Blink 182
Mark Hoppus


Tidbits on Mark....

At every Blink show, Mark writes a different message on his speaker with white duct tape. Anything from "Hi Mom!" to "I have no idea where I am". Once he even wrote a message to his girlfriend after they had been fighting over who loved the other more. He wrote "I love you More".
Mark wrote "Going away to college" on valentines day after watching Can't Hardly Wait.
Mark has his nipple pierced.
Mark's hero of all time is none other than Homer J. Simpson.
Mark's father's name is Tex, his mother's name is Carrie, and his younger sister is Anne.
Mark appeared on-stage nude, at MTV's Castaway Countdown, during the band's performance of What's My Age Again?
Mark hates playing any tour dates in Europe, that sucks!
Mark appeared on-stage nude, again, at KROQ's 1999 Weenie Roast.
Mark actually hates the taste of beer, no lie.
At a show in Boston, he took an inflatable sheep, shoved a drum stick up it's ass, and tossed it into the crowd.
Mark thinks Disney Movies kick ass!
Mark attended Burroughs High School in Ridgecrest, California.
Mark wrote Dammit in just 5 minutes, about a break-up that never actually happened.
In the chorus to the Party Song Mark is actually singing "Vagina Vagina Vagina".
Mark wore sneakers at his wedding.
Mark's first band was called "Of All Things"
At the very end of the Saturday Night Live performance, as they thank everyone before the credits, there is a close up on Mark while he is waving, he is lip-mouthing the words "hi mom" and "I love you Skye" ..go take a second glimpse to spot it!

Full name: Mark Allan Hoppus
Nickname: "Fish guts"
Marital status: Married Skye Everly on December 2, 2000
D.O.B: March 17, 1972
Contribution to the band: Singer/bassist
Current residence: Carmel Mountain Ranch, California
Pets: Beagle named Ahi
What he does in spare time: Hang out with his wife and write songs
Kids: One son Jack

" Actually we're sick of it now, I used to get naked back stage just as a joke.
And i'd walk into other bands dressing rooms and be like " hey have any of
you seen my towel?" Then we did it for videos and a couple of other events,
cause we thought it was funny. But now everyone expects us to do it. So we're kinda over it now.
Maybe we'll ask our audiences to get naked instead."

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