Welcome to Insomniac OD

This is the Integra part of a special Hellsing series created for Valentines ... click here for Alucard's version





Blogger just goes on and on ...
Comments by: YACCS

I want a Clow shaped chocolate!
So obsessed with
Clow Read
PS: And there are
Clow is my
ABB / SG blogs
<< LOTR Blogs ? >>
<< # Saiyuki Yaoi Logs ? >>
< ? law blogs # >

tragically yours: Cho Hakkai

Little bites
A Midsummer's Nightmare -
Long live "Alucard x Integral"

Fics on FF Net
My private collection of fanart etc.

Thanks to Val for help with
the blog's code.

Dry your tears milady
Call on me if you need
I will be your comfort,
Oh my love, remember me ...


Bravenet makes great counters



I'm disgustingly miserable and disgusted by the reason I'm miserable.

I've got to dig my way outta this mess and I just feel like giving up. I just don't want to do anything anymore.

*sigh* No worries, I'll live.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/28/2002 07:46:29 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

If I was a chess piece, I'll be the Black King. Check it out dude ^__~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/28/2002 04:18:35 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

According to this, I'm Fozzie ^__^

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/28/2002 10:30:58 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Either tripod is funny or my server is coz my blog is not posting ;_;

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/28/2002 09:57:57 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


According to the "What Mythological Creature Are you?" test, I'm an incubus. Yeah right, I part time as a vamp and you'll find me clinging to a crazed wizard (clow), a werewolf (lupin) and a wanted animage (sirius).

Fuuma with long hair Masako? Hmmm ... I haven't tried my hand at drawing X characters for a long time. You're a nereid cool ... I've got a sea nymph for a friend (better than what I turned out *points above - an incubus - sigh*)

I wanna draw ... no, I better finish up my work :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/27/2002 11:49:29 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Tsu I don't know ... see chibi Lupin and me wondering about it at the bottom?

We still can't figure it out ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/27/2002 02:57:06 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Wingy, karaoke within the confines of your own home at a reasonable level or volume or at a pub is acceptable. Karaoke, played too loudly (all the surrounding blocks can hear it) from 8 pm to 10:30 pm at the bottom of a block of apartments with people belting out when they can't sing at all is not >_< ;;

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/27/2002 02:55:59 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Glad you liked the pic Murasaki. Thanks must go to you for the inspiration. Anyway, would you like me to hunt down Clover 2 to 4 for you?

Clover is definitely my fav Clamp work (Cyberpunk no less) but it's uncertain whether there will be a volume 5. Vol 1 to 2 revolves around Suu and Kazuhiko. 3 is about events that happened in her and his past and their common friend, Kazuhiko's deceased girlfriend. Vol 4 goes back even further to when Lan was a child.

Clover is beautiful and unique in the sense the story moves backwards not forwards. Worth every penny you fork out for it ... and the printing is gorgeous!!! Wish is nice but if I had my last dollar, I would spend it on Clover first.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/27/2002 02:51:54 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Thanks Wingy ... and I maintain, I blame her who asked me to consider if Clow and Sirius looked alike ^___^ (thanks for the inspiration Murasaki-san).

Is anything broken tho? My home compy is still broken (wanted to show my sis your Snape and Mokona thingee) ... but at least I can blog. I just can't see everyone's layout properly. Actually for that matter, even my own layout looks weird *sigh*

They're celebrating chap go mei (15th day of the Lunar New Year) by communal karaoke. I love most Japanese inventions but if there is one thing I blame the Nihon-jins for, it's Kara-not-ok!!!

I don't feel like working anymore ... my mind's on a different continent already. Sigh, the lack of news these days in the morning papers worries me.

Have been called a Fool today ... unconventional, unable to stick to rules and too spontaneous for my own good. But you know what ... don't give a damn :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/26/2002 10:09:47 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

My office server sucks! This morning I saw my updated blog as well as Wingy's ... this evening I see yesterday's version of the same 2 blogs.

Either that or I'm hallucinating. Someone tell me if anything on this new layout is broken ... can't quite check it really until I get home which is not going to be so soon since I've got work ^ ^;; esp the links page pls ... arigato ^_^;;

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/26/2002 08:28:11 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

As usual your layout is gorgeous!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/26/2002 01:39:52 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Congrats Masako!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/26/2002 01:37:41 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Gomen Wingy kit wa baka ... ;_;

Apparently my home pc was still loading your old layout images (altho your entries are loading alright - I don't get it) so I didn't see Mokona on Snape's head (home compy has been weird the last week, must remind sis to call in the mac doctor) ... I see it at the office now *lol*!!!

MHAWHAHAHAHA ... poor Snappeyy poo ... Merill, Reins you guys catching all of this?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/26/2002 01:27:33 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Gomen Wingy uhm, were you referring to the test above or was it something else I was supposed to look at?

Gomen, I'm a bit spaced these days ... ^ ^;;

Aine is Ms Choy still in RJ? I remember my PE lessons too well. The teachers used to yell at me trying to skive off PE e.g. running the 2.4 stretch only when in front of the stadium and walking when I was at the end nearest the train tracks ... playing baseball with tennis balls when I was supposed to be playing tennis (so much so half the school learnt my name before they knew who was the wretched soul being yelled at). But netball and basketball were fun tho'.

So uhm, do you, Jo, Kaori and Meia want to meet up with me for tea or something soon? I think I was supposed to meet you guys tentatively last Sunday but I forgot to follow up on it ... gomen but this Sunday is good for me if it is for you guys.

Took the morning off *grins* called my boss:

Me - Morning boss.
Boss - Morning.
Me - I have a slight problem.
Boss - What?
Me - Uhm, it's 9:10 and I just woke up. Since I'm going to be late and since you so hate that ... can I take the morning off?
Boss - eeee ... okay.
Me - ^____^

Hehe heheh ... maybe I'll do some of my Jap homework. My sis' bf took the day off to bring her to the dentist to get her wisdom tooth out and also lent her his PS 2 to relieve boredom ... what a sweetie.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/26/2002 10:09:05 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...



Ahhh, that being outta the way, I've got to say I'm planning my own "freedom" party ... lots of booze no less. Having puked my guts out last Fri has taught me nothing. The next drink fest is fixed for this Friday ^___^

Live and don't learn, that's me :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/25/2002 09:46:13 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Murasaki-san I blame you for this:

Inspired by this.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/25/2002 09:23:42 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Em ... kawaii Chobbits wallpaper!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/25/2002 06:13:50 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


This post was amended on Sunday coz after posting the first time on Sat nite I got thrown outta blogger and couldn't get back until Sunday.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm a Wind Spirit

Now we're getting somewhere - your actions are now past pre-teen level, and you're beginning to display some more mature content in your life.


Had dinner with folks at East Coast, it's my dad's 60th birthday ... fun but am so broke now. ^ ^'' Okay, since I have a bit of time before going back to work:


Snape *sitting dejectedly in dungeon looking all ruffled, for better or worse, Mokona is still leeched onto his head*: Darn that "pest-be-gone" potion didn't work!!! It's a fraud!!! I'm going to have a word with that idiot who invented it! When I get my hands on him and the idiots that imported this thing I'll wring their neck, no I think I'll make them test out my new potions ...

Mokona: Puu *snuggling still*
Snape: Ouch!!!
Mokona: Puuu ...
Snape - *bangs head on desk ala Sesame Street* UGHHH!!! Okay I give up ... fine, stay there and puu for all I care!!! *begins sharpening knives with a evil glint in his eyes* I should have done this in the first place, muggle like but effective!!!

*Knock on door*
Snape: Who is it at this confounded hour of the nite ... What is it you want? *scrowls *

Girl with blue hair *peers in*: Uhm, hello? My name is Umi and I'm looking for a white fluffy ... AHHHH!!! Mokona!!!
Mokona: Puuu!!! *Jumps off Snape and hugs Umi*

Snape: Finally ... now if you will remove this drated hellspawn from my premises immediately!
Umi: I'm sorry what did you call Mokona?
Snape: Miss, if you would leave now ... I've got potions to prepare for tomorrow's class! *sneers*

Umi *glances around, suddenly whips out lancer*: You were preparing to hurt Mokona, prepare to duel!
*insert sailormoon like transformation scene whereby Umi is decked in MKR fighting gear with pinky hearts and POSE* =P

Snape: That is so ridiculous, you should know that transformation to battle gear is sooo passe. That definitely went out of fashion 20 years ago *sneers*

Umi *blushing*: Why you!!! *rushes towards Snape*

*Insert scene of Umi chasing Snape all around the school ala Love Hina, with powerful bolts of "chi" from Umi's swordplay, blasting Snape from corner to corner of the castle. Mokona is meanwhile sitting in the corner watching the fight and holding up a little flag that says "GO UMI GO!!!" Finally, we see the chase ending back in the dungeon*

Snape *in a corner*: Hufff hufff ...
Umi: Prepare to meet you maker!!! *raises lancer*
Snape *whips out wand*: ... you're not quite proper muggle so I'm not breaking any rules by using magic against you! You leave me no choice ... Expelliarmus!

*Umi's lancer flies out of her hand*
Snape *lazily*: Now go home little girl ... before I make you!!!
Umi: *advances towards Snape menacingly, suddenly she breaks into SD mode* Waiiii!!! Mummy ... he is MEAN!!! *cries and runs out of dungeon while hugging Mokona*

Snape: *slumps against walls with a look of disbelief* Grief, the nonsense I put up with ... good riddance to bad rubbish ... now to get back to my beautiful potions in peace *gloats*. Ahhh, perhaps I will have one of those muggle potions they call a cocktail to celebrate.

*Suddenly a large rumbling sound is heard*
Snape: ???

*Camera zooms to dungeon door, where a horde of Mokonas puuing away and rushing towards Snape, camera zooms to Harry Potter and Ron stealing food from the kitchen, or rather, being piled with food by the kitchen elves while Herminone preaches in vain to the house elves on the importance of freedom. Suddenly camera zooms to Azbakan where we see a group of dementors playing strip poker with Legolas (erstwhile elf) - it ain't a pretty sight except for the fact Legolas is down to one leaf ^ ^ ... suddenly screen goes fuzzy and is replaced with a blue screen with the sounds of birds twripping and the words "We apologise for the temporary breakdown"*

*Screen is restored and camera pans back to Snape in the dungeon, zooming in on his face on which a soundless scream is forming*

*Insert sign - "To Be Continued?"*


Okies, I'm losing it ... fine, sue me :P I was certified criminally insane last week so there!!!!

Lilack's got a new layout and it's Gackt - SUGGOI!!! Congrats to Reins chan on Kage's new look. Hmm, I've got pretty similar results as Meia and Liz *waves to fellow elves* Ruby, take care. Have fun in Scotland Val.

Tsu, it was just a drinking session with friends from another department. They had their Chinese NY loa heh (yu seng session) for the department and after ditching their bosses decided to go "cheo-ing" (drinking) and to celebrate De's birthday. As I usually hang around them quite a bit altho I'm from a different department, I was invited. Guess we got carried away, apparently they doused two of my friends silly, in particular the birthday boy until he was knocked out cold while the rest were between drunk and very very drunk :P

But it was fun, I just feel embarassed about the puking. Ordered 2 chocolate banana cakes, one for the office staff, one for those guys - unfortunately this and dad's dinner really has broken the bank ^ ^;;

Sorry I can't blog properly ... blogger is a little weird tonite.

BTW, I'm thinking of shutting down all my sites and just concentrating on my crappy fanart ... anyone wants to take them off my hands before I sacrifice them to the bottomless pit of the internet?

Watched Bridget Jones with my mum - we were laughing our heads off together ^___^

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/23/2002 11:59:17 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Note to self - 15 drinks of vodhka in its different forms on an empty stomach is NOT a good idea.

On the other hand, I'm lucky to be alive, much less without a hangover this morning but that's coz I puked a lot *I'm so embarassed about it*. The strange thing is, throughout the nite, despite losing control over my digestive system, I was still mentally running thru my Jap grammar lessons learnt earlier on in the evening :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/23/2002 09:54:48 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Puu puu puu?

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/23/2002 01:56:04 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Ganbette Maschan ... ganbette ne!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/22/2002 10:28:51 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


And just because ...

Neutral Good Elf Ranger Bard

Lawful Good ----- XX (2)
Neutral Good ---- XXXX (4)
Chaotic Good ---- XX (2)
Lawful Neutral -- XXX (3)
True Neutral ---- (-1)
Chaotic Neutral - (-3)
Lawful Evil ----- (-1)
Neutral Evil ---- (-1)
Chaotic Evil ---- XX (2)

Human ---- (-4)
Half-Elf - XXX (3)
Elf ------ XXXXXX (6)
Halfling - (-1)
Dwarf ---- (-4)

Fighter - (-6)
Ranger -- XXXXXXX (7)
Paladin - (-5)
Cleric -- (-4)
Mage ---- (0)
Druid --- X (1)
Thief --- X (1)
Bard ---- XX (2)

I want to go off soon!!! But hmmm ... I'm getting elf on all tests so far, where are my pointy ears??? Me want point ears!!!


kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/21/2002 06:50:18 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Too much work *drowns in files*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/21/2002 06:23:21 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

If I were an Ayumi H song, I would be this - swiped off Masako.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/21/2002 12:42:07 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/21/2002 12:12:36 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Leareth breaking out is always much easier than breaking in ... altho explaining to your parents is difficult both ways (mum was not amused by the rust all over my clothes and my jump outta the 2nd floor windw ^ ^;;)

*kicks files*

I'm feeling lazy but am looking forward to dinner tonite!!! Didn't manage to get to office by 7 but at least got here by 8 *sigh* I need to hand over my files ... no, more NEW FILES!!!

*calms self down by thinking of Europe* Anyone know how to book trains with the Czech railway?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/21/2002 12:08:46 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Ah Ruby you blame Wingy too? Ahhh *evil laughter* ... I'm sane I'm sane ... it's not me ... MHAWHAHAHAHA!!!

Ahem *readjusts self* I like your wish list but don't want Lupin to die. *Sniff* couldn't he get kidnapped or something by Peter and Harry AND SIRIUS (emphasis on the 2nd character) have to go rescue him or something ... but yeah, Snape and Sprout being arrested for the Hogwarts drug trade is good ^____^

*insert evil manical laughter of evil overlords seeking to takeover the world as found in shounen manga*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/21/2002 08:25:54 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Val's back!!! With a new layout too ... *drool*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/21/2002 08:17:15 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Wingy, I will do so ... as soon as I deal with a rather disgrunted Mr Snape here who is threatening to make sure I die the most horrible death and to tear my corpse into no less than 20 pieces. I love those pics! For a moment tho' I thought it was Legolas ... *avoids cans thrown by Star Wars fans*

Tsu, will do sourcing ... but give me sometime to bug oniichan about it.

Ramblings -
Took the bus 154 again. Was reading Hellsing while the wind was tearing thru my mop of hair. My hair is odd. It actually tends to clump in strands and my fringe sticks up ... kinda like manga guy hair (but not the really long and soft kind bishounen have *stares enviously*) but that's not the point. The point is I love the nite breeze and I love starry nites. Today was truly disgusting but that ride home made me yell quietly "daijyobu"! I better sleep tho'. I have to wake up at 6 tomorrow to go to work ... and my timesheets aren't done yet *sigh*

Ja ne minna-san. Oh, and the ending of Vol 14 of Love Hina is lovely!!! There seems to be a next parter tho'.

Did I mention I bought Lain? *giggles at acquisition*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 11:28:58 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Had dinner with B, M and Deeps ... had fun laughing at ourselves. Talked about selling chocolates by the roadside with them dressed in tight tops and jeans *lol*

Talked about pubbing thru the weekend for once instead of being here at the salt mines ... sighhhhh ...

Plan to sit at the cafes in Vienna and Paris and rot *grins*. All my Europe bookings are done except my accomodation in Praha and my train ticket from Praha to Vienna (will only do when there). I want to go to Europe but as it is I'm having problems leaving here ... will do the minimal and then go off (hopefully soon) and return tomorrow morning :P to continue.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 08:23:41 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

*drools* ... *drools more*

*More drooling* ... This is good *drool*!!!

*giggle*, *drool* ... *glomp*

*dies of dehydration*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 05:58:15 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Masako, lookies here!!! Tom Riddle *drool*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 05:51:38 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

NOT MY HP POSTER!!! Which reminds me, I need to buy a frame for LOR poster ...

Meeting friends tomorrow ... lalalalalala ... Bought Lain (special collection set) and Bridget Jone's Diary ^___^

MHAWHAHAHAHA ... Going manga shop tonite to pick up Hellsing ^_____^

Need to cheer self up ^____________^
(I wonder if Bel wants to do dinner)

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 05:51:02 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Murasaki-san while I agree they both have long black hair, are really cute to boot ... and are incorrigible pranksters, I don't think they are that alike.

To me, Sirius is more of a loud carefree, boyish chap looking forward to his tomorrow when he can play tricks on his friends and amuse everyone (or at least when he's not in jail) i.e. the boyish rogue guys like to hang around with and for whom half the girls in school fall for. Clow on the other hand is quieter kinda guy who carries a sort of sadness and boredom from his being too smart for his own good, i.e. his ability to predict the future. His pranks are attempts to cheer himself up rather than to give everyone a good laugh i.e. he's more like the eccentric boy in class who is too smart for his classes and is somewhat alienated from everybody else altho admired for his brains and looks.

And Sirius doesn't wear glasses :)

But yeah, I like both *drool* ... I'm a greedy little fangurl.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 04:53:44 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

*kicks more files*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 04:16:32 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Ranting - as usual ignore me

Disgustingly bad day bad day ... Research people are intelligent sometimes but NOT the most practical of people. You see, I've always had a bone to pick with Research Department. Everytime I ask them for something to be researched on, I end up doing the research myself and then these idiots ask me to donate my hard work to them so they can "archive" it. Archive it my foot. Use my work and pass it off as your own more like it!!!

So fine then, I do my own work, report to my boss ... if they're not going to be useful at least they could keep outta my way ... fine? WRONG ... idiots today called me up to insist I do some files by video conferencing in the office. Its an odd situation right now as the older files are conducted before person while the newer ones are done either in person or by VC. I don't like VC but I don't really object to using it except for today. I had 3 files today, 2 of which had to be done in person. The research moron calls me up and tells me that I must do the 3rd file by VC. Now I don't even know how the idiot found out I had files but that's beside the point. I tell him no. I've got 2 files in person already ... I might as well do the 3rd in person too. He insists otherwise. I tell him that's ridiculous ... I'm not rushing between City Hall and office to do the VC nonsense! The a**hole rats to his boss A who calls me up to "examine the situation". I maintain my position but while A admits the impracticality of what research is insisting on, A wants my 3rd matter to be done by VC, coz it's "firm policy".

"Firm policy" my a** ... told them to sod off. Too much work + ROD mood + duty files = rabid neko here!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 04:15:06 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Oh freak ... had to cut lunch short with C coz someone had to see me at 1:30. This morning was a mad rush coz someone didn't tell me he needed the darn files this morning altho we were discussing them last nite. I don't mind really rushing or a short lunch per se but the courtesy to tell me things in advance would be nice.

*kicks files*

This sounds like me last year no?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 02:01:04 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

According to this I'm this kind of blogger!


kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 11:33:44 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

TOO MUCH WORK *trips over files in office and dies*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 11:10:29 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I've got Act III of Snape and the Mokona menace in my head ... question is should it stay in my head?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 11:04:58 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I'm crazy? You bet I am *insane grin*!!!

Oh yes, do draw the strip please!!! I was thinking about that too ... but I do owe Reins more episodes of Demented - a parody of her birthday manga strip *hides* and I've still got a strip entitled "The 3000 Age Old Secret of LEGOLAS" at the back of my head dying to be unleashed on unsuspecting blog readers.

*goes back to insane mumblings*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 10:16:34 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Murasaki it could be my server but sometimes when I try to post messages, it doesn't actually get posted ... in which case I have to log out from the net and start again. After a few rounds of having nice posts eaten, I now save all messages before I try to post just in case they get eaten again. Oh and yes, the layout problem too ... I can't tinker with layouts on the imac without the risk it looks odd on PC.

I don't particularly like or dislike PC or mac ... they each have their flaws and good points but the imac is pretty ^___^

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/20/2002 10:07:23 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


I agree with you ... the mac isn't too bad, it has its moments but it's a nice machine and yes, the new imacs look good. But blogging at home on the imac does sometimes produce odd results ^ ^;;

Just because I can't concentrate ... my Harry Potter poster is dented *wails* I think someone in my house touched it with wet hands as a result of which they are wet marks on my poster *wails louder*. My mum and dad deny liability *sniffs* but they did help me frame it up to prevent further damage and it now hangs over my piano albeit oddly since the 1/3 of the poster is hidden behind the piano. My sis and aunt tried to cheer me up by saying they didn't really notice the wet marks very much *sniffs more* ... Other than that, life is good ^ ^

Oohh, and the catchphrase today at Mos for lunch courtesy of Wendy, Jen and me? "Yucky nekos (yakiniko - grilled beef) anyone?" *ducks rotten tomatoes thrown by tsu and lilack*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/19/2002 04:43:46 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I'm thinking of a LOR manga gag strip - THE 3000 YEAR OLD SECRET OF LEGOLAS!!!


kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/19/2002 04:12:43 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

*In the meanwhile, in his private dungeon, with a blissful Mokona still attached to his head, Professor Snape is boiling a "pest-be-away" potion*
Snape: Once this is finished ... I'll be rid of you ... let's see, this potion requires the most delicate touches ... I better concentrate.
Mokona: Puu Puu!!!
Snape: UGGHHHH *breathes* no Severus, concentrate ... concentrate ... you survived Sirius and 2 Potters, you can survive this "thing" ... *goes back to stirring potion*
Mokona: Puu Puu!!!

*Knocks on the door and a young man with brown hair sticks his head in, a young man whose brown hair has grey streaks {wink}*
Lupin: Evening Severus ... I'm here for my wolfsbane potion. Am I disturbing you?
Snape: Oh Remus ... sorry I nearly forgot about that ... (this infernal animal has been driving me crazy since it arrived in that unmarked parcel this morning ... when I get my hands on the sender!!!)

*Rustles cupboard ... Seconds later*

Snape:Here you go ...
Lupin: Thank you Severus ... *gulps potion* here you go ... *returns vial and begins staring at Snape*
Snape: It's alright ... Dumberdore asked me to remind you about the meeting tomorrow nite at the West Tower. Don't be late ... it's 8 pm and ... *notices Remus is not paying attention to his words* ... Remus, Remus? REMUS!!!
Lupin: Huh? *glazed look* Ooohhh, sorry ... thank you for the potion. I'm very grateful ... I must go now ... HAYANNNN *sighs, still looking at Snape*
Snape *blushing*: (Why is he looking at me in that way ... I ... I ...)

Lupin: Thank you Severus ... *raises his hand as if to touch Snape's face* Oh no I shouldn't ... Sirius is waiting for me ... I can't do this ... *sighs* goodbye Severus *runs out of dungeon crying - insert shoujo roses etc. etc.*
Snape *collapses, sitting on the ground all pinky and flushed* - Remus ... I ... I ... *streches out hand vainly at leaving figure of Lupin*
[insert b/w anime tatics whereby the character is hit on the head by a rock and plumets to the abyss coz he has been deserted]

Mokona - Puu??? *snuggles*

*For once Snape doesn't notice, camera zooms to all the rotting boquets of roses Snape has in the corner of the dungeon, each addressed to a certain "RL". Obviously Snappee-poo had chickened out at the last minute.*

*Outside the Dungeon*
Black - Well you took long enuff ... I'm getting hungry ...
Lupin - Sorry ... I was distracted ...
Black - Hmmmph!!!

Lupin - Oh don't be soo petty ...
Black - I might be ... my best friend ooggling at that THING!!! when he has a cute little puppy waiting out here for him *sulks*
Lupin - I'm sorry Sirius ... but that was the fluffliest and cutest thing I've ever seen *hearts*
Black - You mean Mokona?

Lupin - Is that what it's called? How did you know ...
Black - If you were so caught up staring at it ... you would have recognised it by the Puuing sound it makes ... I heard it immediately and guessed as much.
Lupin - Doggie has good hearing no?
Black - But of course *proudly* ... AND I also know your weakness for fluffy things *blushes*
Lupin - *smiles*
Black - Okay, let's go eat ... I'm hungry ... I hope that potion hasn't made you lose your appetite.
Lupin - Nooo let's go ... Severus was all flushed tho' ... I hope he hasn't caught a fever or something.
Black - Who cares ... let's go ... leave the slime to his dungeon ... altho for the life of me, I can't imagine why the Mokona fellow likes him so much tho ...

*Lights dim, end of Act 2*

So shoot me, I'm bored :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/19/2002 03:55:20 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Glad you liked it Merill. Inspiration courtesy of her. Hi Ruby *waves*, blame Wingy for the new "ship".

Meia HCl is indeed the best way of getting NaOH off. Oh, to get the odd effect for your tutor's marking, spill or drip different acids and solutions all over the paper. My fav is a little diluted HCl here and a little diluted nitric acid there. The idea is colorless solutions tho' ... BTW I heard a certain form of potassium iodide (I know spelling is wrong, my chem has gone to the dogs *sigh*) placed under the legs of a chair gives off purple fumes when the solution is subjected to impact, i.e. someone sits in the chair. Haven't tried that one out tho' and don't you ... the friend who taught me that was a damn mad scientist in college days and created near accidents in the lab (kid you not)!!! Then again, I used to hang around people who used to conduct rather interesting but cruel magnesium ribbon experiments on cockroaches and ants ...

Any wonder I'm nuts?

Ahhh, court duty tomorrow ... must bring some choco to counter staff ^_^

Oh yes, Wendy wants me to tell the 2 cute kitties and the cute puppy that she's coming back with stuff and munchies. Had lunch with Wendy and Jennifer today ... they seemed to like the Jap shop in Hong Leong *grins*

Finally remembered to order Hellsing from Alv when I saw one sitting in the Jap bookstore ... ahhh, if only I could read Jap properly, the books here are in good condition and sooo cheap!!! *sigh* ... It'll be nice if I could get the 2 kitties and puppy to visit tho' and Zoro fan *waves* me am sooo looking forward to your visit *waves to little genki neko too* Good luck for your campaigning dearie!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/19/2002 02:47:08 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Met arigato!!! *glomp* I've got it ... suggoi!!! Thank you sooo much!!! *huggles present happily*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/19/2002 02:25:39 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


You bet I'm having fun. Torturing characters and writing parodies are somethings I enjoy tho' talent would be nice *sob*. Ask Reins about the insane stuff I've been cooking up since I got to know her ...

Speaking of which is the Zoro-Kakashi-Snape addicted one back in KL? I'm not giving up my leave for 17 - 21 April if you're coming so don't freak in case you read the post below. FYI, I still don't know whether I will be working with the HK office or the KL office ... if I get the HK office, I'll get to buy manga and anime direct, if I get KL I'm going to bug you everytime I'm in town *evil grin*

Ahhhh ... off to BORDERS!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/18/2002 06:45:23 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

That's one awful chem tutor!!! Glad you're ok ... FYI some of us need to be told chemicals are poisonous or unstable before allowed on it ... else we start mixing them or testing them out on the chem prac papers. My chem tutor was both annoyed and amused by the fact when he tried to mark my chem prac papers, the red ink would turn into the funniest colors over certain parts of the paper.

Say I know what NaOH tastes like but never tried HCl ... what's it like?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/18/2002 06:38:36 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

You are Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky the Fourth
A strange and fun loving kid. You are an expert computer hacker and have all the really important, meaningful dialog in the series :).
Which Cowboy Bebop Character Are You?

Strange. I thought I would get Vicious ^ ^;;

Happy REN RI or Yen Yat (Cantonese) to those who celebrate it. This is the day Chinese people who swear sashimi is the most disgusting thing on earth (I'm not, I love sashimi) will stuff themselves silly with raw fish and shredded vegetables!!! Me, I'll be in borders sipping tea thank you ... ja ne ...

Must do things tonite - find 3 missing mangas, manga strip, Jap homework ... plus work is hotting up again :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/18/2002 06:33:50 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


I've 20 days of leave. My boss wants me to give up a few days "for my own good". Says my Europe trip is only 12 days and I will "thus" be bored to death in Singapore. Waiiiii ... someone get me a magic sparkly wand of sense to knock him with!!!


GRRR ...

But me am sooo happy with my new phone altho it has what Bel calls the "ah beng (i.e. local term for overated / non-tasteful common things the masses adore) blue lite" ... my phone lights up with a nice blue light that I find cute :P

Actually I suspect I'm a closet beng (or lian - female version) when I get tired I squat or sit on the floor ^ ^;; I swear and drink like hell and my response when greeted with a snoot is to tell them to go fly a kite (in varying degrees of civility).

Heeh heh ...

Val are you back yet? Got something for you but don't want to stuff your mail box which I suspect is already stuffed ^ ^;;

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/18/2002 06:06:24 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Not Kage too Reins ... sigh, where's the backup site?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/18/2002 02:23:50 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Taken from Wingy's site and edited without permission XP

Snape: Stop making that stupid noise, you dunderhead! -_-##
Mokona: Puu!
Snape (turns to Neville): Mr. Longbottom, you better pay extra attention to that potion you're brewing now because I am going to test it on that *thing* at the end of this class.
Neville: T_T;;;;
Mokona: Puu!

Snape: Will you stop that infernal racket? *glares at Mokona*
Mokona *looks confused*: Puu? *thinks* PUU!!! *glomps onto Snape's head looking content*
Snape: GET OFFA ME!!! *tries in vain to pull a blissful Mokona off his hair* What do I have to do to get you outta here?

Herminone: *raises hand* You could try a sleeping potion on it sir but there's no guarantee it will let go even in its sleep.
Ron *whispers*: For the life of me I can't imagine why anyone would want to go near Professor Snape.
Neville *whispers back*: You don't suppose this is actually a boggart do you?
Snape: No whispering down there or it's 5 points off Gryfinndor!!! Ouch!!! LET GO YOU STUPID #%*(@!!!

Harry: *raises hand* Maybe you should consider getting a new head sir? *whispers to Ron* And a new face to boot ...
Snape: I HEARD THAT 200 POINTS FROM GR ... OUCHHHHH!!! *struggles as Mokona begins snuggling against him* AHHHHH ... *runs out of dungeon screaming*

Harry - Pity, I was about to suggest he speak to Hagrid about that fluffy thing ... Hagrid might know what to do.
Ron - Do we have to, I never found potions as interesting as today.
Harry *ponders* - Yes, but isn't it cruelty to animals?
Ron - I agree. I wonder where it came from.

*Outside the dungeon, Fred and George Weasley are surveying the fruits of their labour*
Fred - I told you that subscription to "Magic Knights Rayearth, Get your own Mokona" would be worth it.
George - Yes, shall we write to that Count D fellow from "Petshop of Horrors" I think a biting man eating goat like creature would be the perfect compliment for the Professor ...
Twins - *burst out laughing*

Harry - Did you hear something Ron?
Ron - I think so ... but I don't want to know *sigh*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/18/2002 02:22:50 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Your sites got deleted too ... NOOOOO!!! Where am I going to get wonderful pictures to drool over??? What's with this bad spate of site deletion going around ;_;

Hmmm ... seriously tempted to trash everything and start from scratch tho'

Leareth chan ... "Orchids" is suggoi!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/18/2002 11:17:03 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


I've got a new phone *beams*

It's put me out of budget by 300 smackaroos but I've got a new phone and it's sleek ... I've got this thing about comparing gadgets with my boss ... I can't wait to see the look on his face when I play with my new phone tomorrow *grins*

Okay I'm mean but he absolutely refused to give me an angpow at yesterday's dinner, slapping my hand instead :P okay, he slapped Boey's hand too so there ^___^

And talk about akward moments. I arrived at the senior partner's house only to have him greet me "Ahh kit I heard you're going to leave the firm. So where are you going and what will you be doing?" His wife's timely intervention to remind him the lion troupe was ready to perform was a lifesaver. Behind me, my friend B who's his niece was just laughing herself to death *remind me to kill her tomorrow*

Bumped in Boss and Boey and the 3 of us were horsing around for a while before YK came ... then it was a madhouse. Must corrupt his pupil i.e. YK, before I leave ... tho' he has "warned" the poor boy to keep away from me citing insanity as a reason.

Yes, as you can tell, this is another insane induced posting again. Am waiting for gran to go to sleep so I can watch my new Jap drama and my Love Hina collection (I prefer the player in the hall and she tends to adore the TV in the hall). Realised I have misplaced more manga books ... ohh where can they be???

My new chocolate moulds are lovely ... really gorgeous and my chocos looks professional!!! Tomorrow's the 7th, which means my aunt's colleagues are coming ... doctors and nurses are noisy people and I can attest to that!!! Will be hiding at Borders and Kino tomorrow ^__^ hee hee ...

Sigh, Jap homework piling up and I just want to play with my new phone and VCDs ...

Masako, nice layout. My niece-in-law looks exactly like Faye. Cool huh? I wonder if her son (my grand nephew) will look like Nic Tse? Hee hee ... bad me, my nephew would kill me if he saw this ...

Anyhow, if you're going to Spain ... go shop!!! Mango and all the other nice spanish clothes brands there are CHEAP!!! Ahhh I would do Spain too if I had more time. But then again, if you're coming down in April, it'll be nice if you can travel with Reins ... that way, neither of you has to take that long boring ride down alone.

Let me know ...

UGH!!! Want a new body ... darn vamperic body is giving me a sun headache (spent a while in the sun today). This is ridiculous ... I'm getting so pale even I feel funny looking at myself in the mirror. All I need is for people to notice I actually have fangs and I'm set to be staked thru the heart ;_;

Going off now ... want to check on chocolates in the fridge ^____^

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/17/2002 10:26:18 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Happy birthday Liz!!! Interested in Clover 2 to 4?

Anyone read and speak German? Need a little help translating my hotel arrangements. I tried to book this hotel in Vienna on this English site but the reply came in German ^ ^;;

Public service announcement - the artbook for Spirited Away is out!!!

Meia I'm definitely going to ask about the shoe the next time I see you guys ... interesting, so is the left shoe the devil or something like that?

Murasaki san you're right ... green would clash with the layout. I do wish Clamp would release some poster or collectible for the frog tho' ... imagine, your own Fuuma frog plushie ^___^

Wingy ... all I can say is "GO WINGY!!!" *Avoids rotten tomatoes thrown by Merill and Reins* Tsu ... a "Kit-coined" phase ... wow!!! I've got a description named after me .... Mahhhahahahwahahhahaha!!!

Meeting my friends from high school next week ^___^ ... can't wait to meet with insanity personified. I love my friends, they're all insane ... I rarely have sane friends ... *rubs hands in insane glee*

Rats, there goes my chance for a nap ... and all that Jap homework and other stuff and art work undone ... must start on manga strip *strangles self*

Reins, pretty nite sky ... kawaii ...

End of insane programme ... must get ready to go out again :P Hot balmy weather ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/16/2002 04:41:25 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

'friad I didn't keep backup Leareth-san. Own compy is dead, have too much garbabge on the office compy already (40Mb) and sis would kill me if I kept things on her imac.

Hoping to buy my own new compy soon so maybe I can rewrite my sites when I get more time. Strangely tho' I'm not too distressed. I feel inconvenienced but not mad ... odd ... must be the lack of sleep from planning my Europe trip :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/16/2002 04:35:31 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Whhooohh ... had Jap classes in the morning then lunch with Nic at Nooch before trooping off for piano class. Soooo sleepy now ... will nap before the CNY thingee at the senior partner's house (not keen to go but have to give some face).

MORE Griping - Jap class today was packed ... info overload ... UGH!!! Also me misplaced Hana no Kimi 12 and Tennis Prince 5 still cannot find ... sites on envy I suppose are lost for good ... SIGH!!! Muscles stiff ;_; need basketball and more exercise, getting flabby too :P

But something to look forward to - see you Aine and Meia next Sunday ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/16/2002 04:24:34 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Missing Jap classes due to work *grumbles*

Will go for make up classes *grumbles*

But Reins' layout is nice and festive!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 07:20:47 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Leareth-chan ... need help.

You know the last time you had problems with Envy.nu? Do they try to return you your files or do they not care? Apparently the people at Envy seemed to have done mass deletion and 3 sites are gone just like that. Didn't keep spare files ... sigh ...

Oh well *shrugs* all free sites are like that ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 03:13:00 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Suggoi, Murasaki san, it's groovy ... but any special reason why the froggie's pink instead of the usual green (or is it V Day)?

Have a craving for soup ... nice mushroom or pumpkin soup *drools*

I love my friends I really do *sob* ... heck, what did they put in the soup I had just now O_o;;

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 02:07:43 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

The following blog is late coz Blogger threw me out halfway *swears at Blogger's server* but had lunch with friends, very nice -

This is rich ... one of the lawyers on my floor is complaining that his opponent cried in front of him and the judge because she lost the application for the hearing to be adjourned. He swears he will bring tissue paper for her at the next hearing. MhWAHAHa, is so hilarious!!! Leareth-chan ... any takes? Got a defence to file so better stop goofing off ... *grimmaces*

Ahhh, it's technically still V day in America soooooo ... *smooches Clow*

Ah heck, one final bit ... fell asleep on bus to Boon Lay yesterday. Woke up really groggy and was bumbling to Comic Connection when I noticed that there were long queues in front of every restuarant. I was thinking 'are these people so desperate to eat out? Good grief, there's like at least 25 people in the queues.' It was only the 3rd day of Chinese NY and only about half the shops would start reopening for business again after 2 days of rendering Singapore a ghost town. Took me 5 minutes to realise it was the V day dinner dating scene ... *slaps forehead* Gosh, my low bp is really getting to me ... 15 minutes after I wake up, I'm always soooo blur. BTW was dateless and unloved yesterday *fake tears*.

But actually, I do realise one thing. The only reason I want a date now, is not coz I really need company (I have friends whom I prefer hanging out with than with a special someone) or because I like the chap ... it's *gasp* because I want a trophy (preferably bish) hanging from my arm the same way men want a sexy girl and a red convertible to show off their success. Maybe Bel is right, I am a world class jerk. If I was a guy, I would be a love them and leave them kind, well at least until I met a girl who could convince me that settling down was good ... ooohhh, as you can see, the Fates were wise.

Shotgun marriage ended yesterday. The ending was a little OTT but it was overall a nice show ^___^ The next Jap drama is on the ER ward ... hmmm ... of all the Jap dramas I've watched so far, I enjoyed Love Revolution the most (more than Overtime or Beach Boys altho both were great eye candy). Then again, there used to be this great little drama on a bunch of crazy guy teachers at a boy's college and the madcap they (the teachers not the students) got into when they meet the lady teachers at the neighbouring girl's college. That was funny ... and way before GTO, I was watching this Jap drama (was about 7) where the teacher was like totally unorth but cared very much for his students. For some strange reason tho' the season would end with him being threatened with dismissal. Of course, he would ride it out but he would then leave the school of his own volition for another to "re-educate" the new school on what education really means. I don't remember much about that show except the fact he had a crush on the much older and divorced lady boss of a bar which for some reason was always near the schools he was always at.

The beauty of reel life :P

I really am NOT in the mood to do anything constructive ... this is bad ...

~ Goes back to day dreaming YET AGAIN ~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 02:05:34 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

This is an uncommon pairing ... did Meia chan or Liz write something along this line? And is it me or does Kakyou remind you of Yue?

Oops, blogged a lot today. Meia chan, will email u since SMS is dead?

~ Watches finger nails grow ~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:50:47 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I'm Stripes? Okay, if you say so ...

~ Am bored, am avoiding work, am surfing while day dreaming ~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:44:08 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Engine search update -


1. I have Spirited Away VCD but it's dubbed in Cantonese ... I love the language but I prefer the Jap anime tho'

2. I don't know if Orlando Bloom smokes and no I do not have his birthday, his address, his email address and his private details. Go ask his girl friend ...

3. Why are people looking for Qoo wallpaper and handphones here?
4. Spinel sun and kero chan pics? Got some at my clow shrine ... check it out.

5. Tom Riddle fanart - only did one for Masako ... trying to open HP fanart site, check again later ...

6. Yamada tarou monogatari is a great manga but I've not really had the time ... gomen. If I did a shrine for every manga I like, I'll be dead. If you're interested, mail me and we can chat about this manga. Have you read the new manga "Ugly Duckling", what a hoot!!!

7. Leareth and the Void? Yeah, the links on the sidebar ... haven't updated tho' so go to her blog for now please to get the link

8. Evil clow? Ahhhhh where? I like my fetish evil ... oh yes *evil grin* I'm a black dragon no *winks*
9. FFX tips? Haven't got it ... go ask Meia-chan coz she's finished the game

10. Slobbering Legolas? UGH!!! This cannot be *throws chunk of cheese in person's direction* Laine, anything for this guy? But seriously, those Sim pics crack me up ^___^

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:39:29 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

*puts up hand* Merill-san, I prefer manga to anime.

I can't keep up with the Seiyuu names and all. I like anime too but if I only had my last 10 bucks, it's manga any day. Besides, the manga quality and storyline are usually much better. The only times I preferred the art in the anime was Kare no K and Trigun.

Very cute cupid ... mhahwhahahahhaha!!! Poor Snape ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:26:07 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Kawaiii now I want a frog too!!! Murasaki-san, the layout is great and wow ... did you color it yourself? Sugoi!!!

I need a compy and PS ... *checks bank account*

Ooops no $$$ ;_;

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:17:55 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Good idea Meia haven't seen you guys in some time too.

Sunday? Lunch? And I see Jo chan is back!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:15:09 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Want to do my manga strip!!!

Misplaced Tennis Prince 5 and Hana no Kimi 12 ... ugh!!! Would normally rebuy but for tight budget ... so must find!!!

Wanna do my strip ... it's about monsters in the modern world :P

~ yeah you guessed it, still day dreaming ~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:11:44 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

My anti-thesis!!!

UGH!!! WHITE DRAGON *hides* Bought Alchino and Rose angel's romance, courtesy of recommendation by Wendy, Jen and Ming. Bought Valkyrie at oniichan's recommendations. Made chocolates for V day for colleagues and friends at the the manga shop. Response heartening ... chocolate moulds arrived *brain gears start shifting*

Not making sense, too distracted thinking of Europe ... Jap homework totally undone ...

~ still day dreaming ~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:09:37 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

My handphone is dead. After 2 years of rolling down staircases, being flung across the hall and being piled on by million of files, it is dead.

Good news - am going to watch a Verdi opera in Praha ^___^

~ goes back to day dreaming ~

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/15/2002 10:01:40 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


And because I know I'm also a fruitcake myself:


© © ©

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/14/2002 11:44:09 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

"I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Black Dragon on the inside. If there ever was an aparition of Evil, my Inner Dragon is it. Blackies are a fairly common dragon and are considered one of two harmonious dragons. My anti-thesis is the White Dragon.

But I couldn't care less about that garbage. I like to chomp things, cause trouble, and seek unjustified revenge. My favorable attributes are the Moon, the stars, dreams, psychic guidance, seeking truth, and helpful dark magic. Everybody's still got to watch out for me though, because deep down I like to smite at random and have a nasty breath weapon combination of Fire and Acid. *evil grin* Fun, no?"

Hmmmm ... 7_7

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/14/2002 11:01:26 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Who's your Fellowship fella?

I love to FROLIC with the elves

I hate Chinese New Year. It definitely also brings out the worse in me. For those of you who celebrate, I hope it was fun.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/13/2002 03:30:17 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Ahhh, home at last.

Time to wash up and do my Jap homework.

Must play basketball tomorrow and get place ready for *grumble, grumble*

But first, Diablo II.

On an unrelated note, bought Lawful Drug (in Chinese) and Alchino. Alv is going to help me hunt down the other You Higuri book. Met Wendy, Jennifer and Ming today. Bought so much things ... Cowboy Bebop Halloween special, DNAngel board, Love Hina VCD Collection and the above manga. WOW!!! On a good note, my room and all my manga are now packed ... MHAHWHAHAHAHA!!! I'm pretty happy with my collection ^___^

Realised the following: Love vampire figures in manga, Hate garlic, Hate Sunlight and Got Vincent Valentine as the character I would be if I was a FF7 character ... does this mean anything? Had new idea for manga strip. I like this one ... hopefully, it gets done to paper and not get aborted like the others. I still plan to do them if I can tho'. Just need time and effort.

Hint - involves vampires in a modern day world ... *toothfie grin*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/10/2002 10:14:16 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Em's moved ... blogging at my cousins' place. Had a great dinner. Their other cousins are really quiet tho' ... we were making so much noise with my coz and my sis' bf but my cozs' other cousins were rather quiet. Ahhh well.

Jap classes so far have been fun. I hope I can remember everything tho'

Before I go, happy new year.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/10/2002 08:22:57 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Just got my tickets *smooch* Will be away from 3 April to 17 April (noon) ... Reins, they messed up my booking for 15 April home from Paris and got me 16 April seats instead ... I can meet u on 17 April but perhaps later in the afternoon ... say 3:30 onwards?

Other than that glitch ... I'm SO HAPPY I COULD LAUGH MANICALLY FOR THIS ... except this. My sec came back with a letter I sent for my boss' approval (soon to be ex-boss). It came back with "9/10 v. good".

What the heck O_O;;??? Ahhh Jap classes tonite and I don't quite remember everything *panics Herminone style*. It was and is not a good idea to pack my books until 3 am last nite. BTW, I'm only 1/3 thru (damn Chinese New Year and the tradition of keeping the place tidy). There's another 3 cupboards of manga and the manga all around my bed ^ ^;; Perhaps mum is correct ... and I've got too much manga? Naahhhh ... *in denial* I'm not looking forward to the CNY. Unlike most Chinese I detest CNY as it seems to be the time you're forced to have nicies with people your parents are related to but to whom you can't relate. For the relatives I like, I don't need CNY to see them. For those I don't ... why the heck do I have to? Chances are you would probably be nicer to each other if you weren't forced to meet up for a danged hour dressed up in ridiculous "red" costumes :P

I'm being bratty but I wish CNY would go away ... I don't need the hungpow anyway.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/8/2002 02:27:58 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Yeah and also ... it'll be a definite miscarriage of justice for poor Tats-poo no?

Murasaki-san, in this case won't Lupin with a monicle and black hair = Hakkai? They keep beating up themselves about the past for one and are sweet but dangerous people when riled. Ooo Met' I can imagine her face and her eyes when Gackt pulled that on her. I've seen Morning M on Music Station (the version in Singapore is rather backdated tho' but it shows after J drama here so that's good) and she's so naive and cute. I hate their new name tho' and their costumes are getting weirder really, or am I the only one who thinks so? Hmmm ...

Ahhhh ... I'm being silly but don't miss Vincent's email to Sephy (weds' post).

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/8/2002 02:25:19 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Har har XDDDDDD So, I guess I'm a key witness?

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/8/2002 01:44:17 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

One day without blogging wow ... O_O;;

Reins, Leareth, if you recall our conversation in KL on the topic. At the last at the Tatsumi hosted show, Tatsumi was forced to go on a date with Reins. Discovering this was a result of a mind control potion mixed by yours truly, he's after my blood for spiking his drink. Surviving 2 encounters with Muraki and upon finding me selling doujinshi of the shinigamis at Paris, he tried to grab hold of me but was promptly arrested on the spot when I died ... I should be able to do a draft of the judgment after Chinese New Year for your look see. I won't see further but I think you will find the judgment pretty amusing.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/8/2002 10:28:14 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


The State of Fangurls v Tatsumi Seiichiro??

Can I be a witness?? XDDDDD

reins-chan and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/7/2002 02:58:36 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Am on leave tomorrow *makes V-sign* so will play basketball tomorrow.

Thanks for the red packet Lilack, Leareth and Tsu. Am meeting Wendy on Sunday to get stuff from the anime merchandise shop. Must packet room and get tickets tomorrow except I realised I left my credit card in the office *fumes* so I have to stop back tomorrow ... lucky thing the travel agency is very near my office.

Public Announcement service - Black Cat 5 (taiwanese version), ES 6 etc. are out!!!

Must finish planning trip to Europe ^ ^;;

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 09:54:33 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Keirsey Temperament is: Artisan (SP) -

All Artisans (SPs) share the following core characteristics:

Artisans tend to be fun-loving, optimistic, realistic, and focused on the here and now. Artisans pride themselves on being unconventional, bold, and spontaneous. Artisans make playful mates, creative parents, and troubleshooting leaders. Artisans are excitable, trust their impulses, want to make a splash, seek stimulation, prize freedom, and dream of mastering action skills.

Artisans are the temperament with a natural ability to excel in any of the arts, not only the fine arts such as painting and sculpting, or the performing arts such as music, theater, and dance, but also the athletic, military, political, mechanical, and industrial arts, as well as the "art of the deal" in business.

There are many Artisans, perhaps 35 to 40 percent of the population, which is good, because they create much of the beauty, grace, fun, and excitement the rest of us enjoy in life. The four types of Artisans are: Composers(ISFP) | Crafters (ISTP) |Performers (ESFP) | Promoters (ESTP)

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 06:17:09 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I am Sirius Black. Lupin is a close second.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 06:07:26 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Sorry to hear that you're flu-ed in Masako. Hope you get better soon.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 04:46:56 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

From: Vincent Valentine@sulkingin_coffinanonymous.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 1:30 PM
To: Sephiroth@ruletheworld.com
Subject: ^__^

Sephy hon ... I got your email. Nice of you to send old Vince something like that *hearts*. Now if old the dang postal service at Nieb would be good. How do you know I was a closet cook? No wait ... I guess you know about it *winks* after our recent cooking sessions. My sister and my brother in law are coming for lunch on Sat and I'm cooking Jap ... hope to get your stuff on time or I'll have to use your dad's old beakers again *bleah*. I think I really should clear out the basement here. I don't think they will like eating here with all of Hojo's failed experiments lying around in bits and pieces plus my sis doesn't know of my condition yet. She thinks the lack of sun explains the fact I still look like 26. She must be more senile than I thought.

Speaking of which, what did you do to my apron the last time you were here ... it's gone all funny *scratches head* You weren't trying to use it for [censored] [censored] were you?

Well, I don't know about your mother. I thought I would never love another but recently I am not so sure. It's been rather hard to think straight when a gorgeous silver haired moron is over for almost every other nite ... for dinner. Bless her soul, but for a woman had the hots for an oily slick haired hunchbacked scientist with a thing for a tentacled evil space alien, at least she has a gorgeous son. Well *grins*, since it's your dad's fault that I'm now an unloved and ugly vampire, it's up to you to make it right *winks*.

Oh, can you come by the basement door tonite instead of the front gate? The neighbours are starting to talk and there's a bunch of rabid fangurls camped outside the mansion. I'm thinking of telling them to go away but that's too obvious already.

Dear me, you rest love and I'll see you this evening at that Wutai's pub.



Hey Met' it's okay ... nothing has happened. Seems they found out in time coz the Americans found a diary in an aide of you-know-who's tent and discovered it contained pictures of a metro station here in Singapore. But I don't know. I seem to have a fatalistic attitude about things. Basically you should be prepared at all times but some things ... well - when they happen, they happen. Yes, ID of mog ... but no, I don't use the mirror site. This is afterall, a company server I'm on. Take care and sleep tight.

*** Apologies to all minors for a little too much shounen ai at this blog recently.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 02:52:52 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Am Story Gackt.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 11:27:31 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Get well soon ... Gackt is nice but he's very weird to most normal people. Read this site where it said he insists that he is a 500 year old French prince and he hears voices.

Reel or real life? But he's in the words of Arael, "a dream". My sis is freaked out by the fact he looks better than most girls. ^ ^;;

I wonder if Val san found the PSH sequel she was looking for?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 11:17:05 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Vincent - *After having unspeakable but not too unpleasant things done to him, Vince turns to face Sephy and waves a finger playfully in his face* - Nah nah Sephy-kun, be nice to me no *winks*?

*muses* According to a seme/uke test (see Wingy's blog) I am very seme or at least would prefer to be balanced and me thinks Cloud really digs you. Such a pity, my present coffin only fits one, much less also a one-winged angel *sigh*.

kit - Vince, snap out of it, people are staring!!!
Vince - *blushes*
kit - Good grieefff ... Uhm I typed Toronto? Oooh, perhaps Vince was subconsciously thinking of Sephy?

Kitty the one wing angel dragged in is Sephy but yeah you can drag in Nagare. However, is there any guarantee the snake god hidden in his blood won't go round molesting the other bishies, esp me Clow sama? I'll kill snake guy if he tries anything. In this regard, I think Met is right ... between Muraki and snaky god I'll take Muraki any day (much cuter), altho Muraki without the 3 year pain curse would be delectable, somewhat.

But the 2 of you should check this out ... chok full of fun if you're a Vincent or Sephiroth fan (to minors, there is shounen ai stuff here). Read Vampy boo-boo ... it's HILARIOUS!!!

Met' did you send me something "special"? Address is correct tho' ... I will probably call up the post office altho I suspect it's coz American and Canadian mail are being scanned like crazy in Singapore. They actually linked you-know-who's organisation to this bunch in Singapore. Some big hoo hah about a plot to blow up part of one of our major "town centres" and resulting in what I think is an unofficial high alert here. My other stuff from US is also taking forever to arrive ... ^ ^;;

Reins, me want to change layout too ... so inspired by you and Ruby's bubble bath layout is cute. *thinks - needs inspiration*

AHHHH ... still haven't done the judgment for The State of Fangurls v Tatsumi Seiichiro - Murder of baka webmistress. I assume you are still open to being judge? Leareth you wanna play the defence lawyer? It'll be chok full of rubbish as my parodies usually are. Hope your envy.nu woes end. My sites there seem rather intact still ... *keeps fingers crossed* I just moved and will absolutely die if I have to do it again.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 11:07:33 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Sanji-kun *drool* ... woman that is soooo coooollll!!!

Merill this is hilarious! Wingy nice link.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 10:26:53 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Her HP drawings are sooo cool!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 09:57:39 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Yeah ... I'm going on a holiday and Reins is coming!!! Meeting Wendy tonite. Will pick up the LP on Paris on the way *squeals happily thinking of trip*

Did Jap homework last nite. Handwriting getting progressively bad ;_;

Odd conclusion as a result of having spent the whole nite talking to B. Think international practice is the way to go. Gone are the days one can hope to work and rot out your days in one or two firms in your country.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/6/2002 09:54:48 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Hee hee ... It seems my boss' new boy is a manga/anime/PS freak too. I found that out by accident when I accidentally brought up a mutual friend who happened to like "Spirited Away". According to YK, Clementi has VCDs of Toronto, Kiki etc. *yatta, going tonite!!!* My boss is going to be so horrified ... imagine, having to put up with someone who loves manga/anime/PS again!

Tsu, Wendy called me last nite. I'm meeting her tomorrow at City Hall ... Lilack, do you want HE *waves*?

SPOILERS FOR FF8 (I think) -

Okay, the reason I'm blogging: according to YK (and people who don't want to be spoilt before they play FF8, please avoid the postings below), there is a reason why the game starts off with "I'm waiting ..." why Ultimecia's face is never seen, why they avoid dealing with the question of who inherits Rinoa's powers or why she seems to be even more powerful than Edea, why in the opening we see a strange face imposed over Rinoa's and why while running to Squall her white wings turn black briefly ...

This is supposedly a thread on ff8 that Square has "not" denied. I don't understand it 100% but Rinoa and Ultimecia are apparently one. After the sorceress' wars, all sorceress were killed off except the 2 that would rise again - Ellone and Ultimecia aka Rinoa. As you will recall, after the game, Ultimecia passes her powers to Edea. Why Edea? Apparently so that Edea could pass them back to Rinoa. Like Ellone, Rinoa was meant to be one of the most powerful sorceresses that would ever exist. Ellone has great powers too but hers are more the ability to send people thru time rather than offensive spells, fire etc. which as you note, Rinoa is very good at (even better than Edea). Ultimecia seeks Ellone as Ellone, having the powers to travel thru time, knows of her identity and her plans and will stop her goal of annihilating the world.

But why does Ultimecia want to annihilate the world? She is not seeking to rule it like Sephiroth or Kaja? She wants to destroy all existence including herself for the simple reason she is driven mad by her immortality and the loss of her mortal love. Taking his beloved ring, she fashions it into a GF of her own, Griever. And yes, her love is none other than the monosyllabic mister "whatever". Ultimecia isn't a witch driven by greed or revenge ... she's a woman driven mad by grief and loss. That sheds a whole new light on ff8 and why it lacked the "save the world" grandeur people have come to expect from FF.

I don't know if it's true but it sounds convincing ... Any comments?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/5/2002 05:53:52 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Ah hell ... reverting to the "Eternity ad" layout ... am majorly dissatisfied with this Clow pic. Plus readers who are minors might be scarred by the fact the fly on his pants are coming loose. :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/5/2002 05:15:20 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

But I do think your layout is cute! Hmmm, it can't be helped. With very little Clow pictures to play around with, I have to draw my own.

For some reason, this present layout looked nicer on paper than it does on the blog. *Shrugs* Probably will change picture soon so "wake up sleepy head" could be replaced by tomorrow if I can finish my sketchings tonite.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/5/2002 05:11:18 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Ugh ... layout looks bad. Must redo, grrr ... Aine chan, Meia is Clow? Meia I want to see the photos of the Clow person at cosplay.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/5/2002 11:58:42 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


kit - Okies, it's not too good but it'll do until my next piece which I hope to finish next week. The quality of the drawing is rather odd as the paper is too thin ...
conscience - *Right and she ignores fact she needs more practice drawing really*

kit - oh shutdup!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/4/2002 08:28:38 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/4/2002 03:48:23 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Social blogging now -

Reins, I'm being an idiot but is 17 - 21 April good for ya? 5 days can? (coz me wanna do Paris) *sweatdrops* Have fun at home ... parents always worry their kids are starving to death :P Nope, LH still stuck at the last numbers I sent you.

*Surfs round* Oh dear me Laine, my home country ruled by Legolas, the emperor/dictator of cats? But yeah, if he can tear down the uglier buildings here, that is welcomed. I don't know ... Ganda sounds better. Yodalf sounds like "you're daft".

And got this off Eve's blog - According to this test I am the "sexy lab experiment" Mr Vincent Valentine *squeals*!!! He's my all time fav FF character *hearts*

Sigh, am wasting time really ... inbox spilling over but I can't really think. *bashes head on desk* but I see someone has got Seph ...

Swiped this test off Lilack, whatcha know, another tie -

Aine thanks for the tip on Lawful Drug. Will check it out soon.

Met you're back *waves* ... You know, I'm getting curious about the original YnM drawings in HtY. Maybe I'll get the Chinese or Jap HtY so I can see what's the difference (bought the Jap tabukon). In any case, what's the magazine no. of the Jap HtY in question? And since we're talking about books, Lilack, have you decided - yes or no to HE manga? Tsu Wendy hasn't called me yet ... but anyhow, anything else you want other than Seimaden 10? Similarly, Leareth anything for you?

And my take on Hisoka's dad (altho I can't read the Jap and thus must wait for the Chinese translated version) - I suspect the molestor in question is either the god that Hisoka's ancestors killed or the "curse" that he laid on their family. The uhm ... is awfully NC-16 tho'. In fact I hid the book under my bed immediately after I was done coz mum does leaf thru my manga from time to time. I'm probably going to retrieve it only if I get a cupboard for it so I can keep it right at the back where she won't come across it ... I also don't want to know the exact details of what the ugly perverted thingee is doing to Hisoka's dad *cringes* Between Muraki and ugly scaly thing, which is worse really? Don't know ... don't want to know ... all I know is that I've been lazing the whole day, bad neko.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/4/2002 11:31:37 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Reins, got my mail? Are the days good for you?

Ranting ahead, best ignored:

Am disgustingly sleepy. Slept 3 hours this morning. UGHHH ... spent the whole of Sat nite researching my routes in London and Prague after the travel fair. Result = slept 3 am Sunday morning and not suprisingly this messed up the rest of my Sunday. Worked the whole afternoon and visited gramps at the hospital yesterday evening after work (so no basketball ^ ^;;) proceeded to dinner with folks before we trudged back home (yum). Sat down after bath, collected thoughts and did work ... crawled to bed at 3:30 this morning. Woke up at 6:30 so I could get my sorry self into work today and finish some more stuff. Note to self - stupid move kitty!!!

My Jap homework is undone and my room is messier than ever. With a few days to Chinese new year, it is suffice to say my landlords i.e. mum and dad are NOT happy. And me being me, had to waste time by sketching last nite ;_; (hope to scan it at lunch)

2nd Reminder to self - Really dumb move to do research on Sat. You know, I think I really have had too much work since I quit ... strange but true. It's about 10. The usual time I drag my grumpy Monday self to work. Am sitting at desk with a tall latte with a double shot. S$5!!! UGH!!! I remember now why I prefer to make my own coffee ... grrr, so tired and it's nice and breezy outside. Am tempted to curl somewhere and sleep ... if only I could get to the roof. I love sleeping outdoors. The last time I had so much fun was when I slept in a park in Paris under some shade, ahhhh ...

I need a day off this week to pack my room and I'm serious. Am also thinking of serious change in lifestyle i.e. sleeping earlier and waking earlier ... hmmmm.

Note to self #3 - Buy required books during lunch if I'm not sleeping in.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/4/2002 09:57:23 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


So I am bored and have a bad sense of humour - sue me, but this is the result of having 20 hits looking for Orlando Bloom's address, birthdate, email address etc. etc.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/3/2002 04:15:26 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

To whoever is looking for Orland Bloom's birthday, email address, home address etc.

Dear Sir/Madam/drooling fangurl,

It has come to the attention of the administrators of this blog that you have been actively seeking Mr Bloom's address. We apologise for any inconveniece caused by the rather confused trackers who have directed you to our page.

As you will note, this is a blog. More commonly known as a web-log, this is an avenue for the ranting and screeching of an individual with a little too much time on her hands. In the premises, you will not find any of the above information you have sought.

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused and wish you all the best in your endeavours to find personal information on Mr Bloom.

Yours faithfully,

The Administrators of Insomniac Overdrive

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/3/2002 04:14:38 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Kawaii layout Liz!!!

And aiiiyee ... that must have hurt Eve ... hope your hands get better soon.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/3/2002 01:52:19 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Uh huh Wingy me still likes Lupin a lot. I guess I still love his character altho I won't say I adore him to the point I ignore his flaws but hey, no one's perfect. He's as good as they come really.

I really would have enjoyed it if some story is written on the school days of James Potter, Lupin and Sirius tho' ... *sends sublimal messages to all HP fans and Ms Rowlings*

Besides, even Snape has fangurls ... *points in Merill's and Reins' direction* BTW, nice links to more fanart ...

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/3/2002 01:42:50 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Was at Nantas fair yesterday. Air France has a special promotion and allows Open Jaw tickets so if I take up the offer or $888, I'll be flying to Paris to transit to London (must buy own tickets to Prague and train tickets to Vienna) and then flying from Vienna to Paris and then Paris to Singapore .... so ahhh Reins, are you coming in April or June? Coz since my flight requires me to stop in Paris and if you're not coming in April or only between 17 - 21 April, I will extend my trip for 2 days so I get back to Singapore on 17 morning. Leave me a message no?

social blogging - Laine da drawings are suggoi!!!

Sulks - Had a disagreement with folks ... almost wish in my bratty mind to go alone ... grrr ... overslept today and am damn sulky coz I have to go to work and as it's so late already, I can't go for a game!!! This weekend is sooooo wasted. And my dad wants me to pack my room for CNY a festival that I absolutely detest ... yeah I hate CNY ... will it's nice to see some of my closer aunts and cousins me hate to put up with muggy relatives who are vaguely related to you and whom you rather not see the rest of the year plus everything is sooo tackily red and expensive >_< ;;

And there's too much sun!!! I'm being spoilt but indulge me :P

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/3/2002 11:14:17 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Been reading Ruby's and Wingy's take on Lupin. They're right but me still likes Lupin. If you want to add one more flaw to Sirius' and Lupin's characters, it was that instead of checking out who the traitor was amongst them, they just sulked in the corners and suspected each other. For a bunch of very close friends, that's odd right? I mean if I suspected my best bud of betraying me, I would either investigate the whole situation and prove he's false or speak to him about it. In any case, they obviously didn't trust their friendship at all. Had they done something about the whole situation or spoke to each other, they might have discovered it was NOT a good idea to make Peter the secret-keeper and James and Lily might not have died.

And so in a sense, they are kinda responsible for Jame's death no? Rats, I'm late for class ... ah heck, I'll take a cab ;_;

BUT this is hilarious Harry Potter fanart!!!

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/2/2002 01:14:53 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

I got my Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings posters!!! *squeals*

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/2/2002 01:04:15 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Just came back from ACJC's funorama ... nice as usual but HOT ... the weather is grilling and the prices have mysteriously rocketed by 100%. Going off for piano soon. Will check out the travel fair later. Hope it's not too crowded.

Managed to catch Jo chan but apologies to Meia and Aine, my cousin has to go off this afternoon and I haven't seen him in ages since he went to NS. Anyway, it's hot so bring a hat no?

My sis was a little upset she couldn't go as she had to attend a friend's wedding. Ah well, but she agreed the prices this year were scary. Hot dogs were going for $2 to $3 and dishes were going as high as $7 to $10 ... woooohhhh, sorry Jo chan but expensive siah. During my time, funfair items were priced about $1 to $2 (my sis was from AC and even during her time, prices were about the same). Had taken part in lots of funfairs in my primary and secondary school. Tiring but fun. My senior secondary class was the most hilarious. We would always sell punch so we could spike the remaining punch after the funfair and drink it up ourselves.

Got to work tomorrow from 1 to 6 pm *sulk* and my boss sounds miffed at something. Also got to finish a few affidavits tonite ... *panic*


kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/2/2002 12:53:22 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...


Ganbette you have fun at home and let us see the fanart when you get back to KL no?

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/1/2002 01:58:40 PM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

For the person searching Korean manga on my page like crazy for the last 3 days, I confess I'm not much help as I only know of "Full House" and "Blue". Blue is a story about a bunch of young persons and is ultimate sweet teen angst. The art is good and if you're interested, check out my main manga page (sites) for "Blue".

"Full House" is a love story and is equally beautiful. Plan to get it this weekend notwithstanding my earlier berations at my $ habits (still under bet with Bel). Email me if you want info. BUT, the main expert you should be asking advice from is her.

It just ocurred to me my long lost Korean buddy is back in Singapore, the last I heard from Reubs. Must find SLo too now that I've finally caught hold of Char. We were a bunch of rebels in our heydays and suspect we still are. These people are wonderful but they never respond to email and I mean NEVER. I can't even remember whether they are in Singapore, UK or Korea or Aus now ... ugh!!! Su-en where are you??? SLo and Reubs, are you guys still on planet earth???

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/1/2002 11:19:45 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

Gomen Meia, I left my handphone at home so I can't SMS you but I think I will be going to the ACJC fair with my coz in the morning. He's got to go back to camp in the afternoon ^ ^;;

Lilack let me know 'kies (whether you're buying and which publisher's - I can try to widdle a good price out of comic connection if you want the Taiwanese version)? Nice layout!!!

Leareth, I'm still in construction practice except the projects are now bigger than the ones me present place is used to handling. The projects tend to also be carried out in Malaysia or Hong Kong and involve power plants and the like. I guess I will still have domestic work e.g. condominium disputes etc. but I heard that is not the staple of the new place. Anyway, it's kinda funny coz my friends over there are like already pointing out my cubicle to me and bugging me to bring my spare expresso machine over ^ ^;; But seriously, I am rather nervous about the whole thing, really am ... but also really excited. Ahhh, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Tsu me am trying to make plushies ... half undone at this point in time ^ ^;; I hope you cheer up. Feel free to molest anything that moves here including the bespectacled fruitcake *ignores scrowls from the wizard*. I want to see cat pictures!!!

Really must do something about the plushies. I should be going on leave in late March and will be bumming around and packing things and my room (hopefully) before going off to Europe in April so I will do my best to finish them then too. Went window shopping last nite but ended up spending $.. Bad neko ... Bought the lonely planet guides for Vienna, London and Praha (so broke now). It's gonna be a totally free and easy trip, hope my folks can take it *keeps fingers crossed*

Also bought Jap crockery last nite at the Robinson sale at Westin. 4 soup bowls, 4 sushi platters, a serving dish shaped like a papaya and 4 sets of chopsticks for the rather reasonable price of S$38. I like the colours and design, it's the nice modern zennified Jap style that I like. Need rice bowls if I plan to get serious about cooking tho. Will be cooking for my sis and Steve (her bf) on the alternate Saturdays I don't have piano classes so figured I needed some Jap bowls and the like (I kinda have Western crockery but not Jap ones - if I can find cheap stuff I actually want to get nice stuff. Gramps like all old people her generation tends to live with totally mismatched crockery). Must remind Char to join me for the next cookout since she wants to make chocolates too.

Actually I should be saving for my trip ^ ^;; On leaving thru the materials, Europe is costly, sigh ... but will be checking out the Nanta fair for bargains. No MORE window shopping in the meanwhile ... actually the $ spent on the crockery wasn't so bad, the books were tad too costly tho'. I love the lonely planet books, I just wish they were cheaper.

Lemmy are you ok now? Flooding, hmmm ... not nice experience.

Back to work now, Jap classes tonite ... see you tom Jo. And for those who are tempted to kill your compy every time it gives you an error message, check Reins' blog for a cool piece of homely conversation.

kiddo and Clow played "trick or treat" at
2/1/2002 11:08:35 AM [link | | ]

... there is a monster ...
... imprisoned within my blood ...

... how long will it be before I lose control
... how long will it be before he finds me?
... oh preserve my soul, preserve my pride
Preserve my sanity thru this nite ...