 balsa and tissue powered model is available from Sams models. The Corgi die-cast models are available from McLaren Models. Both dealers are highly reputable and offer a swift mail order service. I myself am not by any means a skilled aeromodeler, I have three projects on the go at the moment. They are - 1) 1/72 Scale Hobby-Craft Bell XS-1, 2) 1/48 Scale Tamiya North American P-51B Mustang & 3) Aerographics Bell XS-1 powered model. I will post updates of these models progress and hopefully some time next year photographs of the powered XS-1 in flight.
The aerographics model is of a 13" wingspan and can either be flown as a glider or as a powered model. Two types of propulsion are available for the XS-1; JET-X-50 or the more reliable (and cheaper) RAPIER L2 rocket motors. The model retails at £15.95 GPB plus postage and packaging, the RAPIER L2 rocket motors are available in packs of 10 at £6.95 GBP. The 1/72 scale Corgi models retail at £19.99, the 1/144 B-29/X-1 retails at £29.99. You can find other suppliers of these models on the internet, but McLaren Models are competitvely priced and offer a world-wide mail order service. The magazine image of Yeager's P-51D is of a 1/32 scale Hasegawa kit. The builder (Pat Hawkey) who is an expert aeromodeler took 100 hours to build the model. The detailing has to be seen to be believed! One additional thing, unhappy with the accuracy of the wing-mounted drop tanks, Pat re-modeled the tanks and added more length to keep them to the correct scale of the aircraft.
I would welcome photographs and details of your Yeager related models, full credit will be given to any that appear in this section.
For further details, please email me at
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