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Let me take you south of the border, to the Pampas of Argentina. You can get a sample here. Will be released soon.

NOW AVAILABLE! Click cover to order
In English now, later in Spanish

Back cover blurb for PAMPAS

Señor Raul Escobar. A handsome gaucho, who came to Argentina to lose his past, suddenly becomes the richest man in Argentina after he inherits the huge ranch of Señor Pancho Mendoza upon his death. His devotion to his benefactor is beyond question, but his life and the mysterious way he appeared at the ranch several years earlier is definitely suspect.

Samantha Leota Manchester. A spoiled rich girl, trained as an archaeologist, shows up for Señor Mendoza’s funeral, on the arm of the American Ambassador. She asks for permission to "dig" on the land. Her grandmother revealed a secret, on her deathbed, that has sent "Sam" scurrying to try to find the hidden secrets of her past, which she wants to uncover, as much as Raul wants to bury his.

Doña Helena. The faithful housekeeper of Pancho Mendoza, who inherits the large house itself, but there is one string attached: Raul cannot move into the house unless he marries. Doña Helena, who tries to keep peace on the ranch, learns of Sam’s secret, and eventually those of Raul as well.

Can these two people, so different, possibly keep from killing each other in their quest to reveal—and to hide—their pasts?
PAMPAS is filled with love, hate, intrigue, secrets, and loads of laughs. Even "the godfathers" get into the picture.

Blurb in Spanish:

Señor Raul Escobar. Un gaucho, bien guapo, quien vino a Argentina a poder echar a perder su vida pasada. De prisa, al morir su empleador y mejor amigo, Raul hereda toda la estancia. Su devoción al Señor Mendoza es sin preguntas, muy diferente de su propio vida y la manera en que llegó a la estancia hace varios años ya.

Samantha Leota Manchester. Una señorita de Nueva York, es en verdad una arqueóloga, y ha venido a Argentina a buscar la secreta que le reveló su abuela en su cama de muerte. Viene a la estancia para el funeral del Señor Mendoza, y pide permiso a conducir una excavación en la propiedad. Del principio, "Sam" y Raul se les ponen a puntos contrarios.

Doña Helena. La criada para el Señor Mendoza por muchos años, ella herida a la hacienda. Hay una sola stipulación: no puede vivir Raul Escobar en la casa menos que si se casa. Eventualmente, ella aprende de los secretos de ambos Samantha y de Raul. El problema es que tiene que proteger los dos el uno de la otra.

¿Es posible por ambos Raul y Samantha lograr a tener exito en lo que necesitan en cuanto sus vidas pasadas sin destruir todo lo que les importa? PAMPAS es una novela lleno de misteria, amor, odio, y mucha risa. Aún los compadres de la mafia aparecen.



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Lea el Capítulo Uno Aquí:


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