Centre for Studies in Diplomacy, International Law
and Economics
The International Trade &
Development Division
ITD is unique among economics
departments of the country in focusing on the global economy as its thrust area of research, encompassing issues
of international development, trade, environment, finance, industry and
technology. Faculty members are actively engaged in research in
areas of their specific interest. Some of the major research areas are
alphabetically listed below (with names of faculty):
Economics of Development (Agarwal, Bansal, Ray, Singh)
Environmental and Resource Economics
(Agarwal, Bansal, Barua, Das, Mehra)
Finance (Agarwal,
Indian Economy (Agarwal,
Barua, Das, Pant, Ray)
Industry and Technology (Bansal, Barua, Das, Ray)
International Trade and Foreign
Direct Investment (Agarwal, Barua,
Das, Pant, Ray)
Macroeconomics: Macro Models, Stabilization,
exchange rates (Agarwal)
WTO and Globalization (Agarwal, Barua, Das, Mehra, Pant, Ray)
Faculty members of the division, in the recent
years, have received research grants from the Ford Foundation, The World Bank, Department
of Science and Technology (Government of India), Competition Commission
(Government of India), State Bank of India.
Research Infrastructure
Economics is crucially dependent on computing facilities. There is a computer
lab in the Division used by our research students and students of M.A. for
hands-on exercises as part of Applied Econometrics and other applied courses.
The Division also has a small research library with a rich collection of
handbooks, reference materials and important texts for ready reference.