學生人數 | 234 | 取者GMAT平均 | 622 |
女性百分比 | 26% | 錄取者GMAT範圍 | 520-750 |
外籍百分比 | 16% | 錄取者GPA平均 | 3.24 |
兼職學生 | none | 錄取者GPA範圍 | 2.2 - 4.0 |
平均年齡 | 26.7 | 學費(一年) | $11,500 |
錄取率百分比 | 46% | 生活費(一年) | $9,000 |
錄取者註冊率 | 37% | 平均年起薪(美金) | $47,000 |
TEL:713-5274918 | FAX | ||
學制:兩年,四個學期(semester) | |||
教學方式 | |||
LECTURE | 50% | CASE METHOD | 50% |
擁有許多優點,Jones School卻無法被AACSB認可。原因之一是它的大學部並沒有管理的課程,原因之二是全職的教師只有二十七名,低於兼職的三十名。但是,教務長 Ben Bailar 仍然自信地說:『不被AACSB認可並沒有什麼大不了,只有在邊緣的學校才會在乎,而我們不是邊緣的學校,我們屬於頂尖的那一群!』
Jones School目前有三種課程,一種是唸兩年的一般MBAProgram,一種是唸兩年的MAcco(會計),還有就是只要唸一年的MAcco。一年的會計碩士只有會計本科系畢業生,或先前修過許多會計課程的商科畢業生才能申請。
第一年必修科目中,legal and governmental process 是一門很特殊的必修課。它以政府的角度詮釋企業的運作,和耶魯的組織管理學院所開的課十分類似。事實上,過去 Jones School頒發的學位和耶魯的類似(MPPM:Master in Public and Private Management),最近五、六年才改為 MBA。
Jones MBA一年只收一百二十名新生。而在這麼迷你的學校裡的這麼迷你的B-School,好處是教授與學生的比例極低,所有的學生都能受到同等的注意。缺點則是選修課不多,一共只有五十六門。在兼任教授多於專任教授的情況下,學生在課堂外和教授見面的機會也不會太多。
一般大型的B-School擁有超大型圖書館和豪華電腦中心,在稻米大學的Jones School中規模縮小了,但內容卻一樣。加上這裡有將近一半的 MBA學生是當地土生土長的德州佬,使得它一直無法擺脫區域性、小型B-School的形象。
一年頂多一百二十名畢業生,吸引不了太多的企業到此做校園徵才,大多數來此的也都是美國南方的企業,或根本就是德州當地的廠商,例如:Exxon、Coca-Cola、與American Airlines。
My fellow students can be best described as intelligent and creative. The majority of the students have work experience in a wide variety of fields and therefore can provide new perspectives on business problems. The small size of the classes and the emphasis on group work allow everyone to get to know each other faster and work together better than would be expected at a larger school. The emphasis on case work -- on applying skills to real-world situations -- encourages flexibility and reinforces the academic principles I have learned. The Jones School has pushed me beyond my previous comfort level in many business-related skills, giving me the confidence and flexibility to adapt to change and to benefit from opportunity.
The mix of full-time and adjunct professors gave us a spectrum of classes in which both the latest theory and that theory's most current application could be learned.
Globalization has become an increasingly prominent effort of multi- national corporations. Multicountry, multifunctional project teams are not uncommon. Nor is that focus uncommon at the Jones School. Our project work through case studies and academic theory emphasized the importance of long-term planning, particularly in a global context. We were constantly challenged to offer sound analysis of complex business situations that addressed the issues at hand and anticipated concerns in the future. Much of our training is now being put to good, practical use.