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Diana's Blog
Tuesday, 11 April 2006
My head hurts
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: I Will
I am so dragging today - Sunday night I could not sleep - there was a major disturbance in the force...

Come to find out Monday morning that one of my friends' children has gone to the Summerlands - WAY before his time. So of course, last night was difficult as well...

All I can be is stunned - who can sleep when one knows Dorinda is suffering? Who can rest? How will that sweet woman ever rest again? How can any of us?

So we work until we are in a stupor and feel her pain and wish we could do something but there is nothing and doesn't that just add to the emptiness?

I just remember the evil and hilarity and wild passionate nature that was who I remember Bradley to be - and try to smile through the sadness and wish he hadn't gone so soon. Jon heard the news and quoted a friend of his: "Everything that has happened up to this moment has happened exactly the way it was supposed to - because *that's how it happened*." Don't know - it's comforting in a backward way, but also harsh. I don't WANT it to be this way, I don't WANT my friend to be sad. Of course, what has what I Want got to do with it? *sigh* The world spins, time passes, all wounds supposedly heal. We'll see.

I'm so sorry Dorinda. (((HUGS)))

Posted by greeneyed_irish_girl at 12:01 AM MDT
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