Fathers and Sons

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Inutaisho, a full demon is father to Inuyasha and Sesshoamaru. Being the Lord of the Western lands he had to protect his lands. His first mate who's name is unknown, is Sesshomaru's mother. Inutaisho later fell in love with Izayoi, a human, and had a son together, later to be named Inuyasha.
  [Inutaisho is generally agreed to be the name of Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru's shared father. Myouga refers to him in the anime as that during the Ryu-Kossei arc of episode 54. In the Neko Tribe filler episodes (I believe 75-77) the cats refer to Sesshoumaru as "Inu no Taisho" (trans. "leader of the dogs"), shedding some doubt as to whether it was a name or a title. Until Takahashi confirms a canon name, the general fandom consensus of Inutaisho will probably remain.]

