Marian Russell
Marian Ubil Russell Prefontaine began as a ballet dancer studying with Collinette and Roselle Frei. At the age of 15, inspired
by a troup from Spain, she began her study of Spanish Dance with Jose Ramirez and then Jose Cansino (Rita Hayworth's uncle).
She was brilliant on the castinets.
David Russell
David Russell played violin, sang light opera and acted in films early in his youth. Later, and to this day, he produced
films, recordings and wrote novels and screenplays.
Michelle, Mama and Gypsy Rose Lee
Mama toured as the opening act for Gypsey Rose Lee's Show, worked at the Grace Hayes Lodge and Sands in Las Vegas and many
other shows as a Spanish Dancer, ballroom dancer and chorus girl! Later she taught dance in Pasadena, California.
Michelle at Eleven
That awkward age! At eleven, Michelle was studying ballet, tap, sang, acted and having passed the Shirley Temple stage was
enthralled with Al Jolsen.