Nightshade's Dungeon
Dungeon Keeper

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Dungeon Keeper
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Make a dungeon, lay traps, hire troops, then kill some heros

This is a cool RP game reversing your role in a quest.  You are the dark overlord of a dungeon.  You mine out the tunnels, gather gold, pay minions, torture enemies, and slaughter invaders.  But you also have to entertain, feed, and shelter your army.
I got this game a little wihile ago but it doesn't get along well with my computer.  All I can see is yellow and pink blurrs. 

"Dungeon Keeper(tm) 2 is a genre-defying blend of real-time strategy, god sim, first-person action and fantasy role-playing. DK2 turns the traditional tables by placing you in the role of sinister archfiend and master of the cavernous Underworld. Build a dungeon to your own design, lay traps and doors to protect yourself, recruit an army of foul creatures and lure the heroic adventurers to their doom in your quest to reach the surface world of humankind.

Developed by Bullfrog(tm) Productions, and published by Electronic Arts(tm) , Dungeon Keeper(tm) 2 is available for Windows(tm) 95/98 on PC."

Dungeon Realm