Wednesday, August 08, 2001

I helped my friend set up this romantic thing on the beach today for his girl friend's birthday and it just got me thinking.. damn.. no one's really ever done anything like that for me, the last sweet thing I remember is my friend giving me a dozen red roses and then asking me to prom (thanks bobby :) ). So me and my friends are running around setting up this blanket and rose petals and candles and etc etc... when we finally finish we step back and it's so beautiful that we want to barf cuz we're jealous as hell. but those two keep the hope alive that romanticism isn't dead.. haha.. but anyway I know guys do show that they care, just not always romantically, but sometimes it's nice.. so guys don't lose the romance, girls are still suckers for it.. well most of us... okay time to dash off and do something lazy now.