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Wednesday, 16 April 2008
Supreme Court to decide my petition for certiorari
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: legal matters

The United States Supreme Court will decide whether to grant my pro se petition for a writ of certiorari in my bar application matter this Friday.  Either way it decides, the result will be positive.  If the decision is to grant the writ, it will mean that I have some possibility of actually using my law degree (conferred "with high honors" in 1982!) sometime during my lifetime.  If this happens, I will immediately be in the market for an attorney to brief and argue my case--and I will need to find that attorney very quickly.  On the other hand, if the Court denies the writ, I will be forever freed from the burden of trying to prove that I'm "good enough" to be a lawyer (or, viewed a little differently, that the Bar is "good enough" to accept me).

For those who are curious about the details of my case, or who may be interested in representing me if the writ is granted, details may be found on this web page (which includes my petition and a link to the Supreme court's docket for the case, among other things):  Ian Johnson bar admission status page



Posted by ian_j_site2 at 9:57 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 16 April 2008 10:08 PM EDT

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