Original Sonic Artwork, By Fans

Now Playing: Palmtree Panic Zone (Present), from the American version of Sonic CD for the SegaCD.

Here is where you can see--and submit--original fan-made artwork inspired by the Sonic the Hedgehog universe. It can be a character from the games, the comics, the cartoons, or even your own fan-made characters.
If you'd like to submit a picture of your own, just e-mail me, but make sure you've read the submission guidelines first. I don't have a scanner, so I'd prefer that your picture be either already scanned, or drawn on the computer (in which case no scanning is required, of course). Of course, nobody should take and use pictures that aren't theirs without the original artist's consent.
Anyway, without further ado, on to the pictures!

Chaos Theory's Artwork

Other Fans' Artwork

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1154 tourists have wanted to take a gander at the Hidden Palace's Art Gallery since May 21, 1999, but they were all pounded by Knuckles when he found out they had gotten into the Palace without his permission...

"I'm not normally one to hang out with SLIME like you!"
--Espio the Chameleon