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Dolphin's Daoism Site

Daoist News

Soul in everyday life


Taoist Restoration Society is a charitable organization dedicated to helping to preserve and restore China's Taoist heritage.

Images of screaming,
Imagining physical pain,
Remembering the needle forced in my foot
Relaxing, I see I am still standing

The harsh wind blows over the dark green leaves outside my house
In the morning, they are still there
as beautiful as ever.


The Daoist Studies website is a collaborative internet resource for the academic study of Daoism. Although primarily intended for academic students of Daoism, the Daoist Studies website recognizes and welcomes the involvement of Daoist practitioners throughout the world.

I teach a class called, "Getting Past Fear"

The birds are singing to me; it's 6: 30 am. ..I am alone.
Away from that nonsense about disability or this or that.
"Open your Heart"...
I am disabled because I cannot love well.

With a touch on my surgical scars, I am no longer disabled. When kissed the scars on my back melt away.

Body moving with purpose,
on-stage like in water.
A small voice from inside
is heard by many

Ripples of flesh,
Grace the air, glide and meet
The people become one

That is what I can teach

Spirit [Middle English, from Old French espirit, from Latin spritus, breath, from sprre, to breathe.]

Why is spirit or the soul considered an abstract thing? Something not part of our mundane lives?

Do we only have a soul one day a week? Is it there only when we pray or are aware of it? Doesn't music or good food often "stir our souls"? Aren't we often inspir[t]ed by the actions of others or a painting, book or a sunset?

Even one who scorns the idea of soul or spirit can see when a friend dies that only a corpse and not the friend remains.

Don't wait for death to discover your spirit in everyday life.

Be sure to let me know what you hear and I'll add it to this page!