Watch as your text is typed into the status bar at the bottom of your page!
Copy and paste the following code into you website to have your 4 lines or more of text typed into the status bar at the bottom of the page! look there now for an example! <SCRIPT language="JavaScript"> <!-- Script courtesy of - Your Guide to Professional Web Site Design and Development var current = 0 var x = 0 var speed = 100 var speed2 = 100 function initArray(n) { this.length = n; for (var i =1; i <= n; i++) { this[i] = ' ' } } typ = new initArray(4) typ[0]="Your First Line of Text Here" typ[1]="Your Second Line of Text Here" typ[2]="Your Third Line of Text Here" typ[3]="Your Fourth Line of Text Here" function typewrite() { var m = typ[current] window.status = m.substring(0, x++) + "" if (x == m.length + 1) { x = 0 current++ if (current > typ.length - 1) { current = 0 } setTimeout("typewrite()", speed2) } else { setTimeout("typewrite()", speed) } } typewrite() // --> </SCRIPT>