The 30th Century Crystal Palace


Sailor Moon Enemies Bios
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Sailor Scouts Bios
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Episode Guide
Sailor Moon Stars- Shadow Galactica

Queen Neherina- Queen Neherina wasn't a part of Sailor Galaxia's group, she was freed by Sailor Galaxia from her mirror prison. She would attack the Earth with Glass Monsters and capture Darien and seperate the Sailor Scouts into smaller groups to try and destroy them. Sailors Saturn and Mini-Moon would be the first of the seperated Scouts to fight her. She would be stopped by Enternal Sailor Moon, and get a second chance at a younger life.
Sailor Galaxia- The Main Villain of the 'Stars' series, she would free Nehernia, age Hotaru, capture and kill Darien while he was on his way to America, and kill most of the Sailor Scouts and most of her minions. Sailor Galaxia is in charge of the Sailor Aluminites, her own Sailor Scouts. Galaxia is looking hor a 'Pure Star Seed', so she hands down the orders to the other Sailor Aluminites to find it. She would later find it in the body of a child named Chibi-Chibi (an altenation of Sailor Moon). Sailor Galaxia was destroying the World when the final battle of Sailor Moon begun, Sailor Galaxia against Enternal Sailor Moon. Galaxia sealed up Chaos in the past and sent off her Star Seed, thats why she's looking for it, also at the beging of Sailor Moon Stars, Galaxia controlls 80% of the known Universe, just by looking for her Star Seed. Also, during her fight against Chaos, she was corupted by Chaos's power, thats why she went from a very powerful good, to a very powerful evil. During her battle with Enternal Sailor Moon, she would almost kill Enternal Sailor Moon, until Chibi-Chibi appeared in a older form and turned into a sword for Sailor Moon. When Sailor Moon started to fight Galaxia, she had Angel Wings where-as Galaxia had Demon Wings and Galaxia's suit went from Golden in color to black. When Sailor Moon reached out to what was left of the good Galaxia, she set her free of Chaos's power and soon later, Galaxia went off to set all the Star Seeds back. All the good guys that was killed by Galaxia was revived right after the showdown between Galaxia and Sailor Moon.
Sailor Iron Mouse- Iron Mouse was the first of Sailor Galaxia's henchwomen, the Sailor Aluminites. Her mission was to find Galaxia's Star Seed and bring it back to her. Iron Mouse mainly targets Sailor Moon or the Sailor Stars though. She would be killed by Galaxia for failing her too many times, she was killed by having her Sailor Bracelets being taken and destroyed. Iron Mouse is usally seen travling in a British Phone Booth.
Sailor Aluminum Siren- Aluminim Siren would take comand of the mission after Iron Mouse failed too many times. She had long white hair. She would also die at the hands of Sailor Galaxia by having her bracelets taken and destroyed because she failed too many times.
Sailor Lead Crow- Lead Crow was next in line and was a somewhat rival to Tin Cat. She's the only Sailor Aluminite not to be killed by Galaxia, she was killed by a messed-up attack from Tin Cat that sent her into a black hole. Her mission was like her partners before her, to find Galaxia's Star Seed.
Sailor Tin Cat- Tin Cat was the last Galaxia's Sailor Aluminites. She was also the one that messed-up an attack and killed her partner, Sailor Lead Crow. Her mission was to find the Star Seed also, along with the others. She too was killed by Galaxia taking her Sailor Bracelets.

Sailor Iron Mouse

Sailor Iron Mouse, the first of the Sailor Aluminites to battle against the Sailor Scouts.

Sailor Aluminum Siren

Sailor Aluminum Siren was the next in line to find the Star Seed, after Iron Mouse's failure.

Sailor Lead Crow

The next up after Sailor Aluminum Siren was Sailor Lead Crow, she had a good size rivaly with Sailor Tin Cat.

Sailor Galaxia

This is Sailor Galaxia, once the strongest good in the galaxy, now influenced by Chaos, she became the strongest villian in Sailor Moon, to this point.

Dark Galaxia

This is also Sailor Galaxia, only this is what she looked like durning the finnal battle of the Sailor Moon Stars series. This is when she fought against Enternal Sailor Moon at the very end of the Stars series.