Abiding Appalachia: Where Mountain and Atom Meet. Memphis: Saint Luke's Press, 1978. Rpt. Bell Buckle, TN:
Iris Press, 1995. 71 pp. Poetry that weaves together Cherokee history, the legend of Little Deer, memories of growing up in
Oak Ridge (where the atom was split in the 1940s), and thoughts on family, society, and the land.
Rising Fawn and the Fire Mystery: A Child's Christmas in Memphis, 1833. Memphis: Saint Luke's Press, 1983.
Selu: Seeking the Corn-Mother’s Wisdom. Golden, CO: Fulcrum, 1993. A blend of story, essay, and poetry.
Cherokee legends and images from the double weave of Cherokee baskets point us toward preserving a nurturing relationship
between humanity and Mother Earth, by instilling appreciation for the earth and applying Native American philosophies to modern
Abiding Appalachia: Where Mountain and Atom Meet. Memphis: Saint Luke's Press, 1978. Rpt. Bell Buckle, TN:
Iris Press, 1995. 71 pp. Poetry that weaves together Cherokee history, the legend of Little Deer, memories of growing up in
Oak Ridge (where the atom was split in the 1940s), and thoughts on family, society, and the land.
Rising Fawn and the Fire Mystery: A Child's Christmas in Memphis, 1833. Memphis: Saint Luke's Press, 1983.
Selu: Seeking the Corn-Mother’s Wisdom. Golden, CO: Fulcrum, 1993. A blend of story, essay, and poetry.
Cherokee legends and images from the double weave of Cherokee baskets point us toward preserving a nurturing relationship
between humanity and Mother Earth, by instilling appreciation for the earth and applying Native American philosophies to modern
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