Current Photographs.

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WW2 and X-1 era

Animations/ Drawings/Other X-Planes

Fred J. Ascani

Chuck with F15 Eagle Chuck with Northrop B2 Stealth Bomber, May 1992 Portrait of Chuck beside an F4 Phantom Signed colour photograph from C E 'Bud Anderson Chuck with Sam Shephard on the set of the movie The Right Stuff

Signed Photograph of Chuck in Gary Honbarrier's P-51D Glamorous Glen III. Chuck with F15 Glamorous Glennis on 50th Anniversary of 1st Supersonic Flight Chuck in F-4 cockpit at Edwards AFB. Photo courtesay AFFTC/HO Chuck with former Luftwaffe ace Gunther Rall. Thanks to Connie Bowlin for this photograph Signed photograph of Chuck with F15 Glamorous Glennis on 50th Anniversary of 1st Supersonic Flight

Chuck with Northrop F20 Tigershark Northrop F-20 Tigershark. General Yeager tested and evaluated the aircraft for Northrop Chuck with Bob Hoover at 50th anniversary of Chuck's first supersonic flight  on 14th October 1997 Chuck in Glamorous Glen III at The Gathering Of Mustangs & Legends at Kissimmee, Florida 1999 General Yeager at the Edwards AFB Open House & Airshow October 21st 2000 Chuck in the cockpit of an F-15 on his 50th anniversary of breaking the sound barrier. 14th October 1997 Chuck with Glamorous Glenn III at the Gathering Of Mustangs & Legends General Yeager, circa 1978 Portrait of General Yeager

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Breaking The Sound Barrier by NOVA