If you have a site that you would like me to link to, please email me Derek Horne for site inclusion. A link back to my site would be appreciated.
Breaking The Sound Barrier, by NOVA: Exclusive interviews with Chuck Yeager, DeBeeler & Slick Goodlin with real audio. Fascinating site.
Chuck Yeager Interview: Interview with General Chuck Yeager, with audio,video & photographs. By
Major General Fred J Ascani: Homepage of former head of fight test at Edwards AFB, General Ascani was Colonel Boyd's deputy while Chuck Yeager flew the X-1 flights.
C E 'Bud' Anderson: Chuck Yeager's close friend and former P-51 ace from WW2 's offical site, some great stuff on this site
The Society Of Experimental Test Pilots: The Society of Experimental Test Pilots is an international organization that seeks to promote air safety and contribute to aeronautical advancement by promoting sound aeronautical design and development; interchanging ideas, thoughts and suggestions of the members, assisting in the professional development of experimental pilots, and providing scholarships and aid to members and the families of deceased members. Members of SETP include Chuck Yeager, A Scott Crossfield, Bob Hoover, bob Cardenas and Al Blackburn, author of Aces Wild.
Bell Great source of information and photographs on the Bell X-2 & the movie Toward the Unknown.
Edwards Air Force Base: The home of the X-Planes
Edwards Air Force Base History: The site for Flight Test History
The Planes Yeager Flew: Historic site about aircraft flown by General Yeager. Site by AFFTC History Office, Edwards AFB
Edwards Open House & Airshow 2000: Chuck Yeager will be opening the show in an F-15. Articles, photo's & video on the show. Airshow date October 21 2000.
The Right Stuff: Great site on the Movie starring Sam Shephard as Chuck Yeager.
X-1 Replica Project: There are plans to build a replica flying X-1. Visit this site for the full story.
357th Fighter Group: Find out more about the fighter group and squadron Chuck was in during WWII.
357th FG photo album site: Great site about the 357th FG by former 357th FG armorer Hoyt Parmer
Aviation Art by Bryan Snuffer: Superb work by Bryan Snuffer. Purchase direct on-line. Some very interesting aircraft here including M2-F3, X-15 and many others.
Please also take time to visit the website of a another good friend of mine. The button to the left will take you to the website of talented aviation artist called Bryan Snuffer. Bryan is working on a piece relating to General Yeager. Visit his site and check out and purchase his superb fine art prints.
Aviation Art by Ossie Jones: Superb work by Ossie Jones. This popular artist from England only produces original works, not prints. Prices from £20.
Another fine Scrape: Superb Scraperboard art by artist Steve Ridgeway. Steve is working on a portrait of Chuck Yeager and Bud Anderson, more details on this project soon.
Please take time to visit the website of a good friend of mine. The button opposite will take you to "The Yeager Collection". The site is hosted by Cindy Siegfried, who was General Yeager's assistant and family friend for over 15 years. Here you will find a special "flown" postal cover not available anywhere else plus other postal covers and lithographs that were part of General Yeager's personal collection.
Aviation Autographs: A great site for the true aviation enthusiast. Pieces owned and signed by aviation legends such as Chuck Yeager, Gunther Rall & C E 'Bud' Anderson.
HPM Publications: Henry Matthews has written many interesting & informative books on the X-Planes. Visit his site and purchase some of his books.
Acewear: Top quality aviation apparel. Get your own Glamorous Glennis X-1 T-shirt.
Flypast Magazine: One of the top two historic aviation magazines available.
Aeroplane Monthly: One of the top two historic aviation magazines available
Mclaren Models: The best die-cast model shop in Scotland. They have a huge selection of stock including Corgi Classic, Aviation Archive & Armour Collection. They also do mail order.
X-Plane screensaver: Download the X-plane screensaver for your PC.
National Air & Space Museum: The museum where aircraft such as the Bell X-1, Wright Flyer, Spirit Of St Louis and the Apollo 11 command module Columbia are displayed.
San Diego Aerospace Museum: The finest aerospace collection in Southern California.
United States Air Force Museum: The largest air museum in the world at Wright Patterson AFB , Dayton Ohio.
KSC Home Page: Kennedy Space Centre Home page. Spaceport USA
The Wright Brothers: The Wright Brothers Aeroplane company and museum website.
Yankee Air Museum: Superb museum in Michigan USA.
The New Zealand Warbirds Association: A site dedicated to preserving and flying fabulous classic warbirds in New Zealand.
RAF Leuchars Airshow: The site for THE AIRSHOW in Scotland. View the gallery and book tickets on-line.
Peter Steehouwer's Airshow Site: Brilliant site of airshow photographs taken by Peter Steehouwer.
The Kitchen Table Gang:The Kitchen Table Gang is really trying to do its part. We are a rag-tag bunch of military types trying to make life a little easier for our veterans in government hospitals throughout the United States.
78th Fighter Group: Great site about the history of the 78th Fighter Group by Ken Fish.
Home Main page Photo page 1 Photo page 2 Yeager during WW2 Chuck Yeager photo gallery The Bell X-1 Supersonic Flight Transcript X-1A Flights Books & Video on General Yeager Flight Simulation Downloads BiographyChuck's Wild ride in the X-1A The X-Planes & Chuck Yeager Fred J. Ascani XF-92A