This web site has evolved into a Sancaster Data Base and I hope it is of interest to all those with Sancaster ancestry.
It started out as a section of my own family history site but it became that large I created this site and it is now dedicated
to Sancaster Information.
The Site has grown as more information became available. I have also managed to get more certificates and of
course Sancasters have contacted me over the years.
This Sancaster Data Base was started when I couldn't find any information about my Great Great Grandmother Ann Sancaster
or for that matter any Sancasters. There are even no entries for Sancaster in the original LDS 1881 British Census CD set
due to transcription errors. If you look at the 1881 Census tab above you'll see that they were there all along you just needed
to know where to look. These errors have now been corrected on and a search now brings up Sancasters.I hope
that the information in this site will be of help all people with Sancasters in their ancestry. The transcription errors of
many entries, particularly in the US census' is a bit of a problem but gradually the information is being identified.
I trawled through the GRO indexes from 1838 to 1900 and extracted the information for every Sancaster I could find. That has
resulted in the GRO index sheets on this site. Of course it has now all been extracted by others and the best source of GRO
indexes is on the FreeBDM website.
If anyone knows any information about Sancasters prior to 1820 I would be very grateful for any help. All we know about
Thomas born in 1820 is that he was born in Penrith and from his marriage certificate of 1857 that his father was
John Sancaster and his occupation was given as a Miller.
There are a few entries for Sankester but nothing
to connect them to Thomas. There are some entries in the GRO Index with births entered as Sankester and Sankaster
and there are couple of deaths in Leicester with the surname Sanckster but nothing to connect them to Thomas.
I would
be particularly interested in any photographs of the "First Family" John died in 1949 at the age of 83, Ann Kenion (Sancaster)
died in 1938 age 80, Robert died in 1914 at the age 73 and Thomas died in 1913, age 67. Hopefully there should be
photographs of these four somewhere. Anne is in my line but sadly I only have a photograph of her daughter. If someone has
any photo's I would grateful if you could send a scanned copy and I will put it up on the site.