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Galerie Y Featured Artists
Collection 2

angelo1a.gif Angelo
Philippine tropical fruits in high relief. Shifting emphasis and figural groupings rule out focal point. Each one is important.
leonardo1a.gif Leonardo
His interpretation of an old Filipino tradition - the "Hamaka" is a test of the artist's consummate creativity. Classic in conception to invest the work with timelessness.
dlc1a.gif De La Cruz
Cut into four subtle segments, this work shows the significant forms in meandering juxtapositions in animated diagonals, horizontals and verticals.
bandalan1a.gif Bandalan
Flowers galore! Man's eye and hand, the artists's, of course, do nature one better: arrange the visuals to the demands of a one point perspective crowned by a lush tree.
baldemor1a.gif Baldemor
Scintillating is the Philippine sun under which the Filipino fold do their rural lifestyle in the open. The figures refuse to cast a shadow.
melencio1a.gif Melencio
Chiaroscuro in a new approach: selective light that clarifies the brick jamb, flowers, leaves, grasses and twigs in sharp details.
verano1a.gif Verano
"A Touch of Lilac." Serial are the slopes of the flowers' bloom. The reds and whites, in intertwining triangulars, within an understated triangle in alternation of clear and blurred contours and sandlike texture
dans1a.gif Dans
Pedro's Backyard. Watercolor. Ideational, visual and virtual tactile dichotomy between worn-out plywood board and finely embossed (kalado) kerchieves made of exquisite Philippine fibers coalesce through a swaying clothesline. Verism vested with irony.
marq1a.gif Marquez
"Native Born" - a reflection on inner spirit fighting to grow. A diptych format to the struggle of this spirituality against the chaos of modern times.
gabuco1a.gif Gabuco
Portrait of Rollie Yusi, manager and curator of Galerie Y, in a classic pose, slightly candid in the right turn of the face. The face, centrally located and above the intimated horizon, implies a high sense of mission.


Rollie Yusi
"My painting is based on emotion and feelings of my love for nature.  At times I see so much color but only for a fleeting moment, an ephemeral spark of inspiration that flickers out too early."

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Incept date: February 7, 1999     Updated: February 20, 1999

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