Marcia Higgs

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Site Updated 04/01/12                                      Webmaster:  Chris Bonafide                                             

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Name: Browning
Location: London
Comment: Higgsy, you and i know we stand perdominent. We run things, things don't run we, both yard and abroad. So go on doing your thing sis! Am so grateful, to be a part of the Higgs Connection for over 30 odd years. Lots and lots of great times. Lots and lots of Sunsplash, and Sum Fest, girl am just counting my blessings and can't wait for the reunion. Just keep on being multi-talented, because that's your gift!
Marcia's Response: (((((((((( BROWNING ))))))))))... what ah gwaaaan mi gyal??? Loooong time!!! I can't wait for the reunion either, and it won't matter where we link it up... Yawd or Abroad!!! So what's the London vibe be like these days? What am I missing? Wassuup with all them cute-dudes? LOL, jus kiddin! But I gotta run now so hail up the fam and big up my God-daughter for me. I'm all good cuz... I'm all set... zeen? Luv Yuh Baaaad!!!
Comment: Pinkeeeeloo, hear me now... no watch the pretty looks right now yes, beeeecause that cyaaan put in a pot and bwile, and pretty looks done and nuff a them no get none, zeen? But once them can rise to the occasion, we have to work with that. Because all a the long kocky man them with the long kocky talk can go jump off a niagra... me no have no time fa them. money talk and bull shit walk right now! Any way give my god daaaata a big big up for me, tell her to drop me a message. So Loo, I have got a young artist goes by the name of Miss Melody, she wants me to manage her. I've got some ideas at the moment, and am trying to put that into motion. She's got a beautiful voice, so am gonna have my producer listen to her demo. She's mostly into lovers rock. Link mi back fast, multi love, lets sing this together. You know that I always wanna be your friend, for life!
Marcia's Response: ROTFLMFAO!!! Browning, yuh noh change e-noh my gurl... yuh just raw-chaw soh, real authentic, and I'm lovin' it, lmao! But hear this, I'm gonna link you off the air so we can chat it up in depth, zeen? Perfect Love!
Name: Platinum
Location: Orange County, CA
Comment: I saw Marcia Higgs perform in Topanga and she really rocked the Canyon. She was feisty, and the crowd loved that. If only she would do it again. That would be great! 
Marcia's Response: I like this. Makes me laugh. Thanks Platinum... Jo!  :-)
Name: Pamela Harrison
Location: Kingston, Jamaica
Comment: Higgsy and I attended the same high school. She was popular and had all the boys drooling. Lots of girls wanted to look like her. Don't be fooled by her quiet demeanor. The Higgsy I knew would put anyone who messed to the test.
Marcia's Response: Wow, those were tha daze, huh? Tha good ole daze! Thanks Pamela. You take me back in time and it feels good. See you at the reunion.
Name: Shonda Gordon
Location: Miami, Florida
Comment: Higgs & Twins were my favourite girls. I used to play their songs over and over. I still do now and then. My favourites were "Down In The Ghetto" and "Dem Can't Test We." Why don't you guys make a new CD?
Marcia's Response: Shonda, Thanks for being a dedicated fan. Higgs & Twin will strongly discuss the making of a new CD but please don't sleep on it.
Name: Tony
Loction: Rochester, New York
Comment: I met Marcia Higgs in 2001 when she toured with the Wailing Souls here in Rochester. Marcia was so graceful and fine looking on stage that I really had to go out of my way to meet her for an autograph. Marcia, hope you remember TONY. I can be reached at ???-???-????
Marcia's Response: Tony, Tony, could I forget you? Thanks for the continued support and stay kool.
Name: David McKenzie
Location: Queens, NY
Comment: Marcia Higgs has got charisma
Saw her at SOBs. Nice kool girl.
Marcia's Response: Thanks David. Appreciate the love.
Name: Leighton Dermott
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Comment: I was blessed to have met Marcia & her great father, when they tore up the place at the original KIngston 12 here in LA. It was as if Marcia transformed on stage, from really quiet and reserved to one of the roughest female DJs I have ever seen. She impressed me!
Marcia's Response: Glad you enjoyed. I try to give my people my best, always.
Name: Danny Barnaby
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Comment: I have a question: Which is the real Sister Higgs, The one that sits by herself in the far corner or the one that I see in action on the stage?
Marcia's Response: Danny, the choice is really yours. (Smile).
Name: Cheryl Lee Panton
Location: London (Mobile)
Comment: Waa gwaan Sista Higgsy? Dis a Cher. My Girl yu dun know seh di Grove an Brixton posse big yu up every time. Phill an Jami seh nuff respec. Gi mi a ring no man. Same digits. From Cher.
Marcia's Response: Respect to you and all the Reggae lovers and "Jamaican Crews" in London as well. Please send me a more detailed email and we can take it from there? 
Name: Shawen
Location: California
Comment: I got me one of your EP and I really love it. Both father and daughter sounding great. By the way, thanks for the rapid shipping and keep up the good work.
Marcia's Response: Glad to know you are happy with our services, and you love the EP. Spread the word. Thank you Shawen.
Name: Simeon
Location: NJ
Comment: When will you play in Jersey? I hear you are your father's daughter :)
He was one of the greatest musicians that ever lived. Father Joe, R.I.P
Marcia's Response: Have no idea when I'll play in Jersey but keep your eyes open because I could come through as a back-up singer for other artists or bands as well.
Thanks for your recognition and appreciation of my "great" father. He was a good man!

Talk To Me 2


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Wednesday March 12, 2025 5:37PM