
Now Playing: Take it Easy
Topic: I knew it!
Earlier this week my blog was regarding shoes, and in particular, heels that look good and hurt like hell to wear.
Today I was reading news and discovered there is a gym in New York called "Crunch" and they have a Stiletto Heel wearing work out. That's right. The girls wear sneakers for the first 40 minutes, building up heel wearing muscles, and then the last 15 minutes of the class, everyone dons high heels and works out in the heels.
It seems to be reminiscent of the Striptease class that is so very popular now (Don't ask - it sounds kind of gross to me, but I suppose those strippers ARE in good shape.)
At any rate, at the end of the article came an interesting fact: they invited a podiatrist to the class to give his opinion - and I quote:
Cyrus called in a podiatrist to assess the class, which has been launched in New York, Los Angeles and Miami. "He said 'You know, the answer is women shouldn't wear heels,'" Cyrus said.
But she said women will wear them anyway.
"Your feet will probably never recover because it's not a position you're meant to be in all day long," she said. "This class will strengthen your legs and your core, it will make it less painful, but it will never be pain free."
I KNEW it. *sigh* At least we are all in it together...
Posted by greeneyed_irish_girl
at 8:24 AM MST