Japanese Name: Aino Makoto
American Name: Mina
Age: 14 or 15
Info: Mina's kind of interesting in a way because she was fighting crime way before joining the Sailor Scouts, she fought under the name of Sailor V in London. Sailor V was made by Artimis (Mina's white talking cat)telling Mina that she had the ability to fight evil and save people, after a while of doing that, Mina faked Sailor V's death to save her friendship with each her friends. (Sailor Venus and Sailor V look the same execpt Sailor V has some glasses on. Late, Mina and her family would move to Tokyo and she continued to fight crime there, but this time it was as Sailor Venus and against The Negaverse, soon later she would join the Sailor Scouts. She was the last of the Inner Scouts to join and the last scout of the Inners to go super in Sailor Moon Super S (She went Super at the same time as Jupiter.). When the scouts at that time (Moon, Mars, Mercury and Jupiter) saw Venus, they thought she was the Moon Princess, but she wasn't her. Mina's a very caring person and is always willing to help, she wants to be an idol when she gets older. Mina also saved Sailor Moon's life a few times, expecialy in Sailor Moon S when she used the Transformation Pin (Luna orignaly gave it to Serena back in the 1st series of Sailor Moon.) to transform into a false Sailor Moon to save Serena from a 'Heart Snatcher/Demon' (The monsters of Sailor Moon S.) that was tring to take Serena's Heart Crystal. Mina, later on would win a contest to become an idol, but desided to put it off until the world was safe.
Items: None
English Moves: Venus Crescent Beam Smash, Metor Shower, Love Chain Encircle, Love & Beauty Shock
Orignal Japanese Moves: Venus Crescent Beam Smash, Crescent Beam Shower, Love Me Chain, Love & Beauty Shock